When is it gonna land?
I wonder who is going to close tonight if they keep this lead.
edit: wth was that call? Cespedas should have been out. This inning is BS for so many reasons (including Mets baserunning)
Edit Misread.
Will he need the jimmy fund now that his jimmies got nailed?
Gregorius has been terrific.
Nothing brightens your mood as a baseball fan like playing the Mets.
What exactly is the mets plan? Serious question.
run all their young pitching into the ground while they ruin conforto at the same time
run all their young pitching into the ground while they ruin conforto at the same time
Thanks Red Sox!
should be thanking the home plate umpire mostly
that almora AB reminded me of heyward in the 10th inning of game 7