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Modern NBA is garbage


I'm a Chicago kid, and the late 80s and the 90s were my NBA jam. Jordan, Bird, Magic, Barkley, Miller, etc. That was a great time for basketball, and I loved it. But, after Jordan retired and the Bulls started to suck consistently, I dipped out and started to focus more on other winter sports, like hockey & soccer, for most of the early 2000s.

Then my kid was born and I stopped following almost all of it. Too time consuming, and too expensive, even just to watch on TV, as a cable package was necessary (no more over-the-air broadcasts), although I did jump back in for a bit after we picked up Derrick Rose. Since then, I've only had a distant, passive interest in the NBA. I'd heard a bit about how the game has changed; about the reliance on the 3-pointer, the end of physical contact, and the death of the mid-range jumper, and that was honestly enough to keep me away.

Well, my kid's much older now, and Chicago winter sports have seemingly decoupled from cable and are now broadcasting OTA again. That, combined with me picking up NBA 2K25 for PC (which is fucking awesome), has started to rekindle a bit of NBA interest. However, I'm stuck in the past. When I play NBA 2K25, I tend to stay in the 90's/Jordan era, if for no other reason, because of my familiarity with the players. And I've been watching the old 90s NBA Finals on the NBA website, just kinda getting lost in the nostalgia of it, as I wait for the new season to kick off. I've watched a few videos about modern teams, modern ball, and I really wasn't too keen on it, to be honest, but wanted to keep an open mind. Well, last night, I watched the Bulls play their first pre-season game against the Cavs, and I gotta tell you: The difference between the Bulls (and the NBA in general) of the 90s, and the NBA of this time, is fucking stark, and so very disappointing.

Defense is almost unrecognizable to me. In the 90s, it was all man-to-man. Now it's this zone, or zone-hybrid shit. Dudes are camped out in the post and just release their mark when the move so far away from them. On offense, there's very little commitment to drive to the inside. At the first sign of resistance, these guys dish out for a 3 that usually bricks. And that's another thing: so many 3-point attempts, often from players that have no business taking them. You got 7' Cs and PFs clanging 3s on every other possession. Where's the patience to set up an offense? To muscle into the low post? To dish for a mid-range jumper when you draw a double-team? Not in this NBA. 3 after 3 after 3, and scores that are ridiculously higher than what they used to be. In the 90s, scores tended to be near 100. What's the average now? 120? 130? The fuck?

Further, since no one drives the inside, there are fewer fouls, and much lower chance of being in late-game foul trouble. That takes a huge part of the strategy out of the game. And don't even get me started on "load management". Player sitting out when they're perfectly healthy, because they want to save themselves for a more important game, or other bullshit excuse? Fucking guys in the 90s strived to play EVERY game, often with mild injuries. The fuck is this shit?

I dunno. I'm done ranting. Just wanted to vent. I don't think this interest of mine in modern basketball will last very long. In fact, it's probably already dead. But at least I have NBA 2K25 to revel in the golden era of what used to be my favorite sport.
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Gold Member

Come Uefa Champions League GIF by UEFA


Flashless at the Golden Globes
lol whats funny is that everyone in basketball courts around my neighborhood plays the same way. I tried watching these kids play a few times and everyone was taking three pointers. very few tried to go for layups. like once every five minutes. the athleticism is gone. when i was in high school, every kid was trying to be jordan or kobe. it was fun to watch.

Baseball and Football are the same. This tweet blew up the other day of this quarterback getting sacked, and the refs calling it unncessary roughness. it was a clean tackle. but no, cant have the quarterback get injured.

Baseball is so fucking boring to watch i want the late 90s and early 2000s steroid hitters back. Every pitcher throws a hundred miles an hour nowadays and there is a new one coming out of the bullpen every inning. if you dont score runs in the first five innings, you are done. hitters are taught to go for homeruns so these little 5 foot 8 kids are going up there trying to be babe ruth. of course it doesnt work and they either fly out or strike out. boring as fuck.


Flashless at the Golden Globes
Oh and I want to give a shout out to soccer. it's faster than every before. Players are insanely fast. But they cant fucking shoot. those days of messi, iniensta, ronaldhino and ronaldo just putting on a show are long gone. Now everyone can run but cant finish.

unlike baseball though, its still fun to watch because its slightly faster paced than it used to be, but scoring is still very low because no one can finish.


It's better now IMO, I picked up basketball as an adult so I have no nostalgia for any of it.

I went back and watched some older footage and I just found no love for it, I'm not knocking it but its probably a "if you weren't there you wouldnt understand" kind of thing. Which I understand because I absolutely think football (soccer) peaked in the 2000s to mid 2010s and sucks now.

The bulls are ass tho and it's preseason so teams are bound to try whacky shit.
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Resident Crybaby
I'm a Chicago kid, and the late 80s and the 90s were my NBA jam. Jordan, Bird, Magic, Barkley, Miller, etc. That was a great time for basketball, and I loved it. But, after Jordan retired and the Bulls started to suck consistently, I dipped out and started to focus more on other winter sports, like hockey & soccer, for most of the early 2000s.

Then my kid was born and I stopped following almost all of it. Too time consuming, and too expensive, even just to watch on TV, as a cable package was necessary (no more over-the-air broadcasts), although I did jump back in for a bit after we picked up Derrick Rose). Since then, I've only had a distant, passive interest in the NBA. I'd heard a bit about how the game has changed; about the reliance on the 3-pointer, the end of physical contact, and the death of the mid-range jumper, and that was honestly enough to keep me away.

Well, my kid's much older now, and Chicago winter sports have seemingly decoupled from cable and are now broadcasting OTA again. That, combined with me picking up NBA 2K25 for PC (which is fucking awesome), has started to rekindle a bit of NBA interest. However, I'm stuck in the past. When I play NBA 2K25, I tend to stay in the 90's/Jordan era, if for no other reason, because of my familiarity with the players. And I've been watching the old 90s NBA Finals on the NBA website, just kinda getting lost in the nostalgia of it, as I wait for the new season to kick off. I've watched a few videos about modern teams, modern ball, and I really wasn't too keen on it, to be honest, but wanted to keep an open mind. Well, last night, I watched the Bulls play their first pre-season game against the Cavs, and I gotta tell you: The difference between the Bulls (and the NBA in general) of the 90s, and the NBA of this time, is fucking stark, and so very disappointing.

Defense is almost unrecognizable to me. In the 90s, it was all man-to-man. Now it's this zone, or zone-hybrid shit. Dudes are camped out in the post and just release their mark when the move so far away from them. On offense, there's very little commitment to drive to the inside. At the first sign of resistance, these guys dish out for a 3 that usually bricks. And that's another thing: so many 3-point attempts, often from players that have no business taking them. You got 7' Cs and PFs clanging 3s on every other possession. Where's the patience to set up an offense? To muscle into the low post? To dish for a mid-range jumper when you draw a double-team? Not in this NBA. 3 after 3 after 3, and scores that are ridiculously higher than what they used to be. In the 90s, scores tended to be near 100. What's the average now? 120? 130? The fuck?

Further, since no one drives the inside, there are fewer fouls, and much lower chance of being in late-game foul trouble. That takes a huge part of the strategy out of the game. And don't even get me started on "load management". Player sitting out when they're perfectly healthy, because they want to save themselves for a more important game, or other bullshit excuse? Fucking guys in the 90s strived to play EVERY game, often with mild injuries. The fuck is this shit?

I dunno. I'm done ranting. Just wanted to vent. I don't think this interest of mine in modern basketball will last very long. In fact, it's probably already dead. But at least I have NBA 2K25 to revel in the golden era of what used to be my favorite sport.

Someone from Chicago loved the NBA in the 90s and not now...!?

Shocked Patrick Stewart GIF


Someone from Chicago loved the NBA in the 90s and not now...!?

Shocked Patrick Stewart GIF
Even if the Bulls were winning in this era (they won last night) it still wouldn’t be enjoyable to watch.

They came back from like a 15-pt deficit to win last night. It still sucked. It was like watching a high-school team with no chemistry or discipline.


Personal opinion, but all American sports suck.

That's why Football (soccer for you Americans) will soon be the dominant sport in the USA. Even other English sports, such as Rugby and Cricket are gaining popularity in the US.

OP, your city has a Rugby team. Get onto supporting them and enjoy one of England's greatest exports.

Football would have to be made illegal before that ever happens. No shot, the NFL is culture. 93 of the top 100 most watched programs are NFL games. It's really the best product on TV for my money despite the commercials.


Personal opinion, but all American sports suck.

That's why Football (soccer for you Americans) will soon be the dominant sport in the USA. Even other English sports, such as Rugby and Cricket are gaining popularity in the US.

OP, your city has a Rugby team. Get onto supporting them and enjoy one of England's greatest exports.

"I don't understand something so I think it sucks"

Soccer isn't going to be the dominant sport here anytime soon. No one gives a shit about soccer in America. It's a sport for little kids so they can burn off some energy by running back and forth non-stop while not doing anything requiring much in the way of skill (not saying there isn't skill involved--there is, but not among most of the kids who play in America). No one takes it seriously compared to football, baseball, and basketball.

The only way it becomes the dominant sport is if football gets outlawed and basketball and baseball are hit with massive scandals or something. Those sports are too deeply entrenched in American culture to be replaced with soccer.


"I don't understand something so I think it sucks"

Soccer isn't going to be the dominant sport here anytime soon. No one gives a shit about soccer in America. It's a sport for little kids so they can burn off some energy by running back and forth non-stop while not doing anything requiring much in the way of skill (not saying there isn't skill involved--there is, but not among most of the kids who play in America). No one takes it seriously compared to football, baseball, and basketball.

The only way it becomes the dominant sport is if football gets outlawed and basketball and baseball are hit with massive scandals or something. Those sports are too deeply entrenched in American culture to be replaced with soccer.
The gall of someone who watches a sport where they dress up in Hockey Pads to hit a baseball with a spanking paddle saying our sports suck.
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