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Movie series that would be much better if films were left out?

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THE LAST CRUSADE was the best one in the series IMO. The final 20 minutes where he has to go through all the tests was pretty awesome. Plus, John william's score for that film rocked


How Bout Dem Titties? Vol 1 and 2 could have done without Vol 3, they reused a lot of the original material.


Musashi Wins! said:
I'd say Alien: Resurrection and Matrix 2 & 3 are excellent canidates.

And as of yesterday I'd say Terminator 3. Finally saw it. What a raging piece of shit.

Its like you're reading my mind :)


iapetus said:
I can't believe I'm the first to say this:

Highlander. There should have been only one.

And in a similar vein, Mortal Kombat could have done without MK2. MK3 might redeem the series, though...

I was reading this thread thinking the same thing. How. the. fuck. did this thread get so far without Highlander? This is a series that doesn't even acknowledge one of its sequels existed in any of the other sequels or the tv show. It is the definition of a series that's better without one of its episodes.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Every animated Disney film should have stated at one film, excluding Toy Story but I give Disney no credit for that anyway. Damned cheap sequels.

Oh, and Alien should have stayed at Alien... I'm sure the rest of the world hates me for saying that, but I really don't think even Aliens was a good follow-up.


umm how about Alien.

I think they should have stopped at Aliens!

Ummm, what else,

Godfather(godfather 1&2)
Jaws(jaws 1&2)
Rocky(rocky 1,2&3)
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm Street.

I can go on and on.


aparisi2274 said:
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on Elm Street.

I can go on and on.

Funny you mention them. Other than the originals, Freddy vs. Jason and New Nightmare, neither series was all that good. :-\

Another horror series...Child's Play. The original and Bride of Chucky would sate me well. God bless you, Ronny Yu.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
- The Matrix without Revolutions
- Take everything out from the Batman movie series except the original and Returns
- Scary Movie without 3
- Austin Powers without Goldmember


well not really...yet
Goldmember >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other 2 austin powers movies.

the only one to really make me laugh.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
DeadStar said:
Goldmember >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the other 2 austin powers movies.

the only one to really make me laugh.

And the only one that didn't make me laugh, very odd.


Here are the movies that ruined older movies/series for me:

Robocop 3 - what the fuck happened?

Star Wars: Episode I - again, what the fuck? Did Lucas just through all his talent out the window or did he surround himself with yes-men?

Matrix Reloaded, Revolutions, Enter the Matrix - After these three horrid releases I never want to buy a Matrix related product again. That whole "world" had so much potential and it turned to shit right before my eyes.

Batman and Robin - That movie and it's director should be destroyed.

Halloween 6 - Curse of thorn? curse of shit.

Alien: Resurrection - alien sex? i could have shit out a better movie.

Other movies that should not have been made (that ruined the original):
Analyze That
The Whole Ten Yards
Speed 2

Predictions for shit:
Meet the Fockers - have hopes it wont
Indiana Jones 4 - too old, too late, leave a classic ALONE
Blade: Trinity - preview looks stupid and shit
Resident Evil 2 - could go either way


well not really...yet
Grizzlyjin said:
And the only one that didn't make me laugh, very odd.
oh come on, you didnt even get a chuckle during the mini me birth scene in the infermarary?


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
DeadStar said:
oh come on, you didnt even get a chuckle during the mini me birth scene in the infermarary?

Nope, I'm not the type that laughs often. I'm not sayings it a horrible comedy, but the other movies were able to get something out of me. I can see the humor but it just didn't click with me, Goldmember just left me cold and sticky.


Grizzlyjin said:
- Scary Movie without 3

Are u kidding me? Scary Movie 2 was horrible compared to this one. I wish that Scary Movie 3 was Scary Movie 2, and that Scary Movie 2 was never made.


well not really...yet
Scary Movie 2 is one of the worst movies ive ever seen. Im pretty sure I lost a few IQ points after that one....Repulsive to watch and repugnant to even think about....ugh


aparisi2274 said:
Are u kidding me? Scary Movie 2 was horrible compared to this one. I wish that Scary Movie 3 was Scary Movie 2, and that Scary Movie 2 was never made.

No Scary Movie 2? Ok so 90% of it sucked but you can't deny the Exocist spoof in the beginning and the caretaker with the fucked up hand at the dinner table. Classic scenes. :D


Razoric said:
No Scary Movie 2? Ok so 90% of it sucked but you can't deny the Exocist spoof in the beginning and the caretaker with the fucked up hand at the dinner table. Classic scenes. :D

Ok so then just put those scenes into Scary Movie 3, and burn the rest of Scary Movie 2. I mean u cant put all the blame on the Wayans. After the initial success of SM1, the studio suits wanted a sequel ASAP, so like they threw together this movie in like 2 months or something. You knew it was going to suck from the get go. So what do the suits do, they get a whole new writing team, a whole new director, and they start spoofing movies other than horrors, and well u get the very funny Scary Movie 3 (Although, I could have done without Simon Rex).


Razoric said:
Robocop 3 - what the fuck happened?

I think it sat on the shelf for a few years... The production company went bankrupt, but it was pretty fucking terrible. You'd think after a few years someone would be like, shit... we can't release this.
iapetus said:
I can't believe I'm the first to say this:

Highlander. There should have been only one.

Me neither. ;)

JoshuaJSlone said:
As for my own idea on this topic... we could remove the first Highlander movie from its series. And place it in its own, where it wouldn't have to deal with the several sequels.

Chony said:
Planet of the Apes went downhill fast!
Aren't most of the sequels compiled from the television series?


I'd rather watch a documentary on dung beetles than watch Highlander 2 and 3. Endgame was good.

I loved reloaded, revolutions wasn't as good. I'm glad there was resolution to the matrix story though.
Socreges said:
Lord of the Rings. They really could have done with The Two Towers. Would have made for a better series.

StrikerObi said:
Star Wars for the prequels.

You two make me laugh.

Anyways, I'd say the Matrix sequels, the retarded Disney sequels, and the lame "up to date" Batman movies. I'm sticking with Adam West all the way.
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