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Movie series that would be much better if films were left out?

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1. Halloween.

If Halloween had just ran 1,2, and H20, the main storyline would be taken care of without the malarky that was the Thorn saga. 1 and 2 come together to make a great movie, then H20 comes along a few years later to cap a film series most of us only really see whenever it plays on the holiday of the same name.

2. Rocky.

While 4 and 5 are alright movies within themselves (that's being awfully kind to 5), do they do anything to the overall story of Robert Balboa? Nope. The series could be a legend and not a joke had it stopped at 3 with the stop-cut of Rocky and Apollo punching at each other...and cementing the fact that Rocky was there and had made it to where he always wanted to be.

Of course, I wouldn't have minded if they did the "Living In America" intro in 2 instead of 4, where it was pretty much wasted. :p


insert blank space here
IBM replies.

In terms of series that would be better with one film removed, I would have to say the third Jurassic Park.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Teh Hamburglar said:
Back to the Future III

Come on! The old west? ZZZZzzzzZZZZzzzz

It wasn't as cool as the future, yeah, but it had to be done...Doc Brown even said in one of the earlier movies that he loved the Old West and always wanted to go there. :) We got to see Hill Valley in three different incarnations, and the genius of it all was that some of the same events happened in EACH era, involving Marty and a descedent/ancestor of Biff.

My pick would be Batman, and I'm surprised it wasn't already mentioned. They should have stopped after Batman Returns. :D


Lyte Edge said:
We got to see Hill Valley in three different incarnations, and the genius of it all was that some of the same events happened in EACH era, involving Marty and a descedent/ancestor of Biff.

1985/Biff reality

That's five that I count, I forget most of BTTF2, though. :p


I don't think there is one franchise, trilogy, or series that has all the movies kick ass.

Except LOTR. And Terminator to some extent. T3 wasn't what a lot of people wanted, but it was good in its own right. BTTF as well.


That throwing stick stunt of yours has boomeranged on us.
Lyte Edge said:
and the genius of it all was that some of the same events happened in EACH era, involving Marty and a descedent/ancestor of Biff.

That's the part I found really lame and annoying... but I did enjoy III much more than II.
Lyte Edge said:
It wasn't as cool as the future, yeah, but it had to be done...Doc Brown even said in one of the earlier movies that he loved the Old West and always wanted to go there. :)
Well, seeing as how II and III were made back-to-back, they were easily able to toss in some foreshadowing. :p

As for my own idea on this topic... we could remove the first Highlander movie from its series. And place it in its own, where it wouldn't have to deal with the several sequels.
Matlock said:
1. Halloween.

If Halloween had just ran 1,2, and H20, the main storyline would be taken care of without the malarky that was the Thorn saga. 1 and 2 come together to make a great movie, then H20 comes along a few years later to cap a film series most of us only really see whenever it plays on the holiday of the same name.

Back in the day, I used to like parts 1, 2, 4 and H20. Now, I only really like the original. Two comes across rather awful. Jamie Lee's freaky hair doesn't work neither does watching her spend the whole movie crawling around the world's most empty hospital. The re-enactment of the ending of Halloween I where you can clearly see the shape walking up a plank and then diving over the railing onto the ground cracks me up every time. Donald Pleasence goes way over the top with his Loomis. No more is this guy a serious, yet somewhat disturbed, doctor who basically is the only one who understand what Michael is.....he's just a goofy caricature of Ahab. The cheesy kills throw out all the suspense of the original in favor of hokey shock. It doesn't work. And more importantly, Howarth's reworking of John's original theme was unneccesary, something he would do time and time again in every subsequent lousy sequal. The second film was forced by the company suits anyway. Even though the original ends with the shape getting away, John never intended for a sequal. Caving into studio pressure, he and Debra force the idea of Laurie and the Shape being sister and brother. Now the shape isn't just a personification of evil, he's pure evil with a family vendetta...whatever.

You are right though, with where the series went with 2, H20 was a fairly decent sequal. At least when you compare it to the nonsense of the others with all the druid crap.

By the way, if you can, dig up the novelization of the original Halloween. It's much more interesting than all the sequals combined.


Hollywood Square
I like Halloween 2. H20 is okay, but too much like all those dark-shaded teen slashers from the post-Scream days. Resurrection made me hate rap.

And the druid crap is just that -- crap.


being watched
Willco said:
I think the obvious choice is Alien 3 and Alien: Resurrection.


"Jee...let's kill Newt and Hicks in contrived fashion by jettonsing them in automated escape capule that can't possibly exist in Aliens unless we redesign the cryotube set for Alien 3 wereupon we'll make the escape capsule the same shape was teh 'L' piece in Tetris...so if it hits upon the gravity of a planet it will plummet to the ground with all the probability of killing everyone inside".

Fucking Fox cunts.


Hmm let's see

Batman if there are no traces whatsoever of Batman and Robin. Even though it's not as well liked, I think that Batman Forever was a decent enough film since it wasn't really over the top like the next film.

Turtles without part III. I mean atleast one and two had some connection. Part III was just trying to run with the ball.

American Pie without American Wedding. Even though, I like American Wedding it just doesn't seem like an American Pie movie to me.

The Matrix with anything after part one....

Musashi Wins!

I'd say Alien: Resurrection and Matrix 2 & 3 are excellent canidates.

And as of yesterday I'd say Terminator 3. Finally saw it. What a raging piece of shit.

Lyte Edge

All I got for the Vernal Equinox was this stupid tag
Matlock said:
1985/Biff reality

That's five that I count, I forget most of BTTF2, though. :p

Wasn't counting 1985, since it's the "present," but yeah, I forgot about the alternate 1985! How could I do that...this is Back To The Future! :)


Hollywood Square
Lonestar said:
I'm sure there are a couple of Bond Films that didn't need to be made.

There's not any real continuity to the series (save for a few), so it's not like the bad Bond films hurt the rest of the series, though.


Teh Hamburglar said:
Back to the Future III

Come on! The old west? ZZZZzzzzZZZZzzzz

Back to the Future III was SO much better than II. It redeemed the trilogy.

1st one - Absolutely amazing
2nd one - In general, sucking. Especially alternative reality scenes.
3rd one - In general, rocking.


Hollywood Square
Back to the Future Part II > Back to the Future Part III

Part II even had a cooler videogame. It wins by default.


Oh, come on, both the alternative reality and future scenes sucked! The only part of that movie that was enjoyable was when they were back in 1955. That part rocked!

Back to the Future III was great!


I friggin luv Back to the future 2, like it more than 3.
I think the world would be a better place without Starship Troopers 2, yea it does'nt really follow the story of the first film, but it still caries the name, and it sucks, real bad. And the last few Nightmare on elem street were pretty shitty, espcialy the last one.
i like Back to the Future 3. Its a fun movie, i think for me, its aged better than 2 even.

As for the topic, Godfuckingfather 3 is the standard to this rule. What a stinker. As for Batman Forever, i remember reading that supposedly there was a lot of the movie that was left on the cutting room floor due to time restraints, and that was supposed to make the movie a lot better. It'd be interesting if that stuff was ever released. I still wish they would have let Burton finish up his Trilogy instead of hiring that asshat Shumacher just to sell more McDonalds toys.


Ninja Scooter said:
i like Back to the Future 3. Its a fun movie, i think for me, its aged better than 2 even.

As for the topic, Godfuckingfather 3 is the standard to this rule. What a stinker. As for Batman Forever, i remember reading that supposedly there was a lot of the movie that was left on the cutting room floor due to time restraints, and that was supposed to make the movie a lot better. It'd be interesting if that stuff was ever released. I still wish they would have let Burton finish up his Trilogy instead of hiring that asshat Shumacher just to sell more McDonalds toys.

Actually, I believe that Burton was against making a 3rd Batman movie. I forget his exact words, something like he would rather stab his eye with an icicle than make another Batman movie.

I think it had to deal with the fact that, it's overal critical when you are taking something from another source, like many parents complained Batman Returns was too dark a movie for something aimed at kids, and hence Batman Forever (which is my little brothers favorite BTW so I guess it worked).

I've always wondered, why has the WB neglected to release a special Edition Batman Boxset. I mean they already have the Batman :egacy fourpack, but it's basically the movies in standard or wide screen, no real extras. Why not cast interviews? Commentaries? If such a thing exists deleted scenes and some other stuff.


SKluck said:
I don't think there is one franchise, trilogy, or series that has all the movies kick ass.

Except LOTR. And Terminator to some extent. T3 wasn't what a lot of people wanted, but it was good in its own right. BTTF as well.


Back to the Future III rocked! Liked it better than II. :p

Anyway....my pic is for The Godfather. Part III is a disgrace.

Actually, I believe that Burton was against making a 3rd Batman movie. I forget his exact words, something like he would rather stab his eye with an icicle than make another Batman movie.

No, that's not true at all. I've actually seen a Burton interview where he actually says that he would've wanted to do a 3rd Batman film, but he said that the WB executives kept trying to talk him out of it..."No no no...don't worry about that...why don't you make this film here or this film here?" :p I don't think he cares, he was laughing during that.


Those Pokemon movies could have done well without Heroes.

Real movies considered, I really don't find Lion King 1.5 to be necessary, but it was cool and funny anyway (in Japan it's called Lion King 3 O_O).


Scary Euro Man
I can't believe I'm the first to say this:

Highlander. There should have been only one.

And in a similar vein, Mortal Kombat could have done without MK2. MK3 might redeem the series, though...
neverending story 3 was too conclusive.

(in other depressing news the guy that played the lead role commited suicide last november)
MrPing1000 said:
neverending story 3 was too conclusive.

(in other depressing news the guy that played the lead role commited suicide last november)
Is that the one with Jack Black as the mean goth guy?


Those Pokemon movies could have done well without Heroes.

Real movies considered, I really don't find Lion King 1.5 to be necessary, but it was cool and funny anyway (in Japan it's called Lion King 3 O_O).

I personally think it could of done without the last two movies.

I don't like Lion King 2 that much, and even though it claims to be.. Lion King 1 1/2 really doesn't make some sense time wise, but eh.

On the same note, I think Aladdin could of done without Aladdin and the Forty Thieves.

And Land Before Time would of been better without it's what 9 sequels now?


A lot of movies should have never gotten a sequel. The Matrix is a perfect example... if 2 and 3 never existed, the Matrix would still be on peoples top 10 lists.
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