Attabay Mccann, you tub of shit
Another pitching change? Jesus, Bochy, Braves hitters aren't that good.
Attabay Mccann, you tub of shit
Another pitching change? Jesus, Bochy, Braves hitters aren't that good.
Bochy loves one thing, and that is walking to the mound.
And Aubrey Huff, for some reason.
**Astros are now mathematically eliminated from winning the NL Central; can only tie**
-- Yankees lead over the Rays in the AL East decreased to 2.5 games
-- Yankees lead over the Orioles in the AL East remained at 5.0 games
-- White Sox lead over the Tigers in the AL Central decreased to 1.5 games
-- Rangers lead over the Athletics in the AL West increased to 6.0 games
-- Rays lead over Athletics/Orioles/Tigers in AL Wild Card #1 increased to 2.5 games
-- Athletics, Orioles, and Tigers are now tied for AL Wild Card #2
-- Athletics/Orioles/Tigers lead over Angels in AL Wild Card #2 decreased to 2.5 games
-- Nationals lead over Braves in NL East increased to 6.5 games
-- Reds lead over the Cardinals in the NL Central decreased to 7.0 games
-- Giants lead over the Dodgers in the NL West increased to 3.0 games
-- Braves lead over the Cardinals in NL Wild Card #1 decreased to 2.5 games
-- Cardinals lead over Pirates in NL Wild Card #2 increased to by 1.0 game
-- Cardinals lead over Dodgers in NL Wild Card #2 increased to 1.5 games
-- Cardinals lead over the Diamondbacks in NL Wild Card #2 increased to 4.5 games
Remaining games:
Yankees - 38 (20 away, 18 home, 3 off-days / 15 vs. +.500)
White Sox - 39 (19 away, 20 home, 2 off-days / 18 vs. +.500)
Rangers - 38 (19 away, 19 home, 3 off-days / 19 vs. +.500)
Rays - 37 (19 away, 18 home, 4 off-days / 24 vs. +.500)
Athletics - 38 (24 away, 14 home, 3 off-days / 25 vs. +.500)
Orioles - 38 (18 away, 19 home, 3 off-days / 20 vs. +.500)
Tigers - 38 (19 away, 19 home, 3 off-days / 16 vs. +.500)
Angels - 37 (18 away, 19 home, 4 off-days / 22 vs. +.500)
Nationals - 38 (17 away, 21 home, 3 off-days / 13 vs. +.500)
Reds - 36 (18 away, 18 home, 5 off-days / 18 vs. +.500)
Giants - 37 (18 away, 19 home, 4 off-days / 18 vs. +.500)
Braves - 37 (21 away, 16 home, 4 off-days / 9 vs. +.500)
Cardinals - 38 (23 away, 15 home, 3 off-days / 20 vs. +.500)
Pirates - 38 (17 away, 21 home, 3 off-days / 12 vs. +.500)
Dodgers - 37 (17 away, 20 home, 4 off-days / 22 vs. +.500)
Diamondbacks - 37 (17 away, 20 home, 4 off-days / 18 vs. +.500)
The Giants are a very classy franchise.
.It doesn't matter anyway since both teams lost to the yanquis in the world series.
Take comfort, you're in a virtual tie with the Nats for the run differential World SeriesMan, this upcoming 10 game stretch will be a rough ride. 3@CIN, 3@PIT, 4@WAS
Going 5-5 here seems optimistic.
The division is gone. Not duplicating last years collapse is the goal. Hopefully that doesn't happen again.
Since 100 runs were scored yesterday, Papa Johns pizza will be 50% off for the weekend if you enter the promo code MLB100 in Might be using this tonite lol
Since 100 runs were scored yesterday, Papa Johns pizza will be 50% off for the weekend if you enter the promo code MLB100 in Might be using this tonite lol
We get half off every time the rangers score 7 runs
We get half off every time the rangers score 7 runs
Even at 50% off, Papa John's is too damn expensive.
It's one of the cheaper pizza spots where I live. :/
What?!We have a Little Caesar's here. It's the cheapest AND the best. Although I think that one particular spot has really good people that run it. There's another Little Caesar's in town and it's fucking garbage. Like a complete alternate universe to the other food quality.
We have a Little Caesar's here. It's the cheapest AND the best. Although I think that one particular spot has really good people that run it. There's another Little Caesar's in town and it's fucking garbage. Like a complete alternate universe to the other food quality.
Mccann sounds like a 12 year old girl. Also, bask in the glory that was the glorious moustache of Bill Hohn.
Bueno sucks anyways. Taco Cabana is where it's at.I got a free taco to Taco Bueno for something of that nature going to the games. Never got to use it. :'(
Little Caesars is usually shit so your lucky you have a decent one. Cardboard pizza.
He won't get traded now but his name will come up in the winter along side the rest of te Red Sox players not named Lester or Bucholz.Dodgers won the waiver claim on Adrian Gonzalez. Well thats interesting.
It's such a meaningless administrative move, it's not even worth speculating. The Red Sox aren't going to just let him go or even trade him. Every player they have will be put on waivers. Some will be claimed, some won't.
Don't worry, I'm with you. The Little Caesar's around the corner from my place is better than average. It's a great place to pick up a pie after a long day of work.I know, I know. But seriously, if you ate a pizza at this Little Caesar's you'd understand. And trust me, the Little Caesar's down the road is complete, utter garbage compared to this one. It's almost like two different places.
AMD Fast Pitch PC Zone, presented by AMD and the San Francisco Giants. This special event package includes:
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Why? Gonzalez's deal is good compared to other first basemen. Gonzalez isn't the problem with the Red Sox.You really don't think the Red Sox would considering slashing off nearly $130 million off the payroll?
If the Dodgers are willing to pick up the entire tab and include some guys as PTBNLs how could they not consider it?
Why? Gonzalez's deal is good compared to other first basemen. Gonzalez isn't the problem with the Red Sox.
The fact that Twitter exploded over this indicates how truly ignorant people are about procedure.
The Red Sox need to be more concerned with dumping Josh Beckett. Still have no idea what Theo was thinking signing him to that extension.