Carpe Libertatem
Who would you have taken out for Pujols though?
Brock, I think. Not that Brock isn't good, but Pujols was better (I think Ozzie probably was too)
It's hard to pick a new guy when you have a team as storied as the STL Cardinals, but IMO, Pujols is the best player of an entire decade. Can't be said for anybody else on that list with such certainty. If he can escape without getting busted for roids (something I say for every player this era) he'll be remembered as a top all-time player in 30 years.
A lot of Cardinals are still pretty mad at the whole leaving-for-Anaheim thing for whatever reason, so I didn't expect him to get chosen.
Was good to see him at the HR Derby. Glad that he's made a comeback this year