I'm not sure if I've ever seen someone not get taken down by one of those K9s.
Okay.The whole point is to get taken down so you know how it feels to have a dog try and bite you.
I'm not sure if I've ever seen someone not get taken down by one of those K9s.
Why do police officers need to know what it's like to be taken down and bitten by dogs? Do criminals have K9 units too?
Makes sense he always wanted to be in law enforcement. Natural born snitch.
I thought Satoshi Ishii career was over?
...holy shit. Best Bad MMA weekend ever.
Dat skull on Alexander
...holy shit. Best Bad MMA weekend ever.
Looks like a fuckin protoss.
Is Kimo fighting?
Damn. Wish I wasn't going out tonight?
It's not like I could cancel tonights plans if I wanted to.come on son, go out instead of watching bad mma and conversing with our e-friends of mma-gaf.
...holy shit. Best Bad MMA weekend ever.
This is Bad MMA done right.
Amazon Forest Combat 2
Arena Amadeu Teixeira, Manaus
Saturday, March 31, 2012
Murilo Bustamante vs Dave Menne II
Thales Leites vs Matt Horwich II
Patrick Côté vs. Gustavo Ximu
Ronnys Torres vs Ferrid Kheder
Daniel Acácio vs Josh Burkman
Satoshi Ishii vs Rameau Sokoudjou
smdh at whoever is handling Ishii's career. It wouldn't surprise me if he died in the ring within 2 years.
How does Mo get cleared to fight at his age?
The Beautiful C said:When you are young, you often dont realize that your actions have consequences. I made a bad decision about ten years ago, but you learn from these moments. There is nothing I can do to change the past, and believe me, if I could, I would. That decision doesnt represent who I am today. All I can do now is put the past behind me and move forward. I am sorry to disappoint any of my fans and my family at Zuffa. I love you guys![]()
Dan Severn is 3 years older and was still fighting last year (his last fight was in Massachusetts even). The commissions are full of shit.
PMed. Supposed to be a girl on girl video somewhere but I didn't look for it.
Didn't disclose to Zuffa that she had a softcore past.
Interesting interview with jones and evans
This evening's Bad MMA event preshow starts in less than 5 minutes. There's a total of 5 people watching the stream. Perfect!
Nerd Chat
4:59 breakbeatbox: is washington or heston fighting tonight?
5:00 midwestfightshop: First names?
I can't do it.
Interesting interview with jones and evans
No, just no. The midwest regional circuit is where I draw the line. That is a depth of hell I want no part of.