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Morning coffee on NYC subway's ILLEGAL

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But what has many riders upset is another ban - sipping even non-alcoholic drinks from open containers. Doing that will get you a ticket.

Eyewitness News reporter Jeff Rossen has the story.

It seems innocent - walk onto the subway with that cup of coffee. This man has no idea, he could get a ticket soon.

Breakfast or not, NYC Transit is cracking down. Under a new law, all open containers on all subways and buses are illegal. We're not just talking alcohol - anything, including coffee, even water, all banned.

Subway Rider: "I mean without a cup of coffee you're going to have more grumpy New Yorkers. That's just going to make people more angry in the morning without a cup of coffee."

An open container is anything that can spill. Bottled water, may be okay, if you close the cap.

Subway Rider: "Good luck to enforcing it."

Some cops even laughed it off today, saying they'd only ticket someone drinking alcohol. But, the fact is, they can write you a ticket - a $25 ticket for water, too. This is a spokesman for NYC Transit.

Paul Fleuranges, NYC Transit: "It's not harsh when you're talking about a person being scalded by somebody who slips and spills their hot coffee or hot tea on somebody."

Subway Rider: "I'm part of the 27-percent of New Yorkers that don't drink coffee. But I care if somebody slops up my pants though."

Here's the bottom line: It's okay to have an open container in the subway station or on the platform but the second you walk into the train it becomes illegal.

Transit officials call this a clarification not a new law. Whatever it is, the MTA board is expected to approve it tomorrow.

Subway Rider: "I drink mine every morning and I don't like the idea that I'm going to be stopped."

If passed, the law goes into effect October 1st, and suddenly that open cup of coffee could cost you $25.


Hollywood Square
We've had laws like this in Washington DC for awhile, so welcome to the 21st century.

Hell, there was a woman arrested on the Metro awhile back for having french fries! Arrested!

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
It's this way in San Francisco, too.

Why don't you have your coffee at home -- or at work -- if it's that vital?


Willco said:
We've had laws like this in Washington DC for awhile, so welcome to the 21st century.

Hell, there was a woman arrested on the Metro awhile back for having french fries! Arrested!

not even a woman yet... a teenager it was!


The black man everyone at Activision can agree on
Why the f*ck is this a big deal? It does say open container right? Most stores that sell coffee give you f'n lids.

fennec fox

ferrets ferrets ferrets ferrets FERRETS!!!
goodcow said:
We're New Yorkers, we're in a rush.
But what about all that time you save buying organic toilet paper at Amazon instead of hunting for it in stores?


fennec fox said:
But what about all that time you save buying organic toilet paper at Amazon instead of hunting for it in stores?

That's to save tax money because I abhor the concept of sales tax.


*drowns in jizz*
Good. Put a afucking lid on your coffee. I like this law. I don't need you spilling it all over the damn place.


DarienA said:
Why the f*ck is this a big deal? It does say open container right? Most stores that sell coffee give you f'n lids.

That's what I figured too. I mean, subway rides can become bumpy sometimes, and imagine some f**ker accidentally spilling hot coffee onto me?
DarienA said:
Why the f*ck is this a big deal? It does say open container right? Most stores that sell coffee give you f'n lids.

An open container is anything that can spill.

Just put your coffee in one of those spill-proof baby cups.


Problem solved.


Yeah ummm, open lid means even a cup of coffee that has a lid, but has that little area of plastic to rip off so you can sip it or drink it.... Thats an open container.

Nobody drinks coffee without a lid...

White Man

goodcow said:
We're New Yorkers, we're in a rush.

Yes people, can't you see that they're New Yorkers? They're under much more stress than anyone else and they're clearly the most important (and loved) people on the entire planet.

NYC is the Robertsan of cities.


Hollywood Square
White Man said:
Yes people, can't you see that they're New Yorkers? They're under much more stress than anyone else and they're clearly the most important (and loved) people on the entire planet.

NYC is the Robertsan of cities.


Make way! The New Yorkers are coming through!`


Hollywood Square
DarienA said:
Can I get a definition of what exactly an open container is?

Right in the article it says...

An open container is anything that can spill. Bottled water, may be okay, if you close the cap.

Even coffee cups with lids can spill.


DarienA said:
Can I get a definition of what exactly an open container is?

I did. look at my last post.

If you get on a subway car with a bottle of water and the cap is off, thats open.

if you get on the subway with a bottle of snapple, and you are drinking it, thats illegal.

if you get on a subway car, and u have coffee that has a lid, but the little area for your mouth is ripped off so you can sip it, thats an open container.

if you get on a subway, and you have a can of coke, and its opened, that illegal.


Yeah you'd think a person would use a spill-proof container for hot liquids while most likely standing on in a moving vehicle surrounded by dozens of other people, but that'd take too much common sense. And as we have seen oh so recently, we Americans don't know shit about common sense. So here's hoping that Starbucks and many of the other posh coffee shops jump on this newly birthed money pig and start selling sturdier, sealable spill-proof cups with the slogan "For the Consumate Subway Conosseiur" for a nice fee in addition to the coffee that goes inside. Then they can drink it when they get out of the railcar.

OR one could be fined $25.



Slurpy said:
Good. Put a afucking lid on your coffee. I like this law. I don't need you spilling it all over the damn place.

Who are these people? Where are they, these victims of scalding coffee spillage? Is there some sort of foundation? If so, is it accepting donations? Sadly, yet when one thinks about, so very fortunately, I have never encountered these poor souls in my 20+ years riding the iron horse here in New York.


bob_arctor said:
Who are these people? Where are they, these victims of scalding coffee spillage? Is there some sort of foundation? If so, is it accepting donations? Sadly, yet when one thinks about, so very fortunately, I have never encountered these poor souls in my 20+ years riding the iron horse here in New York.


I have been on the subway in the morning, afternoon, evening, and not once have I come across a screaming person who just had hot coffee spilled on them. I mean come on...

Also, the open container is not the only other law they are passing. NYC Transit yesterday recommended that a host of routine subway activities be made fineable offenses — including putting one's feet on a seat, straddling a bicycle, wearing roller skates and moving from one car to another.


This poster pulses with an appeal so broad the typical restraints of our societies fall by the wayside.
Some woman had a BOWL OF SALAD on my train home yesterday (Boston, green line, rush hour). She started to eat it with her FACE since she couldn't use her other hand/fork. Inevitably, it got knocked all over her.

I don't agree with regulations on drinks, but there should be on food. Those people who eat, like, meals on the train. They're always gross, but I can't help watching them. And their food always smells.


White Man said:
Yes people, can't you see that they're New Yorkers? They're under much more stress than anyone else and they're clearly the most important (and loved) people on the entire planet.

NYC is the Robertsan of cities.
Envy. It's ok we're used to it.
BTW Yesterday I ate an entire box of chinese food on the A train. Fuck the law!
man in my 10 years i have never seen someone spill anything in the morning rush, and i've seen thousands of people drinking coffee, soda, juices, water, you name it...

i once saw a little kid spill a half-full 20 ounce minute maid pink lemonade, though the parents shouldnt have a 4 year old standing around holding an open bottle...

this is just another moneymaking bloomberg scheme!

masud said:
Envy. It's ok we're used to it.
BTW Yesterday I ate an entire box of chinese food on the A train. Fuck the law!

i do that all the time on the 4 train, and i'm not the only one


This is slightly off topic, but they also banned walking between cars which is something I can praise them for ruling on. I have nothing against homeless people but every fucking day there is a different homeless entertainer or uninteresting beggar walking through the 6. It's either some homeless dude with a guitar and harmonica, Mexican mariachis, black acepella singers, or your every day beggar. I don’t even mind them if the train isn’t full but if you’re standing next to the door between the cars and the car is already packed, it’s annoying as fuck to have to squeeze either to the left or right to have a group of loud annoying singers squeeze in so they can annoy you one more time, this time with their music.

As for drinks... I don't care since I've never seen someone spill a drink. I have seen a pile of human (?) feces on one of the seats before but I've never seen that.


Kuroyume said:
This is slightly off topic, but they also banned walking between cars which is something I can praise them for ruling on.

Tell that to a woman who'd like to switch cars because Creepy Guy #354 is lookin' at her kinda funny.


xsarien said:
Tell that to a woman who'd like to switch cars because Creepy Guy #354 is lookin' at her kinda funny.

Yeah exactly. I am sure when a young lady gets on the train at 2am and then has to look at a homeless guy, or someone worse, someone who is looking to mug, rape or kill her, and when she gets up to switch to a car that has people on it, and she is stuck because the doors are locked, I am sure she will be real happy.

Now the MTA says, if you want to switch cars, wait until the next station and then rund out onto the platform and into the next car.

I want to see the tourists who dont know english do this when they are taking the 1 train to the ferry, and you need to be in the first 5 cars....


goodcow said:
That's to save tax money because I abhor the concept of sales tax.

...How do you save sales tax buying on Amazon? Everything I've bought from them had CA sales tax applied to it.

Laguna X

Nintendogs Member
Not letting commuters drink water during those hot and humid NYC summer days will be a big mistake. Mark my words.

PS. Bloomberg is an ass.


sonarrat said:
...How do you save sales tax buying on Amazon? Everything I've bought from them had CA sales tax applied to it.

As you can see, it depends on what part of Amazon you're ordering from.


The following is a partial list of merchants selling items at Amazon.com which may be included in your order, and the states in which they charge sales tax.

* Amazon.com LLC: KS, ND and WA
* Amazon.com Baby, Inc.: KS, ND and WA
* Babiesrus.com, LLC: All states other than AK, DC, DE, MT, NH, OR, and WY
* Borders teamed with Amazon.com, Inc.: KS, ND and WA (Note: items purchased for in-store pickup at Borders stores are sold by Borders, Inc., and may be subject to tax in most states.)
* Imaginarium.com: All states other than AK, DC, DE, MT, NH, OR, and WY
* Magazine Express, Inc.: AL and WA
* Synapse Services, Inc.: WA only
* Toysrus.com, LLC: All states other than AK, DC, DE, MT, NH, OR, and WY
* Target.com: All states other than AK, HI, and VT


Now I am not trying to validate the man, but why is everyone putting all the blame on Bloomberg? I mean the MTA has already said they are doing this in hopes of closing the budget gap they have, so if I had to blame anyone, I would blame the MTA.

The best thing about the article was that the cops even said they wouldnt ticket someone drinking water or coffee, but if it was a beer then yes.


aparisi2274 said:
Now I am not trying to validate the man, but why is everyone putting all the blame on Bloomberg? I mean the MTA has already said they are doing this in hopes of closing the budget gap they have, so if I had to blame anyone, I would blame the MTA.

A great way to start closing the budget gap would be to reduce the salaries of the stuffed shirts at the top, who apparently can't manage their way out of a paper bag.


I think on Sept 30th at 11:59pm, I am going to have a full meal on the 4 train, with coffee, tea, desserts, water, chinese food. and I am gonna put a blanket down on the floor of the train and have my picnic


I'm even more glad I don't have to commute into the city from "Longisland" anymore.
Though I never had any desire to drink/eat in the subway anyway.

Those times that a homeless/drunk guy decides to shit/piss/puke in the train, you better believe that the rest of the passengers are going to freak out when it's not possible to go from car to car.

It's definitely happened a few times over the years of riding the subway (late at night especially).


aparisi2274 said:
I think on Sept 30th at 11:59pm, I am going to have a full meal on the 4 train, with coffee, tea, desserts, water, chinese food. and I am gonna put a blanket down on the floor of the train and have my picnic

Can I tape it for the PROBLEM RESOLVERS series?
White Man said:
Yes people, can't you see that they're New Yorkers? They're under much more stress than anyone else and they're clearly the most important (and loved) people on the entire planet.

NYC is the Robertsan of cities.

i'm glad you understand. KNEEL BEFORE SOLRAC!
on the other hand, i agree with this ruling, the fucking subways are dirtier than ever.
bob_arctor said:
Are you serious? Do you have any recollection of the 70's??

obviously not. i'm just going by what i see. they are as dirty as i've seen 'em. yes, they arent as bad as the 70's but they are going backwards, not forward.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
obviously not. i'm just going by what i see. they are as dirty as i've seen 'em. yes, they arent as bad as the 70's but they are going backwards, not forward.

Heh It's not obvious--I dunno how old you are or if you smoke so much weed your short-term memory is nothing but just that. Which lines are screwed? I can vouch for the 7 line and the 4,5,6 as being fine. Or at least not any worse than recent history. The 2 train is pretty wack, same w/ the A/C/E usually.


yeah the 2/A/C/E trains are dope. I think they just rolled out the 6 line like that as well.

Wish they would put it on the more popular lines, like the N/R 4/5 or the 1 train.


evil solrac v3.0 said:
cow, when can we see metal cow solid 3?

Yeah, um... to be 100% honest, I have no idea. I've become jaded and really uncaring of gaming ever since the Dreamcast was discontinued, and I keep trying to get back into it, but ... I can't.

The closest thing to suck me back in was Katamari, which I absolutely loved, and still love... and I played the hell out of that. But other than that, and the Ratchet and Clank games... nothing really interests me. I'll play something for like an hour or so, and then give up.

As such, I bought MGS3 on release day, but never played it more than an hour. I don't know when, or if I ever will... but until I do, I can't really make MCS3. Sorry.
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