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Mom goes off on store clerk who made racist comment to her kids

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I imagined a dial. This is how it reads.

10 - human extinction
9 - genocide
8 - war
7 - mass shooting
6 - murder
5 - rioting
4 - violence
3 - assembly
2 - yelling
1 - talking

A 2 doesn't seem so bad.

Can't have 2 when dealing with bigots. God forbid a White person gets yelled st for saying bigoted shit. Gotta think about taking the high road!
Don't protest in the streets, think about hypothetical emergency vehicles
Don't protest by sitting during the anthem, think about the troops.
Don't yell and swear at the racist comments toward children, think about the children who might learn to defend themselves.

Gotta keep the next generation in their place...
You don't want to "scare" people into acting away. That's just wrong on so many levels.If someone is a racist you can't change that with yelling or education. That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is this lady made a stupid comment and to help her in the future to not make a comment like that again to anyone a lesson on why the kids are wearing those clothing and why it offended her kids. Two possibilities come out of this. One she doesn't listen and goes on being a racist bitch. Two she learns what she said is wrong and learns why comments like this can offend someone. Is this going to be a 50/50 deal? No because I don't know her history or her. But I'll bet you one thing this didn't solve anything.

It is not her job to be a Big Sister and adopt a poor racist to help her be better.

Guarantee this woman will think twice in the future. Mission accomplished and it didn't take any coddling.
Instead of cursing and yelling like an angry black woman, she should have taken the high road and educated that poor woman. Or at the very least see it from her perspective and have some empathy. Lack of understanding on this mother, smh. Now her son is going to grow up to be a gangbanger because of this incident. Way to go mom.


It's impossible to tell if the "trick or treating" question was meant offensively or not since it's not shown, but somehow I doubt it was meant as "I know what your clothing represents, and I'm going to demean you to your face".

Assuming the clerk didn't know what they were wearing, she was:
* Ignorant of their clothing's meaning -> yes
* Way off to be guessing trick or treating a month early -> yes
* In a position where she should be educated and give a sincere apology -> definitely

But I don't think flying off the handle and berating her was exactly the punishment that fit the crime. It's not like it's black people's jobs to educate white people about their culture, but if someone's (presumably) never seen such a thing, learning about it by being screamed at isn't exactly constructive.

If the clerk DID mean the comment offensively, then the verbal lashing was probably totally warranted... but she seemed pretty apologetic while being yelled at

we're more than a month away from halloween. how wasn't this meant to be offensive?

Do people when they are pissed off really talk like "Excuse me sir, your ignorance towards my children is dumbfounded. You live in a black dominant neighborhood, however your actions suggest you are an ignorant low life uneducated fool. Please apologize to my kids because I'm real angry right now but have the courtesy to politely speak with you. Also I would like to speak with your manager as this behaviour is totally unacceptable. You sir are an idiot and I want your manager to know that, so you can get fired".

Come on, people on this forum go wild when you talk about their favorite piece of plastic the wrong way. But the woman should show some courtesy when a racist fool talks shit to her children front of her children lol.

Emotions how do they work?

real shit. GAF is liberal when they wanna be. Always leads to funny threads like this.


You don't want to "scare" people into acting away. That's just wrong on so many levels.If someone is a racist you can't change that with yelling or education. That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is this lady made a stupid comment and to help her in the future to not make a comment like that again to anyone a lesson on why the kids are wearing those clothing and why it offended her kids. Two possibilities come out of this. One she doesn't listen and goes on being a racist bitch. Two she learns what she said is wrong and learns why comments like this can offend someone. Is this going to be a 50/50 deal? No because I don't know her history or her. But I'll bet you one thing this didn't solve anything.

Why should it have to solve anything? Why does this mother suddenly have to turn around and educate this clerk?

Does every minority who is the victim of racial abuse have to suddenly become an educator? Do they then have to turn to their oppressor and take the time to you know really understand them as a human being and try and get to the bottom of why they think this way?

What it might solve is that this clerk might think twice before spouting off an ignorant comment.
Instead of cursing and yelling like an angry black woman, she should have taken the high road and educated that poor woman. Or at the very least see it from her perspective and have some empathy. Lack of understanding on this mother, smh. Now her son is going to grow up to be a gangbanger because of this incident. Way to go mom.

Had me going for a minute there

Mr. X

You don't want to "scare" people into acting away. That's just wrong on so many levels.If someone is a racist you can't change that with yelling or education. That's not what I'm talking about. What I'm talking about is this lady made a stupid comment and to help her in the future to not make a comment like that again to anyone a lesson on why the kids are wearing those clothing and why it offended her kids. Two possibilities come out of this. One she doesn't listen and goes on being a racist bitch. Two she learns what she said is wrong and learns why comments like this can offend someone. Is this going to be a 50/50 deal? No because I don't know her history or her. But I'll bet you one thing this didn't solve anything.
Have you ever dealt with racist as the race they despise?


Instead of cursing and yelling like an angry black woman, she should have taken the high road and educated that poor woman. Or at the very least see it from her perspective and have some empathy. Lack of understanding on this mother, smh. Now her son is going to grow up to be a gangbanger because of this incident. Way to go mom.

I dunno.

When I was I LOVED seeing my mom go off.

Especially when it was in my defense.

my niggas. <3
Kaeprnick sat quietly and didn't say a fucking thing.

It is not her job to be a Big Sister and adopt a poor racist to help her be better.

Guarantee this woman will think twice in the future. Mission accomplished and it didn't take any coddling.

You don't know that in the slightest like I don't know if educating her will make her think twice. I have seen both sides and from what I have seen educating the person has more power. And educating them isn't as simple as just saying words either it has to do with the way you say it. You are al assuming this lady has learned her lesson. We don't know this and can't just be like "Yup she isn't racist anymore!". That's not how it works.
Oh my... I, well. Its always interesting when threads like this get started. I feel good knowing who my fellow poc, and nonpoc allies are.

I feel like the ones worrying about the children. Cultures are different, black parents don't really coddle their children when it comes to swearing too much, especially if they're defending us, oh ain't nothing going to stop that heat, trust. Seeing my mom and dad pop off on our racist neighbors growing up was amazing.


The kids appear plenty comfortable from the video evidence.

Not sure how you can make that determination. All I can do is empathise and think that I would feel uncomfortable in their shoes.

Oh my... I, well. Its always interesting when threads like this get started. I feel good knowing who my fellow poc, and nonpoc allies are.

I feel like the ones worrying about the children. Cultures are different, black parents don't really coddle their children when it comes to swearing too much, especially if they're defending us, oh ain't nothing going to stop that heat, trust. Seeing my mom and dad pop off on our racist neighbors growing up was amazing.

Valid point and succinctly put. For all I know, these kids have seen some shit and this is nothing in comparison. All I have to go on are my own experiences.


Stop excusing the cashier as only ignorant. Cut that shit out. You REALLY REALLY think she bought it was Halloween? Or was she being an intentional asshole?

If you saying over and over how she too loud you're implying she need to be quiet. Handle it quietly. Aka: be humble and docile and act like fucking Morgan freeman in driving miss daisy and win her the fuck over through love and compassion.

Well I said I got no more of that shit for bigots. Fresh on Empty. No more in the tank.

Her children were insulted cause they didn't dress like Eurocentric folks should and yourbtakenaway is the mom could have done better? Fuck outta here.

You're not great at reading comprehension are you? I said that the Clerk was in the wrong. I said she deserved punishment. I said she deserved something effective and something that would make her think about what she did. I also often think yelling doesn't end up doing that as often as some people in this thread seem to think it does. I don't give a flying shit about the Clerk's feelings or whatever. I also don't fucking think the Mother should have been docile or humble or what the fuck ever. Learn to comprehend other's reading.

My "Takeaway" isn't in and of itself about the Mother's behavior but that is the current course of discussion in this thread. As such, I am discussing it. I mean, I already consistently agreed that the Clerk was in the wrong.

So, I'll say it again. The Clerk was wrong
I imagined a dial. This is how it reads.

10 - human extinction
9 - genocide
8 - war
7 - mass shooting
6 - murder
5 - rioting
4 - violence
3 - assembly
2 - yelling
1 - talking

A 2 doesn't seem so bad.

... That's quite the dial you got there. Its almost as if its not in anyway related to ANYTHING I was talking about -_-


If only the blacks could learn how to protest quietly so I wouldn't have to hear any of it

Then I would stop being racist immediately.
Valid point and succinctly put. For all I know, these kids have seen some shit and this is nothing in comparison. All I have to go on are my own experiences.

This is the main thing in all of this. Right here. I can only go based on what I have seen work and I have not seen yelling at people be very effective in my life. Once again I'm not saying she is wrong at yelling or being mad. I'm saying IMO this could have possibly been handled better. If you can't understand that then I'm sorry.
You don't know that in the slightest like I don't know if educating her will make her think twice. I have seen both sides and from what I have seen educating the person has more power. And educating them isn't as simple as just saying words either it has to do with the way you say it. You are al assuming this lady has learned her lesson. We don't know this and can't just be like "Yup she isn't racist anymore!". That's not how it works.

Oh no she's still probably racist. She'll just keep it to herself next time.


Go mom. That was a beautiful defense.

People on here saying she shouldn't have yelled at a racist.. If that worked we wouldn't be dealing with racists anymore, they all would have been talked into seeing the light. But alas, they are still around being bigots. The approach doesn't work in case you couldn't tell by what's been going on in this country for a good while now.

I think she's perfectly fine to tell that woman off in front of her kids. The kids learned not to stand for that shit and defend yourself.


Rewatched the video in full this time (I was mostly basing my comments on skimming the video and remarks and reactions of others in the thread tbh)

It actually seems like the mother did what I would expect her to do. Its what I would have wanted her to do. She didn't scream or yell egregiously. She was indeed, stern and talked in a way that was establishing that what the Clerk did was not okay.

The mother and her actions where right. If I were to go by my "scale" again, she was at about a 6/7. Which was fitting for the situation, I feel. If there was more extreme slurs being spread or some shit, I would have expected a 9 or 10.

If only the blacks could learn how to protest quietly so I wouldn't have to hear any of it

Then I would stop being racist immediately.

I honestly don't think anyone is saying that at ALL in this thread...

The Beard

I dunno.

When I was little I LOVED seeing my mom go off.

Especially when it was in my defense.

Yeah, people are concerned about the mom getting angry in front of the kids, but they might've been loving it.

Now if she started throwing punches or destroying the store, then that'd be a different story. I don't have a problem with the way she handled it.


... That's quite the dial you got there. Its almost as if its not in anyway related to ANYTHING I was talking about -_-

Is it not? Man... there are so many rules to defending the honor of your family against bigotry! I had no idea it was so complicated. Please tell me more about this dial and how it fucking applies to anything ever.


was more extreme slurs being spread or some shit, I would have expected a 9 or 10.

I honestly don't think anyone is saying that at ALL in this thread...

When someone's analysis of the situation is a pithy comment about how the clerk was wrong followed by a but and then a couple of paragraphs about how oh golly gee if only the mother had handled it better and here is why then it is kind of hard to read it as anything else.

I would have though people would have celebrated a racist being put in their place but apparently there is a right way to do it that saves their feelings and doesn't make them feel bad about seeing other people as lesser.


Can we all think on the fact for a second that this probably won't make the clerk think twice -or- suddenly make them not racist, since the first thing you think of as a clerk when confronted with yelling is basically to, for lack of a better term, not engage with them; "tune them out"? I know anytime a customer yells at me (though typically for stuff I had freaking NOTHING to do with, holy *) I typically try to move them to the back of my mind so as to not blow up myself. Though I do have some issues with anger management, so I don't know. Maybe that's just me.

Not saying the Mother did anything wrong, not saying the clerk is in the right. I just don't think this was likely to teach a lesson like many of you seem to be saying.

Edit: right, and let me cover myself here before any false accusations and say that pretty much all my angry customers have been White.


This is true.

Even something as innocent as "Uh oh, we don't serve Bears fans here." Can be highly offensive.

Maybe slightly offensive but highly offensive? Would rather the clerk or waiter or whatever take jabs at my team rather than not say anything or make generic comments that reflect no personality.

I don't think there's anything wrong with asking someone about their clothes. Making fun of them or their clothes, like the clerk from the story, is pretty fucked up though.
No, no, see, you don't understand. Nobody in here is actually defending the racist. That's not happening at all! The clerk was in the wrong!


So because people will have another way to solve a problem that makes them wrong? The point I'm trying to make is I have seen educating a person work out more than yelling of any kind. If you comment isn't to me I'm sorry.

I just presonally hate yelling of any kind no matter what the topic is.
I've talked to people who are racist against black people and getting cursed out by a black person will just make them hate them even more, it won't teach them to be more sensitive. The cashier was a douche in the first place.
Can we all think on the fact for a second that this probably won't make the clerk think twice -or- suddenly make them not racist, since the first thing you think of as a clerk when confronted with yelling is basically to, for lack of a better term, not engage with them; "tune them out"? I know anytime a customer yells at me (though typically for stuff I had freaking NOTHING to do with, holy *) I typically try to move them to the back of my mind so as to not blow up myself. Though I do have some issues with anger management, so I don't know. Maybe that's just me.

Not saying the Mother did anything wrong, not saying the clerk is in the right. I just don't think this was likely to teach a lesson like many of you seem to be saying.

I don't agree with this conclusion at all. In my experience, retail workers will learn to avoid unpleasant interactions with customers because, well, they're unpleasant. Being yelled at in the middle of a store isn't fun. So maybe this doesn't get filed in her "don't be racist" folder, but I'm pretty sure it got filed in her "don't piss off the customers" folder.

When I worked retail, I once mistook a woman for a man. Now, she didn't really chew me out. But she was hurt and she was angry and she let me know. Guess what I never did again?


Is it not? Man... there are so many rules to defending the honor of your family against bigotry! I had no idea it was so complicated. Please tell me more about this dial and how it fucking applies to anything ever.

I'll just say that I just posted that I re-watched the video and completely agree with the mother having fully consumed it (as I was basing information on skimming and comments in this thread). I apologize for being rash and for not watching the video in its entirety prior to posting.

As for the dial thing, Basically the "Hugh Mungus" thing was a situation that didn't deserve a full blown 10 and got a full blown 10, i'd say, if that gives you an idea. I'm personally of the feeling that every situation has a certain level of discourse that is expected of it. In this case that level of discourse was actually met (and again, I apologize in my initial assumption that it wasn't.) This situation require stern wording, education on why the Clerk was in the wrong and reprimanding and punishment. All of which happened in this instance.


I'll just say that I just posted that I re-watched the video and completely agree with the mother having fully consumed it (as I was basing information on skimming and comments in this thread). I apologize for being rash and for not watching the video in its entirety prior to posting.

As for the dial thing, Basically the "Hugh Mungus" thing was a situation that didn't deserve a full blown 10 and got a full blown 10, i'd say, if that gives you an idea. I'm personally of the feeling that every situation has a certain level of discourse that is expected of it. In this case that level of discourse was actually met (and again, I apologize in my initial assumption that it wasn't.) This situation require stern wording, education on why the Clerk was in the wrong and reprimanding and punishment. All of which happened in this instance.

I didn't read all of your post yet but I will comment on it anyway.

Imagine there are 10 hills. 9 of them are filled with inane self serving bullshit. One of them is in support of a mother who defended her children against racism.

You have to die on one of these hills. Which one do you choose?


I'm not really feeling this two minute hate thread. Hopefully tomorrow there'll be something really good to get worked up over.
I dunno. It just shows me that she'll go to any length to defend her kids and I have zero problem with that. Don't say some ol' bullshit and you won't have to deal with what could come at you.

Lots of "this isn't the way" vibes in here


I've talked to people who are racist against black people and getting cursed out by a black person will just make them hate them even more, it won't teach them to be more sensitive. The cashier was a douche in the first place.
Tough shit on them.

It is quite telling that people are trying to make the clerk the protagonist of this story. Even though she said something racist she could have been saved! If only the mother had handled it with reason and grace they could have ended up true friends and a valuable lesson could have been learned.

Brought to you by Lifetime.
We should educate this grown as store cashier that calling people's traditional clothing Halloween costumes is a shitty and racist thing to do. Like she didn't already know that.
I would have assumed that were dressing up for some event too. Guess the lesson here is to not make small talk.
She asked them if they were going trick or treating, not if they were going to "some event". See the difference?
I would have assumed that were dressing up for some event too. Guess the lesson here is to not make small talk.

Wow I'm really beginning to feel like reading the text in the op and watching the video should be a requirement for these threads.

"Going trick-or-treating" is not small talk in the middle of fucking September. It's, "ha! Your strange garb looks ridiculous," at best.


I would have assumed that were dressing up for some event too. Guess the lesson here is to not make small talk.

You would have asked them if they were dressed up for Halloween? A holiday where people traditionally dress up as monsters and other ghoulish things? In September?


I don't agree with this conclusion at all. In my experience, retail workers will learn to avoid unpleasant interactions with customers because, well, they're unpleasant. Being yelled at in the middle of a store isn't fun. So maybe this doesn't get filed in her "don't be racist" folder, but I'm pretty sure it got filed in her "don't piss off the customers" folder.

When I worked retail, I once mistook a woman for a man. Now, she didn't really chew me out. But she was hurt and she was angry and she let me know. Guess what I never did again?

That's actually a pretty interesting way of thinking about it. Didn't think of that.

I didn't read all of your post yet but I will comment on it anyway.

Imagine there are 10 hills. 9 of them are filled with inane self serving bullshit. One of them is in support of a mother who defended her children against racism.

You have to die on one of these hills. Which one do you choose?

I get what you're saying, I do, but it really does seem that your metaphors seem a bit... off i guess. But regardless I get what you are saying. And to be fair, I reneged on my stance on this specific instance. The mother was 100% completely okay in her discourse. again, apologies are in order. I'm sorry.
Tough shit on them.

It is quite telling that people are trying to make the clerk the protagonist of this story. Even though she said something racist she could have been saved! If only the mother had handled it with reason and grace they could have ended up true friends and a valuable lesson could have been learned.

Brought to you by Lifetime.
What? It's not about the adults, it's about the kids. Obviously kids should learn to speak up when people are being insensitive towards them, but not by kirking out.


You would have asked them if they were dressed up for Halloween? A holiday where people traditionally dress up as monsters and other ghoulish things? In September?

Semantics. I don't know if this clerk really is racist or not (she's white in America, so she probably is), it is possible that she just worded herself poorly though.
Semantics. I don't know if this clerk really is racist or not (she's white in America, so she probably is), it is possible that she just worded herself poorly though.

Not fucking semantics.

That's nonsense.

It's September the only reason to ask about Trick or Treating is to he rude as fuck.
We should educate this grown as store cashier that calling people's traditional clothing Halloween costumes is a shitty and racist thing to do. Like she didn't already know that.

So there is only one way for this out come? No other way? We can go on all day about this but why when it will be the same thing in every post. The main thing here is that the cashier is stupid for what she said and the mom had every right to act the way she did. Only thing is some of us thing it could have been handled differently. There is nothing at all wrong with that.

I will say I'm wrong in saying it could have been handled better because I don't know if it would. None of us do. I just wanted to express other way it could have been handled.
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