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Mountain Dew: Pitch Black

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I tried it...Not too bad. It's not great, but I'd try it again. I also tried Baja Blast at Taco Bell today...Wasn't too keen on that. My least favorite flavor Mountain Dew I think...I only took a sip...Poored it out, and filled the cup up with Code Red, so I didn't get a good impression.


go eat paint
Haven't had baja blast yet, but I like to mix the Mountain Dew Slurpee at 7-11 with about 10% Crystal Light cherry or strawberry...

I've had a few 2 liters of Pitch Black in the last few days, and I can honestly say I like it... I get a craving for a grape soda sometimes, and it has a bit of a twist to the flavor that makes it interesting. I'll be buying it again.

I certainly like this alternative flavor more than Sprite Remix, DNL, Dr. Pepper Red Fusion, Coke/Pepsi w/ Lemon (Lime, C2, Edge, Blue, god stop it please)...

I don't like regular Mountain Dew at all. Lord, I find cheap ass Fresca better.

For me -- Mountain Dew: Livewire rules over all.

It's just like Mr. Bogard said, "Livewire... GO BANG!!"


ToyMachine228 said:
Maybe you guys have heard this, I don't know...But anyway...Word has it that Pepsi is releasing another flavor of Mountain Dew, this time for Halloween. It's called Mountain Dew: Pitch Black. And it is, literally black. It's grape flavored I guess. My manager went as far to tell me that we (Eckerd in NY) may even get it in as early as tomorrow morning. I'll let you guys know.

So what do you think? Code Red is awesome, and even better than Mountain Dew in my opinion...Live Wire is all right, but not too great...And now Pitch Black? We'll see...

Your store in the city? I'd like to try some out.


I personally can't wait to try it out, i love grape soda and anything from Mountain Dew is gold...although Limewire comes in last if i were to rank them with Code Red as my current number 1.



We just got some here. Im tempted to try it out, but there are just to many other things I could use this dollar on :/. Maybe....But then Id have to walk downstairs and I dont feel like doing that now.
My wife works for Pepsi and she said one of the guys at work drank some of this over the weekend. He liked it, but he also said that they used a lot of dye in the soda and it does funny things to the color of your pee. I don't know if I can trust a source that brings his urine color into a conversation.

anyways, I'll be getting some today (free!)


Mr. Blonde said:
Mello Yello Cherry > Code Red

Cherry Sun Drop > Mello Yello Cherry > Code Red


Edit: So, I went to the campus bookstore next door to see if they had any in stock. No dice, so I briefly pondered buying a NuGrape.


Then I said to hell with it and got freshly brewed sweet tea instead. Mmmm. Thus, I came to the following conclusion:

Sweet Tea > All



I haven't had a soda in five months, but this talk of a grape-flavored Mountain Dew makes me want to fall off the wagon.
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