Silver Arrows
I see smoak is stinking it up today....
I was wondering where you were at breh
I see smoak is stinking it up today....
Not having netting that at least extends the length of the dugout seems crazy to me.
Even crazier are the people with babies that plop down in the first row on top of the dugouts.
The only statements I read against the extended netting are "sightlines"... but that doesn't stop people from paying top dollar to sit behind the plate so I don't think that one flies.
The extended netting that's at Goodyear for spring training saved my gf's ass one game a couple years ago. Ball would have smacked her in the face were in not for the netting there that extends the length of the dugout.
Losing CC is fucking plus, you idiots.
Pitching hasn't been the problem.
But CC has.