I have bad news for you.I think I just screwed myself over :-(
Tell me there's a high or g rank shagaru magala in single player?
I have bad news for you.
Which rank?Well then... Where can I farm him online (this is going to be a long night)
I'm HR5
High Rank Shagaru is HR7(and is the urgent to go from HR6 to 7).
G room? Apex?
Get Seregios armor.So, thanks to a few really patient Gaffers i managed to hit G1 today!
I also farmed myself some G Tetsu gear as a bandaid until i decide on something else, but I think i've fallen in love with the stuff. It's some seriously cool looking armor, and i've got like 5 skills baked in, since i found a +9 protection talisman during one of those farming runs.
Thanks for the food quests, B-Dex!
Got one more drink upgrade after my next HR rank up.
You have a room?I have an Ukanlos to do then an urgent.
So G room is what I'm trying to find!
Any help would be most welcomed. I'm doing my G1 Urgent.
Seer of Swords
Let's rock.
Edit: Or not. I get error code 006-0612 when I try to connect to you. Sorry.
Funny you mention this, I was given a guild quest for this the other day.Looking for orishin Kirin (high) rooms
Mind sharin?Funny you mention this, I was given a guild quest for this the other day.
Don't mind at all.just gotta make a room.Mind sharin?
Thanks!Don't mind at all.just gotta make a room.
Not seeing it. You joined another?Got caught with tech support.
Got a G3 room up.
Room id is 17-5321-3592-6537Thanks!
Not seeing it. You joined another?
Thanks!Room id is 17-5321-3592-6537
Your welcome! Sorry I had to run like that, boss said it was time to head out for the night. I'm back online now if you want to do it again?Thanks!
Any IG users here that have used Daora's Entom or Ukanlos Staff? Which do you prefer? Ukanlos staff has great raw damage but negative 30% affinity. That's like raw damage of around 745? 806*.75*.3 + 806*.7 = 745.55.
What is the easiest source to get conq seals g?
Anyone wanna do Akantor HR7?
I'll be there in three-ish minutes
Since I got a n3DS the other day I decided I might as well buy this game to take advantage of it.
This is my first MH experience. What have I gotten myself into? lol
Lol I was mounting a rathalos next to the zone exit and he used loading screen attack.
It was super effective.
Has anybody tried playing the game while using their phone as a hotspot? Does it lag like hell or what?
It depends on the bow you want to use. I use the Seregios one which lacks a third charge and needs the Loading skill to be competent. Fast Charge and Marathon Runner for more attacks. Evade Extender is really nice; totally noticed it against Akantor, being able to roll away in 1 go. In a perfect world, I'd give up Evasion, but I need to get better, and I'm not sure if it's possible to get a set with normal up at my current talisman state when I don't have Barrage Earrings.Kitty, would you mind explaining your bow set to me? I'm thinking about making it. I know I don't have a loading/evade extend charm though so I may just go evade+2.