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MMORPG take on Pirates!


What the hell Kiriku, Pirates! (note: exclamation mark) is the name of a classic PC game :p Maybe, I should put it in quotes next time.


Tre said:
What the hell Kiriku, Pirates! (note: exclamation mark) is the name of a classic PC game :p Maybe, I should put it in quotes next time.

Yeah, I know about pirates. And it rocks. I didn't pay attention to the exclamation mark at first. But still, it would be pretty original with a game about the other kind of piratez. :D

And no, not butt pirates. :|


Speaking of pirates, and this is wishful thinking of the preteen anime fanboy variety, I'd love to see a One Piece-based MMORPG. Its already got one of the most established, full-fledged worlds in anime land and it has a GREAT theme to play off of.

Character customization would be rockin'. Considering Oda's artstyle and tendency to make just about every character look unique, I'd imagine a character creation system that exceeds City of Heroes and allows for some pretty robust options for character shapes/sizes.

Beyond that, there would be all the pre-requisite weapons/armor etc. stuff. I'm not sure how Devil Fruits would be handled, though. There would need to be a fair number of them, but only one of each type. This might mean that certain people WOULD get an advantage over others, so I don't really know how they could balance a game like this. Unless they changed continuity and made multiple copies of Devil Fruits and made them available to everybody (a la the powers and skills in CoH).

Of course, there's also the fun of forming a pirate crew and sailing around the four seas and when you get strong enough, you can enter the Grand Line with all the higher level areas.

You could also elect to play as pirates or Navy, which would set up interesting conflicts, and certain strong pirate characters could be elected to Shichibukai position. The Navy would naturally have a heirarchy.

Just a pipe dream, though. :) It'd be cool, but all the 12-yr-olds would ruin it.
Belfast: You know how to strike up the fanboy in me. That *would* rock. However, there doesn't seem to be much known about the other seas. Granted, I've only watched up to 102.

Jason: I just laugh, It'd be different if it was someone with an iota of intelligence or wit, but alas, That's probably the weakest attempt at humor I've seen on these forums in years. It's beyond pity laughs.


Tre: It mostly stays in the Grand Line, but I'm sure they could make up some areas for the other seas. They would basically be starting points and an easy way to divvy up space so all the newbies don't get crowded into one or two areas while building up levels. Then, once you hit a certain level (or rather you just become strong enough), you can hit up a pirate crew and head for the Grand Line. It would work like most MMORPGs, more or less, where newbie areas are centered around starting cities and then the hard areas are accessible to everyone and situated closer to the "center" of the world.
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