Carpe Libertatem
Cards front office is serious about trading for Price, but want to have an extension in place, pending a trade.
Can't say I blame them, but I just cannot fathom what that asking price would be.
EDIT: Buster Olney also states that the Cards have discussed a "blockbuster" that would involve both Price and Longoria.
I imagine Mo is waiting to see the results on Wacha this week before doing anything. I would have figured Zobrist would be likelier than Longoria, though, because he's more cost-controlled. I don't particularly see a need for either to be honest - pitching is a bigger need at this point (how quickly things change)
Also, I feel really bad for the Dodgers. Two batters got hit three times in two games vs. St. Louis and now they're facing those predators in Pittsburgh. At least they aren't facing Charlie Morton