will gently cradle you as time slowly ticks away.
what the fuck? poor Monson, the shit he goes through for 5k/5k.
He put over Daniel Cormier and this is the thanks he gets.
what the fuck? poor Monson, the shit he goes through for 5k/5k.
post in mma-gaf and get banned. lol
post about mma outside mma gaf and get banned lol
Someone please explain this:
Please tell me that this is a cultural tradition of sorts and they're not just taking the piss outta Monson.
Yeah, that's what I was asking about, too. Looks like they used up all of the good parts of a bear pelt for the coat, and had to use the pubes for the hat.
Still, money is money.
I'm watching Cabin in the Woods right now.
This is not what I was expecting.
I really liked my first viewing. Wasn't nearly as fun the second time around.
I really liked my first viewing. Wasn't nearly as fun the second time around.
It's understandable though, I guess gimmicks have a short life span.
Gr1m, that happened to me during The Dark Knight. When Jokes does the pencil magic trick, I laughed so hard.... alone.
i place Cabin with Drive as the 2 movies i saw cause GAF was gushing all over them and i left bored stiff.
I saw that with my best friend. We both lost our shit when that happened.
This is normally Can Crusher's line.
This is normally Can Crusher's line.
he's not the only one who dislikes certain movies.
i tell you this, though: i could potentially watch Cabin again if i caught on TV.
I really hated drive. I thought it was literally one of the worst things I've ever seen. Dont understand the hype. Happy to remain ignorant.
I never saw Drive.
And when I first heard of everyone talking about it, my first thought was "why in the fuck is everyone watching an obscure late 90s martial arts movie?"
Refn's goal (imo) is to thematically deal with what's going on inside, and not so much worry with what's happening outside as anything other than a reflection of it. The plot is just a vehicle, and dialog is considered intrusive in this sort of story telling.
Personally, I really like how he does it and I am very excited for Only God Forgives. That said, I agree that Drive wasn't a movie that makes it easy to be entertained.
I think im one of the plebeians who doesnt get it... I thought the acting was decent. The plot was fucking TERRIBLE. I was me christina hendricks' tittes! I got the finer points of gosling's character..but everything else was just ..not good.
Drive is a movie about a mildly retarded stun driver who stomps a guy's face.
yes, i just made the movie sounds 20 time more awesome than it actually is.
also, it features a big tittie actress and the big titties stay covered the whole time.
which brings me to another point: Vio-Lence and Chamber.
"oh, F&F movies are just like old 80s action movies".
a dick they are.
i saw Fast 5. if Fast 5 was indeed similar to 80s action movies, than Vin Diesel would've been the only star, riding through the favelas in a Dodge Charger with a M-16, killing everyone by himself.
after he killed everyone, The Rock would show up in a helicopter and go "holy shit, Vin, why didn't you wait for us?" and Vin would say: "i don't like my food cold!"
BAM, long shot of Vin walking into the sunset wit 80s godlike tune.
Just bought $300 worth of clothes, Metro Last Light, and another year of PS+. Feels ... ok? .. man.
Fights in 1.5 hours.
This polak wishes he could join.fights now, bro. Polish Pride FC. join the chat.
fights now, bro. Polish Pride FC. join the chat.
Mak do you want my Blood Dragon code for the PC?
Hell yeah. Thanks mang.
nice to see a kneebar + lol @ the blood lickin
edit: id like to thank the fuc lolol
All they do is show the Chuck KO and the Sean Salmon KO (lol) ad infinitum.Oh man, this 161 promo showcasing Evans' explosive striking is hilarious. Are they assuming we were too drunk during his last fight to remember his pat-pat-pat offense? Please, please, people, don't buy that horrible card next week. Maybe if sales drop drastically enough they won't price a card like that the same as a card like 162.