Man, reading this Braun thing now.
What a piece of shit this guy is. Wow.
Man, reading this Braun thing now.
What a piece of shit this guy is. Wow.
Hey, at least he'll retire rich. All it took was a ruined reputation and an effective elimination from any HoF induction possibilities. The way he conducted himself like he was the wronged party is unforgivable, and I can understand the venom others have thrown at him. It's been a pretty lousy day.
I remember when A-Rod confessed back in 2009, I was in a bar when sportscenter came on and he was being interviewed, talking about why he did what he did. I didn't feel anything for him, no pity or anger towards him. He chose to do what he did, and he had to live with the consequences.
Who I did feel bad for were his fans, be they Mariners, Rangers or Yankees fans. People who paid money to see him play and never thought that he would ever put that stuff into his body. They now had to doubt everything he did past, present and future, and that's the same way I feel about Ryan Braun now.
I've been a fan of the Brewers since I was four. I just missed the days of Yount and Molitor when I began following baseball, and so I waited a long time for a player who could be "That Guy." McGwire, Sosa and the Killer Bs would regularly curb stomp us on their way to the playoffs and broken records, and it wasn't until Braun and Fielder came on that I felt that these could be Those Guys.
Braun signed that five-year extension in 2011, and I was pretty damn thrilled that day. I knew that Fielder was leaving, along with the rest of the baseball world, but hey, we had That Guy, and that was all I really wanted.
Today was a shitty day, one that I knew was coming for a long time. I guess I'm a hypocrite, because I gave a speech in a class this past spring about how PEDs aren't that bad in sports, and yet I feel disappointed. I thought he was legit. We have a good team this year, despite some holes, so I'll still watch and root them on, but I feel bad for myself, my little brother, and a lot of other people who defended him only for the fact that he was our guy.
I'm 25 years old, and I sound like a betrayed little kid. "Say it isn't so," and so on. Time to move on now.
As long he plays at an Elite level, who the fuck cares?
As long he plays at an Elite level, who the fuck cares?
I guess I don't understand why players who are clearly talented decide to chance their reputations, especially nowadays when it's so easily detectable.
I guess I don't understand why players who are clearly talented decide to chance their reputations, especially nowadays when it's so easily detectable.
are you serious furbush you hit bourn, now hes gonna steal his way home smh
Who I did feel bad for were his fans, be they Mariners, Rangers or Yankees fans. People who paid money to see him play and never thought that he would ever put that stuff into his body. They now had to doubt everything he did past, present and future, and that's the same way I feel about Ryan Braun now.
It's like some people said before: getting paid enough cash to have you and your family set for the rest of your life is enough of an allure to give it a shot. Being in the Hall of Fame doesn't pay you the big bucks. Guys like Melky and Bartolo know they will never be in the Hall of Fame, so what's ultimately the big risk if they can still get paid?
People are willing to do anything to avoid playing with YuniB
You guys also found the one team willing to take over his contract before it became an albatross.I enjoyed the shit out of Arod while he was here! Who cares if he's busted for steroids now? Not my problem!
I enjoyed the shit out of Arod while he was here! Who cares if he's busted for steroids now? Not my problem!
You guys also found the one team willing to take over his contract before it became an albatross.
I'd prefer not to think of what the Mets could have had, so in my head, he was crappy before that.He was never an albatross for the duration of his Rangers contract. It was only after the extension kicked in where he became terrible.
It's like some people said before: getting paid enough cash to have you and your family set for the rest of your life is enough of an allure to give it a shot. Being in the Hall of Fame doesn't pay you the big bucks. Guys like Melky and Bartolo know they will never be in the Hall of Fame, so what's ultimately the big risk if they can still get paid?
Bartolo has nothing to lose, he is at the end of his career anyway
I guess I need a gif ready for tomorrow's win.
dont count your eggs before they hatch my friend
Dodgers are doing similar things. It's crazy.Rays have won 18 out of their last 20. Fuck everybody else!
Dodgers are doing similar things. It's crazy.
*literally knocks on wood*
I enjoyed the shit out of Arod while he was here! Who cares if he's busted for steroids now? Not my problem!