Haven't had baja blast yet, but I like to mix the Mountain Dew Slurpee at 7-11 with about 10% Crystal Light cherry or strawberry...
I've had a few 2 liters of Pitch Black in the last few days, and I can honestly say I like it... I get a craving for a grape soda sometimes, and it has a bit of a twist to the flavor that makes it interesting. I'll be buying it again.
I certainly like this alternative flavor more than Sprite Remix, DNL, Dr. Pepper Red Fusion, Coke/Pepsi w/ Lemon (Lime, C2, Edge, Blue, god stop it please)...
I don't like regular Mountain Dew at all. Lord, I find cheap ass Fresca better.
For me -- Mountain Dew: Livewire rules over all.
It's just like Mr. Bogard said, "Livewire... GO BANG!!"