Mortal Kombat 1 Halloween Fatality Costs $10 and the Community Is Pushing Back


Earlier this week, Mortal Kombat 1's community was incensed after publisher Warner Bros. Games revealed that it will sell a seasonal Fatality for real-world money. Now, this Fatality is available in the shop with a confirmed price, and players are up in arms once again, with many vowing to boycott the Fatality (and some abandoning the game entirely) because of its cost.

Today, the Halloween Fatality was added to MK1's Premium Shop for the price of 1200 Dragon Krystals (1250 of which can be bought in a bundle for $10)

Players have expressed shock at the Fatality's $10 price tag, especially because it's added on to the game's $70 cost (or $110 for players who bought the premium edition). Many community members are now criticizing the move as an indication that MK1 is shifting toward a freemium model despite not being free.


Power Pro

Bruh what are WB thinking lol



Tears in the rain
Game is just a mess in general. It looks gorgeous but the stiff Nrs animations have never felt stiffer, the single player content is very poor with a good story mode that ends up as shit once the main threat is revealed, and the wannabe Invasions mode is a dumb seasonal grind that won't stick for the masses like their previous offerings did.

I mean it pulls lower daily numbers than it's competition's fucking betas on steam lol.

But my bae Mileena has never been that cool or looked better, so that's that. Reptile is dope too.


I remember reading somewhere that if you bought all the dlc for the previous Mortal Kombat game it would have cost over $3000. If true then 10 bucks for a fatality is not suprising.
When they do game of the year editions for a game such as Mortal Kombat do you really get $3000 dollars worth of dlc or is something like an all encompassing package with all the content a thing of the past?
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Been a MK fan for most of my life, but the series got really stupid. It feels like it's lost it's grit, which I know seems like a weird complaint because it's still as violent as ever, but there was a particular darky, gritty, evil aesthetic and atmosphere these games used to have that seem lost now. I watched the story of MK1 on Youtube, and so much of it was focused on Sindel's relationship with her daughters, and there was so much touchy feely bullshit.

I thought with MK1 they would go back to basics since it's supposed to wipe the slate clean with a new timeline, but they went right into multiverses again and it was more convoluted than ever.


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I mean it is shitty, but it is optional, so just ignore it. Unless of course you think it is worth it 🤷‍♂️

I'm right in thinking this is effectively cosmetic? You still have to earn the ability to perform a fatality and this is essentially like a glorified emote for when you kill someone right?

This isn’t a cosmetic IMO and will set a bad precedent for future dlc and sequels. Let’s lock all the cool fatalities behind pay walls. Oh they keep asking for babyalities and friendshipalities? Great $20 a pop.

Skins aren’t part of core gameplay— when the screen says finish him that’s your chance to do an input in game to see a result. That’s gameplay they are locking behind pay walls.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again but MK1 & Lords of the Fallen are my biggest stinkers of the year and most regrettable purchases.
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That wasn't even really creative, brutal, gory, or clever. Okay, the doorbell dingdong was kinda funny. The rest of it was below average for a modern MK Fatality.


Been a MK fan for most of my life, but the series got really stupid. It feels like it's lost it's grit, which I know seems like a weird complaint because it's still as violent as ever, but there was a particular darky, gritty, evil aesthetic and atmosphere these games used to have that seem lost now. I watched the story of MK1 on Youtube, and so much of it was focused on Sindel's relationship with her daughters, and there was so much touchy feely bullshit.

I thought with MK1 they would go back to basics since it's supposed to wipe the slate clean with a new timeline, but they went right into multiverses again and it was more convoluted than ever.
you said it perfectly mate, i was also hoping they'd go back to a darker style like MK2/3 was back in the day, but instead we keep getting more goofy marvel movie style crap. Microtransactions and cash shops have also killed all the secrets and mystery the games used to have.


The people who are pushing back on this are not the target customers lol
But I support shaming these companies, it just wrecks their reputation long term and they deserve it.

Mr Reasonable

Completely Unreasonable
players are up in arms once again, with many vowing to boycott the Fatality
What? Boycott a video game cosmetic item?

This is one of those "how did we get here" moments. I don't know how many people in here routinely buy skins and cosmetics but it still seems totally insane to me.

"We're boycotting your 8 second animation because $10 is too much! Make it $6 and we'll buy it without complaint. Who's with me?! Yeah!!"


Shit like this makes me glad my interest in fighting games peaked in the late 90s and early 2000s.

I bought SF6, first fighting game I've bought in literal generations, and was immediately turned off by the online store, especially when they had that TMNT crossover where skins were like $15 and someone had tallied all the content to cost over $100. I had considered MK1 but I remember people complaining about the aggressive store in MK11 and that killed my interest.

I suppose I've reached an old-man-shakes-fist-at-cloud point where if I really feel like playing a fighting game, I'll just boot up an old fighter from the 90s or 2000s.


Hermen Hulst Fanclub's #1 Member
I was about to buy the game because Motaro comes out, but I saw that he is only an assistant... I was disappointed. I would only buy him if he is a playable character.


Gold Member
That’s a pretty big asking price. For the price you paid for the game, that stuff should be free. The bigger this franchise gets, the scummier they become. It’s one giant paywall.


Everything surrounding this game seems shitty tbh, just seems like a non needed game and a step down from the last

The core fighting is great but it's obvious the game was rushed out way too early and the monetization isn't helping matters.
Sf6 with that stupid "turtles costume".
Mk1 with that stupid "Halloween fatality".

Its the same shit on every game, not exclusive to mk/wb.
All wrong, all bs.

I like both games and i just ignore! Do the same, don't buy those stupid overpriced dlc.

Overreacting will NOT change the mind of those companies. People pay, so they will continue doing that...
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We have skins in games like leagud of legends coasting 30 bucks that's half of a fullprice game for a skin. Don't get me started on the market system of valve games which can be have skins sold in the hundreds. I absolutely despite mtx but gamers have such a weird way of selective shitstorming games.
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