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Most memorable Game Over screens?

I wanted to do this thread long time ago, the "best title screens" thread reminded me of it.

For some reason, when I think of memorable Game Over screens the following come to mind:

Wave Race 64 - The letters coming out of the water looked good for some reason.

Castlevania Symphony of the Night - the artwork with a line containing the words "the night is still young" (anyone remember the rest of the text if any?)

Pretty much any Street Fighter - The voiced countdown (fun when you repeatedly press a button to speed it up) then a voiced GAME OVER.

I'll add more if I think of any others.

I asked my best friend (who's stoned and laying on the floor listening to music right now) and he mentioned Resident Evil (a half a dozen zombies munching on you with the words "YOU DIED" written in blood from an overhead camera), and of course Metal Gear Solid - "Snake! What happened? Snake? Snake?! SNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!"



Just hearing that guy sing "Game Over Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhh!" makes me piss myself....seriously, I piss my pants. :p


Eternal Darkness when it started telling me game over and started flashing back to the game back and forth i almost went nuts.

theres lots of them that i like but that one got to me.


adelgary said:
Castlevania Symphony of the Night - the artwork with a line containing the words "the night is still young" (anyone remember the rest of the text if any?)

Um, I think that's all it says, if you don't count the lame "GAME OVER MUWHAHAHA" voice over.


MGS/MGS2 Tanker chapter(raiden's game over screen sucks ballz). "SNAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!!!!!!"

Zelda 2. MWAHAHAHA(very muffled, 8bit-tastic attempt at a voice sample).

Prince of Persia: The Sands of Time. "No, that's not how it happened..."
Best EVAR:


The game is Bokosuka Wars, a really weird Japanese NES game. This is probably the only thing it's really known for.


Most memorable?


My brother would always freak at the evil laugh from the sorceress type character with it's hand over that crystal ball, he would seriously block his ears and run out of the room. It creeped me out also.
adelgary said:
Castlevania Symphony of the Night - the artwork with a line containing the words "the night is still young" (anyone remember the rest of the text if any?)

the night is still young, let us go out for pleasure

definitely not the best, but classy!
How about the continue screen in Final Fight where your dude is tied to a chair and the fuse on the TNT slowly burns down and if you don't cough up more dough you get explodicated?


gunstarhero said:

Just hearing that guy sing "Game Over Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahhh!" makes me piss myself....seriously, I piss my pants. :p

thats sega rally. daytona is the dancing game over letters... G...A...M...E...O...ooooorrrrr...E...R...G~A~M~E~O~ooorrr~E~R...gameoorgameoorgameoorgameoor...

on another note, the original ridge racers name initial input screen song owns soooo hard. that 50s style mixed with techno is soooooo awesome.
How about in Hitman Contracts, in the second Rottingham mission, if the the nuke goes off, you see a vid of the blast taking out the cat and garbage can from the intro of Hitman 2.
Or how about in the NES Nightshade?

Whn you died, Anubis caught you and hooked you up to a needlessly complex trap suitable for a superhero. If you just sat there, you died but there was an exact way to get out of every one, and the traps got harder each time you got caught.

The only trap I can really rememeber well was the buzzsaw and conveyor belt.

best I could get in a pinch, looks a little different than I remember

yeah, cuz he's not naked. It was just standard anime nudity anyway, like nhe tucked 'em away. I'll keep looking.


I was always fond of Super Metroid, with the baby Metroid floating there saying "RESCUE ME BITCH!" in his little Metroid language.

Final Fantasy VII's with the cool music/film reel was cool too, though it got on my nerves when I kept dying at the one door boss...


ArcadeStickMonk said:

best I could get in a pinch, looks a little different than I remember

yeah, cuz he's not naked. It was just standard anime nudity anyway, like nhe tucked 'em away. I'll keep looking.

I remember reading that they changed the screen in some versions of the game
game over screens? eh.. I would say RE and MGS. Both stellar.

A lot of contemporary games.. you won't even get to see a GO screen which is a pity really.


TEMPEST 2000 (Atari Jaguar)
-A great trippy animation effect on the words, "GAME OVER" along with a cool heartbeat-like drum track.

-The little jingle that plays at the Game Over screen, and the accompanying initial entry screen, is some of the best music ever composed for such a purpose.

-I love how you have to pay the Grim Reaper off with a continue coin.

Castlevania: SOTN (PS1)
-Yeah, "Night is still Young" is truly a great one, so was seeing Alucard exploding into a burst of blood.
BeOnEdge said:
thats sega rally. daytona is the dancing game over letters... G...A...M...E...O...ooooorrrrr...E...R...G~A~M~E~O~ooorrr~E~R...gameoorgameoorgameoorgameoor...

on another note, the original ridge racers name initial input screen song owns soooo hard. that 50s style mixed with techno is soooooo awesome.

On the same tip, I really liked how when the game ended in Virtua Racing, as the words appeared on screen, you'd hear "Game Ovahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..........."
Daytona USA, definitely. Sega Rally is also a good pick. I still dig Super Monaco GP's scaling 'Game Over' letters flying toward you (visible in the rearview mirror) and stopping in front of you.

J2 Cool

Original Super Mario Bros. with the sad song as simply "game over" came up. It would make me so angry to being so close to finishing the game. I dictate the best game over screens by how much they piss me off and how far the controller is thrown


What is a 'Game Over' screen? As I finish all my games at the first try, the only thing I see when the game is over are the credits....
I think the Game Over screen in Donkey Kong Country was pretty cool, because you saw Donkey and Diddy beaten up and full of pain, you almost got a feeling of guilt because it was your fault. :(
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