I dunno, it was like a 5 second clip on the news, but they were doing the body they have that look in their eye like chuck?
I dunno, it was like a 5 second clip on the news, but they were doing the body they have that look in their eye like chuck?
do they have that look in their eye like chuck?
I had that look when I read your posts on this page.I do when I'm watching sweet McKayla. I'm very tense.
I don't understand fencing. Can't even see what is going on. Also when the women scream at the end, is it in victory or because they got hit?The one that blew a 7 point lead to lose in OT? That was hilarious.
I don't understand fencing. Can't even see what is going on. Also when the women scream at the end, is it in victory or because they got hit?
Is that dude trying to intuitively experience quantum mechanics? I felt like my body was made up of vibrating particles when I did foxy in college.
Ya.I don't think we're ever this active outside of nerdchat. Unless we're burying incriminating posts of course.
He's spouting new age garbage while flaunting his ignorance of science and it's methods.
Go in there and drop some troof boms on dat jive turkey.
I'd rather not risk my account on this idiot.
feed me lines brah
I dismiss that which dismisses my experience but listen to all irrespective.
My friend, I don't have to prove you wrong. I only wish to prove myself right, not science, nor anyone elses belief system.
Sounds like the rest of the net is catching up with our despair over the state of Contender ship in the LHW division
Shogun Rua-Brandon Vera Contender Fight Gets People Talking, But Not in the Good Way
By Ben Fowlkes
Honestly does anyone not think Dana will take back the Title shot Promise if Vera wins?
So my car is still broken and mechanic doesn't know what's wrong but we're going to change the camshaft sensor and see if that works. No engine codes but it stalls regularly for no obvious reason.
No problem starting though, so it is somewhat drivable. I drove it back and forth from my mechanic and the dealer. It stalled a few times but I just restarted and kept going.Sounds like an electrical issue.
No problem starting though, so it is somewhat drivable. I drove it back and forth from my mechanic and the dealer. It stalled a few times but I just restarted and kept going.
Something is making the engine cut, especially when slowing down. It can idle for a long time without stalling although there are weird vibrations sometimes. It sometimes jerks and slows down when I'm pressing the gas, but it hasn't stalled when going over 15 mph. It usually stalls when I'm turning without gassing or breaking at a stop.
What I'm reading on this crankshaft position sensor sounds about right for my symptoms.
Ultimate-gaf, go get yer tags. Make sure you say something dumb.
that thread feels like a bunch of kids all lined up neatly at the pedo van waiting for their candy..
The question bad you want that fucking candy?
I just literally posted in there very confused.
When did Thing and NAT become a thing? My friend has been saying "is that a thing" for years and I just thought it was a thing she said, and now I read it's like a thing on the internet with stupid internet acronym and all.
When did Thing and NAT become a thing? My friend has been saying "is that a thing" for years and I just thought it was a thing she said, and now I read it's like a thing on the internet with stupid internet acronym and all.
Just post something about Vancouver and you'll surely get a tag. ^I have no idea what that means.
I heard Grimlock is going to show up in one of the new Transformers comics, but I quit reading them already. Was my first time reading any Trans comics and heard it was good, but I can't get into it.
Are you reading the Robots in Disguise/More Than Meets the Eye intertwining series? I think I might read it in trade but I could never remember which series I was reading and what was going on.
What's Chamber's mean?