When has Wand ever been wrestlefucked?
Favorable booking and standups in Japan amigo. Rampage and Arona could plant Wand on his butt whenever they wanted.
When has Wand ever been wrestlefucked?
Wand will TKO Sonnen. I will bet on that.
When has Wand ever been wrestlefucked?
it's high time the Ultimate signs Freight Train:
"(...) imma kick the shit outta u, U-Gene, imma take ur motherfuckin retarded ass out since u call me the MF word, ma time to call u a motherfucker, that u is, a retarded motherfucker, takin ur motherfuckin ass back to Louisville, Kentucky (...)"
The FOX show last year was in Seattle, and we have two locals who are current champions (Benson, Mighty Mouse). That could skew it in the Pacific Northwest's favor. The best trashtalker in the sports entertainment is also from Oregon, so that probably helps some.In an analysis of the UFC television audience, they found a shockingly high percentage of viewers, as in 22%, came from the Pacific Northwest.
The FOX show last year was in Seattle, and we have two locals who are current champions (Benson, Mighty Mouse). That could skew it in the Pacific Northwest's favor. The best trashtalker in the sports entertainment is also from Oregon, so that probably helps some.
Nah.GTAV is gonna be amazing.
I can't provide any evidence for this, but I sort of feel like Vanderlei has a phenomenal defensive guard.
Probably but it doesn't matter. Chael is just going to lay there and score points anyway.
I know you're messing with me, but not only do I homebrew but I've attended local brewing competitions and I go to a logging show out in the countryside every summer (it's half sideshow, half strongman comp). I just started watching pro football last year, but yeah - everyone else over here watches college football it seems. You've got the NW pinned down, brother!So that puts the UFC at what... about the 4th most popular sport in the Northwest? 1-3 being College Football, Logging, and Competitive Micro-Brewing?
Just messin with you. I <3 Rained-on Gaf.
And lose if he hasn't worked on his sub defense.
3 submission victories in 49 fights for Vanderlei, 2 of which were submission by strikes. I wouldn't bet on it.
GTAV is gonna be amazing.
I hope so.
Rockstar is dealing a hot hand baby, BELIEVE
when has anyone tried to wrestlefuck Wandy?
Only if they put it on my PC.GTAV is gonna be amazing.
I'm not saying Wand's sub attack is that good.. I'm saying Chael's is that bad.
I couldn't help but chime in.
Vanderlei is about as likely to attempt a sub as Shogoon is to throw a kick. It's just not his style, even if the sub is there.
how many kicks did shogun throw in the Machida fights? poor analogy is poor.
better analogies would be:
Wand Silver subbing Chael is as likely as an exciting GSP fight.
Wand subbing Chael is as likely as GSP fighting Anderson Silver.
Wand subbing Chael is as likely as Spider Silver fighting JBJ.
Wand subbing Chael is as likely as Chamber dating my hypothetical dating.
I believe he's doing his drm impressionYou need to brush up on your insular vernacular before you try to throw shade, playboy.
I believe he's doing his drm impression
Made some bbq chicken on the grill. Got a big ass pitcher of limes with mineral water. Great weather. Life is good.
Made some bbq chicken on the grill. Got a big ass pitcher of limes with mineral water. Great weather. Life is good.
i've discarded chicken for red meat mostly. been eating mostly ny strip steaks, ribeyes, and ground beef. i have sword fish or salmon once a week, and maybe chicken breasts once a week.
i've discarded chicken for red meat mostly. been eating mostly ny strip steaks, ribeyes, and ground beef. i have sword fish or salmon once a week, and maybe chicken breasts once a week.
Just made a fat-ass burger with tons of bacon. Life is good.
Word? You getting your cooking game up?
i'm in love with this:
veggie "fishsticks" (no fish, obviously). chits would be proud. you need to try this Can.