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Monitor squealing at startup?

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Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Bleh, I have a bad feeling about this...

My monitor (4 year old Samsung 955DF) has just started to develop a slight problem. When I go to bed, I turn the power to the monitor off. After sitting all night, turning it on in the morning causes the coils to squeal loudly for about 5 seconds or so. This only occurs when the monitor has been switched off for a while (turning off, waiting 5 minutes, and then switching back on does not cause the problem).

Normal operation has been just fine, but I fear that something may be going. Considering that I just bought a new HDTV set, I'd rather not spend money on a new monitor as well (especially considering how much I love this one). My warranty is up, obviously, but I've also heard that the newer 955 monitors are actually budget monitors now and look a lot worse. :\

Any ideas? Should I just let it go and forget about it?


if it's coil wine it's not the tube! good news!!!!

i don't think it's in its death throes but who knows man


Unconfirmed Member
I have a dell montior that has been squeling at start up for well over a year. Never could figure out why. I just leave the monitor off while booting up.

edit: oh yours does it when you power on the monitor? Mine only happens during boot up if the monitor has been off.
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