The hero all day for the Tigers.
The hero all day for the Tigers.
its still a cool thing to throw a perfect game, in a baseball game, on the hardest difficulty.
Ian Kinsler. The Tigers offense for the day
Almost 5 min for the Oakland challenge.
I get it being a run scored play and needs to be double checked but that is too long.
Why the fuck are they batting Harper 6th and LaRoche cleanup? That makes no goddamn sense what so ever. Harper should be hitting 3rd and Werth 4th and Desmond 5th. LaRoche hasn't earned batting cleanup.
LaRoche hit a bomb on Monday and Harper has headaches from running into Young's shin.
I see nothing wrong with playing the hot hand higher given Harper's Spring stats coming off offseason surgery, either.
Just to make sure, they've checked him for concussions, right?
LaRoche hit a bomb on Monday and Harper has headaches from running into Young's shin.
I see nothing wrong with playing the hot hand higher given Harper's Spring stats coming off offseason surgery, either.
Nathan continuing the 'proud' tradition of Tigers closers who have to make every game 'interesting'.
We went from Jones to Rodney to Valverede to Nathan. Can't we just get a shutdown guy?
Yes, twice. Once in the dugout after it happend and then again after the game.
Yeah, lets overreact over small sample sizes
Hey guys. I was hoping someone could answer some questions I have about MLB.TV.
1. Can you have one account on multiple devices? My girlfriend and I would love to each listen to a game while at work, but I don't know if one account will work across two devices at the same time.
2. How many devices can you connect to a single account (not simultaneously). I would like to have MLB.TV on my phone, tablet, PS3, and eventual PS4 when I get one. Is there a limit to the amount of devices I can use with one subscription?
Thanks, guys.
Don't know about #1 but for #2, there's no limit there as far as I know.In the risk of this getting lost in the shuffle again, can someone help me out with this? Thanks!
In the risk of this getting lost in the shuffle again, can someone help me out with this? Thanks!
Hey guys. I was hoping someone could answer some questions I have about MLB.TV.
1. Can you have one account on multiple devices? My girlfriend and I would love to each listen to a game while at work, but I don't know if one account will work across two devices at the same time.
2. How many devices can you connect to a single account (not simultaneously). I would like to have MLB.TV on my phone, tablet, PS3, and eventual PS4 when I get one. Is there a limit to the amount of devices I can use with one subscription?
Thanks, guys.
I still can't believe they kept him in the game after the hit. No point in taking the risk there; it was completely irresponsible.
Don't know about #1 but for #2, there's no limit there as far as I know.
i share it with two buddies at the same time. i use my iphone/ps4/pc, one uses a 360 and android phone, and the last uses an apple tv.
does that answer all of your questions?
Last night, I had a game playing on my PS3, a game playing on my HTC One, a game playing on my Roku downstairs, and my PC upstairs just to test it out. No issues.
Seems the Nats will let Harper play through anything.
Seems the Nats will let Harper play through anything.
White Sox win on a wild pitch.
20 people were there to see it.
Twins really Mets'd that one.
Any good pitching matchups tonight?
Leaning towards watching Buehrle(nostalgia) against Moore...
I'll be watching Gonzalez and Colon, but Paxton is starting tonight which is probably worth watching.
Yeah and he's pitching against Santiago who I really liked in a Sox uniform.But it's way past my bedtime
WIll watch it tomorrow on mlb.tv.
edit: Damn it, I really want to play MLB the Show. But I can't justify buying it now for the PS3 with the PS4 version so close...
Fuck the O's too!baseball time~
Same here man. Help him stay in the starting lineup.I hope Lagares continues to hit like this, Colon throwing harder than CC lol.
Seems like Chris Young is already hurt.