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Mortal Kombat 11: Lost To Vengeance Scorpion Tower of Time.

Yes, I'm giving this it's own thread. You team up with two other people to do this, and the vast majority of people don't seem to understand this, so I am spreading this information because it's annoying to play with people who have no clue, because they're given no direction regarding this. This is a work in progress and I don't know all the answers.

When you're playing this you're assigned three abilities assigned to 1, 2, and 3 [square, triangle, and x; have never touched an xbox so sorry can't help with your buttons] - those create the effects that help you beat Scorpion. When you are not actively fighting, you control these abilities.

Each has an ability on cooldown, that is unstated.

Ice shield - pick this up off of the ground. Throw it out when there is fire on the ground, seems to act as a shield to.
Shinnok's Bone Hand and fart gas- THIS IS A COMBO BREAKER AGAINST THE ENEMY. DO NOT THROW OUT WHEN YOUR TEAMMATE IS COMBOING. YOU WILL MESS EVERYTHING UP!!!! An exception to this might be if your teammate is Cetrion.
Armor: helps you not get juggled. Let's you execute combos easily
Heart effect: Recovers health, throw it out at will, and pick it up off the ground.
Powered up fist: I think this is life leech? not sure.
Sektor's Missile (red): This is friendly. It's sort of a preemptive combo breaker, but much more difficult to use.


Orange fire on the ground.

Orange Rockets

Orange tornado near the very end.

I think pressing the buttons too many times possibly causes the orange rockets, but this is speculation. I think the orange fire may just come out by default forcing the person with the ice to use the ice. I think the orange tornado is unavoidable, but it's really scary! Get out of any fire effects ASAP! They drain health like crazy.

What to do if you're fighting:
Use your EX bar when you're armored. You can do your kombo without fear of getting interrupted, so there's no pressure regarding whiffing. If you have someone that doesn't know what they're doing with Shinnok's hand, you should wait to do your combo until after they whiff their hand and knock your opponent across the screen. If you have someone throwing out fart blast, you dont' have to worry about this as much.

Magic [Sektor] Missiles: red: Try not to go into an animation that locks them into a grab or quickly changes their position, that way they take damage. If you're already locked to what you're doing, ok.

Magic Missiles: Orange: Play this patiently. take one or two steps back and jump over these. You can block to absorb some damage, or the best case scenario is do a kombo that forces you into a fatal blow. This will instantly remove the orange missiles from the screen. Jade can probably avoid these abilities. If you are knocked down and an orange missile is going to hit you, delay your get up.

Orange fire tornado: I don't know, I'm not usually in this position. I'm curious if you just have to get drained to the point that you use a fatal blow to make it go away. I would love other's input on this. This actually might be so strong that it hasn't been patched yet. It's ridiculous.
Ground fire: FIRE IS BAD FIRE IS BAD FIRE IS BAD. You can be in it for a little while if you have the ice buff. Otherwise, out.

Hearts and ice: Be observant, and go pick these up as long as it doesn't interrupt your flow.

When you're below 30% in position 2 and 3, your health bar will not tell you that you have a fatal blow, but you do. Use it before you die.

How you can help your teammate:
The Most important thing to do is break up kombos using shinnok's bone hand, or fart gas. If your teammate is getting juggled, bust that shit out. Do not interrupt your teammate's combo with Shinnok's bone hand. It's less painful if you accidentally do this with fart gas.
Armor: Throw armor out when your teammate's EX bar is full, or won't be recharged for a while. They can kombo without fear, and if they're wise they will figure this out. It's also helpful if they're comboing while an orange rocket is firing towards them.
Healing effects: Throw out at will.. just not when your teammate is at full health.
Ice: Throw out mostly at will, you seem to gain armor with this also? Make sure you have it out when there is fire on the ground.

I can 65% or better Scorpion with good usage of the abilities by myself, as D'vorah. Those of you who are throwing out bone hand and fart gas are literally wiping teams because you're interrupt combos, and increasing damage when you don't engage them when your teammate is getting comboed. My progress goes down to 15-30% with poor skeletal hand usage. These, and I would say the ice move, are the most critical. Think about what your temamate would want. As D'vorah, I want to be in sweep range, or having the opponent knocked down and letting me get in the first hit. When you knock Scorpion across screen I'm at a massive disadvantage, and I have to go into block strings and creeping across the map, as I have no way to deal with this.


I had no clue, played this last night for the first time, took about 20-30 tries and then with 2 randoms it turned into a 3 player noob saibot team and he got wrecked with cheapo jumpkick uppercuts into tripple teleport slams :D
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