
Mordhau Dev Won’t Police Their Fanbase, Suggests Offended Players Use the Mute Function
Triternion released the full version of Mordhau, their ambitious multiplayer medieval combat game, a bit before the summer kicked off. The game has soared in popularity, and when things get popular…
“Whatever stance we take officially, some group of people are going to be upset with us” Triternion rep Andrew Geach said. “And so, ideally we’d put the power in the players’ hands, and give them the option to enable and disable different things.”
Artist Mike Desrosiers added, “If we take an official stance and we put an official filter list on all the words in chat, people will, first, find a way around it, and it might catch innocent words, or people might claim we’re censoring. So we’d rather put the power in the player’s hands.”
Geach followed up with, “We do of course act on inappropriate posts or discussions when seen personally. That being said, we don’t try to police our players too tightly. We allow for discussion on most topics, within reason.”
“I do apologize on behalf of the team for some of these… ‘people’ that are spouting off terrible things in game,” Mordhau community manager Jax said on their forums. “All I can say at this point in time is that we’re working on improving the situation.”
To be clear, any offending users on their forums or Discord found are banned, but the team isn’t going out of their way to police every single post made or user.
Instead of wasting time and resources policing their community, the developer is looking for ways to meaningfully interact with and engage them, implement features they want, and so on.
Currently, the game only lets you play as a white male – they’re planning on letting you don a full suit of armor complete with a huge bastard sword as a female, or a person of color if you’re interested.
“Maybe if it calms down… the game still has a lot of players, a lot of toxicity, a lot of racism, a lot of politics, everything, people argue in chat about all sorts of nonsense,” he added.
Community manager Jax noted the team is “trying to improve our moderation, but we’re a small team and there are a lot of you.”
Editor’s Note: We removed the blurb about adding a toggle to make all avatars in-game stay white. Triternion has gone on record via Twitter to say this is not the case, and are promising a statement soon.
Kotaku also reported on this, but using a different title.

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