Gold Member

Starfield has got its very own potato mode mod, crunching its textures down to 128 bits and saving you all that precious, precious VRAM you have on your, I don't know, 3DFX Voodoo 3.
"Does your PC have 1gb of VRAM? Is it so old your grandpa used it to play Morrowind? Or do you hate high resolution textures and want to get rid of them? Try this mod out and see if it works for you!" boasts the potato mode mod's author BulwarkHD. It looks, well, terrible, but that's kind of the point. Starfield's potato mode turns all the game's textures into a kind of impressionistic smear, changing Bethesda's latest opus from beautiful to playable with a click of your fingers.
Potato mode doesn't do away with Starfield's more taxing properties like volumetric lighting or its physics simulation, it just squashes down textures. I suppose you can turn all that stuff off yourself in the game's settings or .ini files, though, so perhaps you can use it in conjunction with those changes if you're really desperate to play the game on some seriously underpowered hardware.