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Monster Hunter 3 Tri |OT| Animal Cruelty Made Fun

Ridley327 said:
-Single player is a very big improvement over other games in the series thanks to a far more gentler difficulty curve and better tutorials to teach you how the various gameplay aspects work. It's also indispensible for online since you stand to make a lot of money and resources through it and that will all carry over into the real meat of the game, so to speak.

-Randoms haven't been too bad as far as conduct, but there's a lot of people who really don't know how to play the game right, so that can lead to frustration. Stick with us and you'll be fine. :D

-I'd definitely get a keyboard if I were you.

Thanks for the info!

It's too bad Wii Speak sucks :(

Are GAFers hopping onto XBL Party chat while playing this at all?

I may wait until tomorrow to get this...hoping on hope that I get a F&F code for Halo Reach through a contest or something.

EDIT: I got one :)


Neo Member
So Ive made the Bhabara suit for Gunner and it only has chest, legs and boots for the set. Does anyone have any recommendations as to what to use for the helm and gloves? I have no idea which other skills would be good to go along with this set.
Oh my goodness, what did they do to Rathalos and Diablos?!?!?

So being well versed in Freedom 2 and Unite I think "oh Rathalos I can run circles around him". Boy was I wrong. The freak never stops flying, like ever. Then he does that move where he flies up ridiculously high and swoops down at you, I swear it's impossible to dodge unless you performing an invincible dive.

Then Diablos.....did they increase his HP? It took forever to work him down as well. Even his tail took forever to cut off.

I think I'm ready to fight Caedus now. I've got a full Lagia set, gemmed for Expert +2, and a Thunderclap+ longsword.


God, i love this game so much. How about posting pictures of your characters :D

Tenbatsu said:
If you never mix and match your armor in MH3, you are playing it wrong. The best improvement for MH3 is the flexibility in the armor mixing, nothing else comes close.
How so? Through charms/talismans?

So far I've made sets because they seem to be the only way to get worthwhile skills. I have found talismans but 99% of them are for semi-useless skills like Fishing. Is there a secret to armor skills I'm missing?

Also, that calculator looks like something I would really love, if only I could read it :(.


Haha, today I discovered you can actually make potions and awesome megapotions. All this time I just got by on herbs and first aid potions you get from supply boxes at the start of the quest. Well, this will make the game a lot easier. :lol

War Peaceman

You're a big guy.
Any tips for beating that Gobul fuckface?

I normally use a Sword and Shield (Royal Claw, I do believe), but I also have an upgraded Switch Axe, though I loathe the unwieldy weapons. Any suggestions?


vcassano1 said:
Any tips for beating that Gobul fuckface?

I normally use a Sword and Shield (Royal Claw, I do believe), but I also have an upgraded Switch Axe, though I loathe the unwieldy weapons. Any suggestions?

biggest suggestion is doing the " fish him out " subquest because you can do a ton of damage aftewards. I think you need a frog bait to do so.


Is there a good way to find technic videos? Like for instence "Barroth Vs Lance" or "Gobul vs LS".

I think of this like a fighting game and would love to learn from what other people do.
sillymonkey321 said:
biggest suggestion is doing the " fish him out " subquest because you can do a ton of damage aftewards. I think you need a frog bait to do so.

Yes, frog bait. Just make sure the stinker didn't secretly climb out while you fish and sneak up behind you to pounce, causing much damage and cursing.

I hate Gobul too.


Ugh Gigginox. I beat the shit out of him, never fainted, and still ran out of time. I used the plume hammer because I heard Giggi is weak to Fire. Don't know what to do. I was owning him.

Hit him mostly in the tail since it is easiest. Maybe I need to use a different weapon? It is too hard to bash his head in without getting destroyed.

Any suggestions?

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
blackflag said:
Ugh Gigginox. I beat the shit out of him, never fainted, and still ran out of time. I used the plume hammer because I heard Giggi is weak to Fire. Don't know what to do. I was owning him.

Hit him mostly in the tail since it is easiest. Maybe I need to use a different weapon? It is too hard to bash his head in without getting destroyed.

Any suggestions?

By the time you're able to fight Gigginox, you should by all means be able to upgrade the Plume Hammer to the Peco Flint. Do it.

(Hell, I still haven't bothered fighting Gigginox in offline yet and I already have the Red Bludgeon.)


Seraphis Cain said:
By the time you're able to fight Gigginox, you should by all means be able to upgrade the Plume Hammer to the Peco Flint. Do it.

(Hell, I still haven't bothered fighting Gigginox in offline yet and I already have the Red Bludgeon.)

I was wondering about that but I've never seen a flame sac before. Ok so looks like I'll have to kill Rathians first (never tried). I wanted to do Giggi first because I want the Pale Extract for Carapace hammer.
Another Question: Is the FastCharge skill worth pursuing? I use Long Swords almost exclusively and if I could fill up my spirit bar with only a few swipes I think it would really help. The problem I have is that faster monsters don't stay still long enough for me to get enough hits to fill it.
Add me to the list of the new players who are completely overwhelmed, but at the same time, horribly asphyxiated, addicted, and drawn into this game. I am absolutely loving it. Already threw my info into the community page. Kudos on a fantastic thread as it has already been a great resource for me starting out. Looking forward to getting in some gaf groups soon. :D


Alright, grabbing something to eat, then it's event quest time!

Dunno if theres already cities up, but if not i'll make one.

EDIT: Oh and its official, Ludroths everywhere fear me.

EDIT 2: Wow at Gobul life video...thats some National Geographic stuff :lol
Gino said:
Wow, that was a great video. I can't believe how good he is. He hardly takes any damage.

Do you have to time your blocks to right when they collide to not take any damage like he does?
He's using a counter attack which activates a stab immediately after the shield blocks an attack. If nothing hits your shield after about a second or so, it turns into a stab, which will leave you vulnerable if you started it too early.

The counterattack is done by pressing the a button and guard simultaneously (I think), but if you're using CC control scheme 1, you can only do this when you're either guarding or as part of a combo.

Hawkian said:
Aren't you gonna regret your username at some point?
Hmmm, maybe. I'm actually a lance newb, but I'll probably use them more at some point.

If you're referring to the double entendre aspect of my username, then no, not really.


Lance Bone Path said:
He's using a counter attack which activates a stab immediately after the shield blocks an attack. If nothing hits your shield after about a second or so, it turns into a stab, which will leave you vulnerable if you started it too early.

The counterattack is done by pressing the a button and guard simultaneously (I think), but if you're using CC control scheme 1, you can only do this when you're either guarding or as part of a combo.

Hmmm, maybe. I'm actually a lance newb, but I'll probably use them more at some point.
I'll try using the counter attack a bit more I guess. Also seems he always jumps backwards to end his combos which seems to put him out of the monsters attack range.


Haunted said:
Wait, what's this about a Jaggi mask?

I already did the event quest, where should I look?

armor crafting guy can now make a jaggi mask but you need a lot of zeny and i think new jaggi head parts.
Gino said:
I'll try using the counter attack a bit more I guess. Also seems he always jumps backwards to end his combos which seems to put him out of the monsters attack range.
Jumping backwards allows you to start up another attack combo sooner. You're allowed 3 regular attacks in a combination, but combinations can be broken up by sidesteps, backhops, the counter (I think). If you want to attack in a continuous stream, you have to use backhops, sidesteps, and/or counters.

You can also do a combination of sidesteps and backhops, up to a limit of 3 before you need to break up that combination. In other iterations of the series, expert lancers with evasion+2 can be almost impossible to hit. Some examples in the following video: Yodafone's escapist

There's also the shield rush which is good for quickly closing short distance while keeping your facing in a useful direction.


Getting a little pissed of, me and my brother both bought the game and I was looking forward to playing it online. However every time we try to connect to each other we get the 11688 error message. Been looking around and we are far from alone, apparently it pops up whenever people try to connect locally so to speak?
Hey guys, sorry for repeating myself but i had a brief exchange with Pancho and i thought i would post it here in case it helps anyone else.

Pancho said:
Well since you offered on the MH3 thread, I'm gonna take on your offer since I am in need of a long winded explanation if you don't mind. Can you explain to me elements in weapons? How do they work? If the monster's weak against thunder and your weapon has, let's say, 150 thunder damage and 150 raw damage; Does that mean you'll do 300 damage to the monster since he's weak to that element? (150+150=300)

Also, what exactly is the dragon element on the armors? does it mean that by having -15 of dragon element on my armor set I am pretty much fucked up by any attack by any dragon (ex. Rathian?) If not, what exactly are Dragon type-attacks?

If my questions are not understood well you can PM me back, if you don't feel like answering back I won't hold it against you or anything ;D

Here i go!

First things first. Elemental damage does not work like raw damage. There is a complicated formula to figure out how much damage you do which you can see here: http://www.gamefaqs.com/console/wii/file/943655/59207
When you see a elemental damage score on a weapon, divide that number by 10 and thats how much extra damage a weapon is really doing against a monster. If the monster is weak to an element, then that elemental damage amount nearly doubles in each hit. With that in mind, always remember that raw damage should come first unless you build a specific weapon where the elemental can make up for the decreased raw damage.
The benefit of elemental damage is that monsters dont absorb nearly as much elemental damage as they do raw. You see, each hit zone of a monster, like head, tail, belly, etc have different armor/absorb ratings that subtract from overall damage. Elemental damage isnt effected by this as much meaning more damage goes through directly to the monster while the raw damage is lessened a bit. breaking off armor decreases this value allowing for stronger hits.

Poison and Paralysis work differently and do not do direct damage. Instead, every hit decreases a resistance meter that the monster has until it reaches 0 and the monster is then paralyzed or poisoned for a period of time. After that, the meter refills. Once again, knowing where to hit a monster with that type of element will increase how fast it will get effected!

Dragon and other elements on armor only effect you when that type of move hits you. So if you have +10 against dragon, getting tail whipped wont do extra damage, but getting caught up in a wind or blast attack by a dragon type monster will hit you for more because those special moves have a specific type.

Dragon is slightly special as a weapon attribute because certain pieces of end game monsters will only break with dragon damage so keep that in mind.

Hope that helps.


Feel free to PM me if you need help or monster strategies.
I meet this amazing group of three real life friends and had a great time with them. I even did a two man Uragaan take down with one of them which was great. I was so depressed not being able to play along with their banter over keyboard that i left for walmart at midnight and went and bought one. I came back and we managed to take down jhen mohran with my help after they just failed it. I'll be honest, it felt good.

Also, that fight was epic.


I put in over 10 hrs in the game yet it seems like I've only covered only 5% of the game.

How many hours one must put in to fully cover the game and be fully powered up?
Vizion28 said:
I put in over 10 hrs in the game yet it seems like I've only covered only 5% of the game.

How many hours one must put in to fully cover the game and be fully powered up?

That depends on what you think fully powered up means. If you are truly hardcore, you might want a specific set of kickass armor with certain decorations with a specific weapon for each high level monster.

Of course building what you want all depends on how lucky you are with carve rates.

We are talking about hundreds and hundreds of hours here. You can be kickass at 100 or even 70, but fully powered up? 400+
Hawkian said:
My man needs some velcro pads.

I have some at work that I'll steal. It sucks though because you're attaching it on the skinny side instead of the long side which makes it more difficult.

I got my CC Pro today so I should be on tonight if I don't get home too late! :D


Killed my 2nd Barroth and captured one as well as a Royal Ludroth.

Gonna work on getting the Barroth Armor set (currently have the chest armor) and switch axe.

Oh, and I hate Gobul. That thing kicked my ass twice so far.


Fuck! Do I need to break Lagiacrus Horns in order to have a dim chance to get them in the rewards?! Ive killed him and captured him quite a few times and the bastard won't drop that single Horn in order to make my lagiacrus helm >;(
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