Joe Shlabotnik
Maybe he was a ghost! A scared ghost who had to pee.
No clue. There's a park on the other side where we parked and there was a bunch of kids, so maybe he was with them. But there's also a school near it, so he was a student or something. The whole situation was sketch, hence the leaving very fast.
I'm somewhat inclined to believe he was homeless because he told us his mother left him by the highway prior to this meeting, but at the same time he looked relatively clean and didn't smell for someone who's been in that weather for as long as he was "dropped off". But he did ask if we were returning tomorrow...
Who knows! But I'm not coming back anytime this week, so he'll more than likely be gone when I get back.
Also, this all went down right here:,-82.650903&num=1&t=h&vpsrc=0&ie=UTF8&z=18&iwloc=A
Yeah, you are fucked no matter what you do in that scenario. 12-9 Cincy.
This is exciting, it's anyones game, Astros could come back .
which tree did he pee on?
edit: I bet campbell park would be a better place to play than the trap.
You should be an Astros fan. Building a heavily struggling team from the ground up with in-house young players and a new environment could be interesting for a new fan.
You should be an Astros fan. Building a heavily struggling team from the ground up with in-house young players and a new environment could be interesting for a new fan.
Do the new FO guys actually know what they're doing? They've had a shitty farm system for a while. I wouldn't voluntarily subject myself to that kind of incompetence.
Do the new FO guys actually know what they're doing? They've had a shitty farm system for a while. I wouldn't voluntarily subject myself to that kind of incompetence.
To me, it seems like they do. Altuve especially seems to have a big future ahead of him. They just need to get Carlos Lee and Brett Myers the hell out of there. A couple years of Rangers/Angels thrashings should give quite a few good new prospects.
But yeah, it's going to take a few years of pain for Astros fans before the fun comes.
ice cold
damn, Reds won it.
I never miss a game.
Great, Cano. Real clutch.
I really don't understand how baseball players could be so dumb.
Their sole marketable skill is swinging a club and playing a child's game. Why would you ever expect intelligence?
A bases loaded walk? Does that mean they score?
A bases loaded walk? Does that mean they score?
Hey it could be worse. We won our game tonight on a balk!
Was Davidson the umpire?
A bases loaded walk? Does that mean they score?
Says Brian Gorman. Haven't heard of him.
No, it causes a buffer overflow error and the game crashes.
Oh yes indeeedy