I asked Colby Rasmus what he would be if he wasn't a professional baseball player and he replied, "A virgin."
Good luck tonight, Colby.
I asked Colby Rasmus what he would be if he wasn't a professional baseball player and he replied, "A virgin."
Good luck tonight, Colby.
Rasmus also has the added detriment of being bat shit insane.
I asked Colby Rasmus what he would be if he wasn't a professional baseball player and he replied, "A virgin."
I want this story to be true so bad.
Infante with a brilliant decision to throw to first. Awesome double play.
Freddie Freeman looks totally disinterested.
Naw it's just luck.
Not at all. He gathered himself, saw the runner, and went to first.
Instincts always say second there. If you mean luck in the sense that he didn't catch the ball, well that's baseball.
it is true. All of it
I never realized it until now but the Blue Jays logo looks like a girl with a flower in her ear.
David Hernandez still has it. So, this Philly team might be a bit better than the preseason projections.
we winnin the WS brah
Strike em out, throw em out double play!
Oh, fuck off Yost.