I don't know where else to talk about this, so, since this thread seems to have a thing for disgusting food combinations, I figured I would put it here. For years I have been vehemently anti-pineapple on pizza. The idea absolutely disgusted me, and I can imagine how anyone could ever want to do such a repulsive thing. But, I had never actually tried it. So, against my better judgment, I figured I should at least try it once, to know what it was I was talking about. I got what seems to be the most recommended combination - pineapple, ham, and bacon. I just got it like 15 minutes ago, have had a few bites, and...
Like, seriously, each time I bite into a pineapple, it feels like the world is being destroyed. And, every time I try to swallow a bite, it's like my body is physically rejecting it. I'm literally gagging on it trying to force myself to do this again. And I still have an entire pizza - aside from one half of a slice that I have caused to disappear from existence - left to go. I'm trying not to pry off the remainder of the offending fruit to try to salvage the rest of the pizza, but I'm not sure how I'm going to manage to do this otherwise.
This is revolting. How can anyone possibly willingly subject themselves to this? Much less actually do this willingly? It's making my stomach churn to even think about it, and I'm sitting here writing this message to try to put off taking another bite of that monstrosity.
Someone please send help.