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MLB Playoffs 2016 | Only thing worse than a Trump win is another Giants win

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my point...if cleveland wins the world series, i think hes out.

but why? I can't imagine CLE not paying him his value and he said he likes being able to make a difference in almost every game. Unless he wants to be a closer and Francona refuses? Which would be odd to me. If anything, they maybe trade the current closer and let Miller do that if that's what it takes, no? This is a young team missing several of its biggest pieces. CLE has a great future whether we win this year or not. Why would he not want to stay?

Cosmically, the Cleveland team probably shouldn't be allowed to win anything until they change their name and iconography.

I'm still surprised to see Chief Wahoo given they said he was being demoted. It looks like he is mostly being phased out, which I'm pleased to see. Though I'm not happy it's still on sleeves and hats.
but why? I can't imagine CLE not paying him his value and he said he likes being able to make a difference in almost every game. Unless he wants to be a closer and Francona refuses? Which would be odd to me. If anything, they maybe trade the current closer and let Miller do that if that's what it takes, no? This is a young team missing several of its biggest pieces. CLE has a great future whether we win this year or not. Why would he not want to stay?
Indians can get a king's ransom for him. It would be stupid not to ship him off.

I'm still surprised to see Chief Wahoo given they said he was being demoted. It looks like he is mostly being phased out, which I'm pleased to see. Though I'm not happy it's still on sleeves and hats.

Being depicted in every game of the most watched games of the year this season is "being phased out"?
Really makes the outrage towards the Washington Redskins for refusing to change seem silly.

Especially since The owner said they were going to diminish Wahoo's prominence.

I'm surprised they even have it available on the hats. Especially for pitchers who are on the screen for so much time.

Just use the fucking C, please.

Indians can get a king's ransom for him. It would be stupid not to ship him off.
Were the Yankees stupid to not sell off Mariano? Or did he help them close out like 4 World Series'? I'm just saying. CLE doesn't have a lot of weaknesses on their roster and having a good bullpen and closer to round out the pitching staff are probably the hardest parts to assemble. What do you feel they need that they don't have already (keep in mind our injuries)?

Being depicted in every game of the most watched games of the year this season is "being phased out"?
I can only relay what was said. I don't know why I see the Wahoo logo on the hats. I'm not Dolan. You can ask him.
Really makes the outrage towards the Washington Redskins for refusing to change seem silly.

Especially since The owner said they were going to diminish Wahoo's prominence.
They have, really and truly.

That logo is no longer the team's official logo, and its only featured on a few uniforms and hats. The block C is the Indians' logo, and it's the one that's primarily featured on hats, jerseys, and marketing.

Chief Wahoo is very dear to Cleveland fans, as blatantly racist as it is. Ownership has been trying to avoid making a big deal out of the whole thing by just slowly phasing him out over the past few years.


Gonna root for Cleveland to go all the way.

Cheering for my boy, Miller. Still remember when he used to give up 10 runs in 3 innings as a Marlins starter ;_:


Batteries the CRISIS!
Meanwhile, the Browns....

...will not have a shot to continue that streak before the Cavs take another crack at it!

(I'm basically hatewatching the Browns at this point. And sometimes washing dishes during the game instead of watching.)
No he isn't. Fuck that noise. I'm quite satisfied with the team colors and the block C. Wahoo isn't near or dear to anyone's heart and he won't be especially missed. Past time to move on.
I agree with you. But have you been to downtown Cleveland during a Tribe game? Wahoo gear everywhere. My dad has a "Keep the Cheif" shirt. It's a regular topic on sports talk radio during slow news days. Cleveland loves Wahoo, as embarrassing as it is.
I'm still surprised to see Chief Wahoo given they said he was being demoted. It looks like he is mostly being phased out, which I'm pleased to see. Though I'm not happy it's still on sleeves and hats.

"Phased out" is not the best descriptor of their logo plans:

Dolan stressed the Tribe has "no plans to get rid of Chief Wahoo, it is part of our history and legacy."


Still without luck
It's Cleveland's year.

How those Browns doin'? I don't pay attention to field hockey at all. They gonna win the super bowl?
I don't understand? The Cubs and Indians have some very special stories going through the season and post season thus far. "The worst timeline" would be the Yankees/Giants/Cardinals winning yet another World Series. If the Cubs and Indians make it, we're talking about teams that haven't won in the lifetimes of any GAFer and a good portion of GAF's parents.

I hate the team and racist Chief Wahoo? Never root for division rivals. I'd pull for the Giants over Cleveland. Not the Cardinals, though, that's a bridge too far.

I am pulling for the Cubs for all the reasons you stated.
Holy shit. 6 Wins in a row to start the post season. Unreal.

Major kudos to Tito, and this bullpen for keeping us in it.

Let's Go Tribe!

It's Cleveland's year.

How those Browns doin'? I don't pay attention to field hockey at all. They gonna win the super bowl?

No, but we're gonna win the next best thing - the number 1 pick of the draft! Whoop woop!
I agree with you. But have you been to downtown Cleveland during a Tribe game? Wahoo gear everywhere. My dad has a "Keep the Cheif" shirt. It's a regular topic on sports talk radio during slow news days. Cleveland loves Wahoo, as embarrassing as it is.

Washington loves the Redskins logo. What difference does that make?


will gain confidence one day
Thank you to everyone for not pointing out my hypocrisy in criticizing Cleveland while also being a Braves fan.
I agree with you. But have you been to downtown Cleveland during a Tribe game? Wahoo gear everywhere. My dad has a "Keep the Cheif" shirt. It's a regular topic on sports talk radio during slow news days. Cleveland loves Wahoo, as embarrassing as it is.

People rock Wahoo because all the gear they've bought over the years has Wahoo on it. If they didn't release any new gear with him on it, guess what? People would buy the gear without Wahoo on it. In fact, it gives the team an opportunity to sell new gear to fans, akin to NBA jersey redesigns. There will always be a pocket of people wanting to keep or wear said gear; I'm going to go out on a ledge and assume this group is composed of mostly white males.

The rest of us? We'll move on smoothly just like the University of Illinois moved along. It's not the hill to plant a flag on. It's not a good look. If they must have a logo of some kind, why not work with the National Congress of American Indians to find something they agree is acceptable? And if there isn't one, just focus on the C?

I hate the team

lol, what did the Indians do to you?

Never root for division rivals.

oh, you're one of those. shuffle off, then.


but why? I can't imagine CLE not paying him his value and he said he likes being able to make a difference in almost every game. Unless he wants to be a closer and Francona refuses? Which would be odd to me. If anything, they maybe trade the current closer and let Miller do that if that's what it takes, no? This is a young team missing several of its biggest pieces. CLE has a great future whether we win this year or not. Why would he not want to stay?

its not a matter of him wanting to stay or not. its just how cleveland is run.

They arent a big market team, after the season, Miller becomes the most expensive player on the team (i think napoli and crisp become free agents)

The front office is going to be looking to cash in on a big playoffs and a reasonable contract for an elite player.
its not a matter of him wanting to stay or not. its just how cleveland is run.

They arent a big market team, after the season, Miller becomes the most expensive player on the team (i think napoli and crisp become free agents)

The front office is going to be looking to cash in on a big playoffs and a reasonable contract for an elite player.

Yea, that's a fair point, really. Maybe they'll make an exception. It's not often you get that sort of talent on your team. But I understand they're not going to pay someone $200 million like the Yankees would.
Welp, idk Jays fans. I believed in y'all. A 3-0 ALCS lead is tough, I can't see a team ever blowing a lead like that

didn't NYY blow a 3-0 lead? Or was it 3-1?

CLE fans don't get excited until the last out is counted. We've seen these sorts of movies before for our teams.

Which feels like a good time to once again say, FUCK JOSE MESA.


didn't NYY blow a 3-0 lead? Or was it 3-1?

CLE fans don't get excited until the last out is counted. We've seen these sorts of movies before for our teams.

...yeahh they did, it was 3-0

Who do the Jays have going against Kluber tomorrow?

Hell yeah he is, no debate here.

P.S. I was totally rooting for you guys last year and glad you finally beat your streak.

They might as well sign the 2003 Tigers roster at this point and march them out.

And thanks. 2014-2015 made a lifelong fan out of my wife, so that means zero guilt baseball most evenings. She proudly wears her hoodie on the weekend.


Indians can get a king's ransom for him. It would be stupid not to ship him off.

Being depicted in every game of the most watched games of the year this season is "being phased out"?

They get less than what the Yanks got for him.

King's ransom would be the Yanks trading Dellin.


Sign Jansen
Sign Chapman
Trade Dellin

It could work. Chapman comes without a qualifying offer attached so no pick would be given up. Jansen would require a pick. However the Dodgers are most likely going to be aggressive in holding onto Jansen.

Dellin would bring back a nice haul considering he has 3 years of control.

Yanks could also take a chance on Holland to see if he has anything left. He was pretty dominant.


just saw the Trevor Bauer thing.

given how bad of a cut it was I really don't get why you wouldn't just use him as a reliever first and see how things go from there.

I mean in the end it ended up fine for the tribe, but that bullpen sure won't be rested tomorrow.
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