Now they're saying Matz is going to be out until early September. The Mets training staff is something else.Ughhh Syndengarrd is amazing. Rooting for the Mets. That rotation is going to be scary good. Sucks that Matz went down after only 2 starts.
What an amazing series.
Now they're saying Matz is going to be out until early September. The Mets training staff is something else.
It was originally estimated to be 2-3 weeks.Early sept was always how long he'd be out. I'm just amazed he isn't throwing yet.
It was originally estimated to be 2-3 weeks.
There's a list, I'll go find it, of fastest pitches thrown this year.
And it's literally just Chapman and Thor.
It was originally estimated to be 2-3 weeks.
Ah, ok.2-3 weeks until he could throw again.
6-8 until he would be ready to pitch.
Ah, ok.
So why isn't he throwing yet?
Harvey, deGrom, Syndengarrd, Matz, Wheeler
Not following the Mets too much but do the first four seem to be leagues ahead of Wheeler? He seemed to be almost expendable this trade deadline...would they move him in the offseason for a bat?
Harvey, deGrom, Syndengarrd, Matz, Wheeler
Not following the Mets too much but do the first four seem to be leagues ahead of Wheeler? He seemed to be almost expendable this trade deadline...would they move him in the offseason for a bat?
It's so cute how AA and Rogers are trying to act like they didn't get totally fucking robbed of a once in a generation talent.
It's so cute how AA and Rogers are trying to act like they didn't get totally fucking robbed of a once in a generation talent.
He's been solid in his last 12. 10 quality starts.
ERA still around 4.20 shows how bad that April/May was though :/
I think he keeps it up. Having him, Price, and Buehrle going out there with 7+ inning potential almost every night is going to be huge down the stretch.
But yea...watching Thor strikeout Harper with that 100mph fb....wish we had that
Don't forget when the Jays shipped off Michael Young for Esteban Loaiza.
haha I don't think anyone believes that. Dickey gets a lot of grief for not living up to... whatever the hell he was supposed to live up to. More than he deserves, honestly
Idk what people expected of a 40 year old knuckleballer, but he's been pretty decent to good for a guy his age.
@masnCJ: Bryce Harper: "We saw all three of their horses twice in a matter of two weeks. They havent seen Scherzer since Day 1." #Nats
I think that's what he meant.Harper gets so fucking salty when he loses I love it.
This isn't even true btw, we beat Scherzer OPENING DAY.
Those comparisons are going to happen when you trade a top prospect. Same thing is going to happen with Norris.If the 2013 season hadn't been such a colossal disaster then the bitterness over the trade wouldn't even exist. And it wasn't really Dickey's fault anyway.
Apparently Yordano Ventura wrote some threatening tweets to Jose Bautista today and then deleted them.
Apparently Yordano Ventura wrote some threatening tweets to Jose Bautista today and then deleted them.
I think that's what he meant.
So when Donaldson gets hit, then thrown at the head 2 more times, he can't get upset? I wonder how you'd react? Just take it like a bitch and keep your mouth shut probably.
Did you even watch what happened?
1. Volquez hits Donaldson. This wasn't intentional and I think Donaldson was a little butt hurt for no reason.
2. Wolf issues warnings after the hit. Unnecessary. Warnings just make the whole thing worse.
3. Donaldson up again. Volquez throws up and in near the head. Yeah, I'd be pissed if I was Donaldson. I am guessing there was intent. Of course Wolf doesn't make good on his warning.
4. Tulo gets hit around the hand. I am actually not sure if this was intentionally. I don't think so. Still, Wolf sits on his warning.
5. Donaldson gets it up and in around the head. Same bullshit, different pitcher. This is the one Wolf should have thrown someone out for if he was going to do it. Wolf sits on his warning.
6. Sanchez throws at Escobar around the knees. Around the fucking knees. Donaldson has been getting shit around the head and now Wolf decides to throw someone for shit around the knees. Fuck him.
Wolf let this shit get out of control I am not even bothered with the Royals. I thought they played fine. Wolf was bullshit.
I have to say though, they Jays need to stop with this WWE bullshit:
Volquez annoys me too:
Ventura said that he used to look up to Bautista and respect him but not anymore. That he would love to see Bautista try that with him, the season isn't over yet, and basically saying next time he pitches against the jays something might happen.
Ventura is a shit head. He's lucky he doesn't pitch in the NL.
9 year old batboy died after being hit by a warmup swing
Heh, I just noticed Duda's home/road splits. I was lucky and had him on a fantasy team during his latest barrage.
18 homers at home, 3 on the road. .663 slugging vs. .288! Eat your splitty heart out Josh Donaldson