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Mr. Robot |OT| Byte Club - a new hacker thriller - Wednesdays on USA

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Fantastic show but there is a part about his father that doesn't make sense to me, why are there scenes where he is on his own and Elliot isn't with him? What is that supposed to be? For example the scene with Romero and his father have a confrontation and the father pulls the gun on him, what is going on here? Elliot with the last episode indicates he can make his father appear, but it's only ever when Elliot is around, in that scene with Romero Elliot is nowhere. At times it indicates that every act his father is carrying out is in fact Elliot carrying it out (like in the last episode where his father strangles Elliot, it's actually Elliot wrapping his own hands around his neck) BUT that only ever seems to be the case when Elliot is there too. In the scenes where Elliot doesn't exist... it doesn't make sense then. Anyone know what I mean?


Fantastic show but there is a part about his father that doesn't make sense to me, why are there scenes where he is on his own and Elliot isn't with him? What is that supposed to be? For example the scene with Romero and his father have a confrontation and the father pulls the gun on him, what is going on here? Elliot with the last episode indicates he can make his father appear, but it's only ever when Elliot is around, in that scene with Romero Elliot is nowhere. At times it indicates that every act his father is carrying out is in fact Elliot carrying it out (like in the last episode where his father strangles Elliot, it's actually Elliot wrapping his own hands around his neck) BUT that only ever seems to be the case when Elliot is there too. In the scenes where Elliot doesn't exist... it doesn't make sense then. Anyone know what I mean?

Elliot is Mr. Robot. In those cases the Mr. Robot persona is in complete control. Since we see the scene from the perspective of Elliot's head, we see Mr. Robot in his place. Elliot isn't part of the scene as a different person since his other persona has totally taken over in that moment. Elliot wouldn't remember those conversations having taken place, they would be missing time just like the events he can't remember in the finale.
What sort of camera do they use to film this? For some reason I really like the colours and filter.

Red Epic Dragon. Good camera but nothing remarkable. It doesn't really matter, digital cinematography can look just as striking as film these days in the hands of the right director of photography. All the color correction can also be done in post. The camera work and framing does most of the work in lending the show its atmosphere, IMO.
Fantastic show but there is a part about his father that doesn't make sense to me, why are there scenes where he is on his own and Elliot isn't with him? What is that supposed to be? For example the scene with Romero and his father have a confrontation and the father pulls the gun on him, what is going on here? Elliot with the last episode indicates he can make his father appear, but it's only ever when Elliot is around, in that scene with Romero Elliot is nowhere. At times it indicates that every act his father is carrying out is in fact Elliot carrying it out (like in the last episode where his father strangles Elliot, it's actually Elliot wrapping his own hands around his neck) BUT that only ever seems to be the case when Elliot is there too. In the scenes where Elliot doesn't exist... it doesn't make sense then. Anyone know what I mean?

Elliot is Mr. Robot. In those cases the Mr. Robot persona is in complete control. Since we see the scene from the perspective of Elliot's head, we see Mr. Robot in his place. Elliot isn't part of the scene as a different person since his other persona has totally taken over in that moment. Elliot wouldn't remember those conversations having taken place, they would be missing time just like the events he can't remember in the finale.

I didn't care for this aspect either. Multiple personality is a lazy plot device. Any time they need something to happen or can't explain something, "oh, it was his other personality!"

Anyway, the finale kind of underwhelmed me. I suppose they were trying to subvert expectations by jumping ahead to the after effects, but honestly what I really wanted to see was if he was going to execute the hack and how he would get away from that Tyrell dude. They never even used that gun in the popcorn machine.


That's all post processing, they done some color grading mixed with right color pallet on the sets

That's not entirely true. In fact, Mr. Robot uses quite a flat color space, which is almost more of an absence of color correction. Typically you shoot a flat color profile (low contrast) to preserve dynamic range, and then derive the look using LUTs and color correction in post. Mr. Robot retains the flat look more than is typical, with shadows that don't really ever go fully black, so really they aren't pushing the color as much as a "normal" TV show would.

Aside from that, the main visual identifiers of the show are the extremely shallow depth of field, which is more about lens choice, and the unique and unorthodox compositions. According to IMDB they shoot it on Red Epic Dragons at 5k, and in an article the DP said they use these Cooke prime lenses, which lets them get very close to the actors and blur the hell out of the background. It all adds up to a very striking and unique looking show with a visual language all its own.


I didn't care for this aspect either. Multiple personality is a lazy plot device. Any time they need something to happen or can't explain something, "oh, it was his other personality!"

Anyway, the finale kind of underwhelmed me. I suppose they were trying to subvert expectations by jumping ahead to the after effects, but honestly what I really wanted to see was if he was going to execute the hack and how he would get away from that Tyrell dude. They never even used that gun in the popcorn machine.
If written properly, it's as valid as any other "plot device" .

And who is to say we don't get to see the hack and especially the gun in season 2? The show's timeline isn't exactly linear.


Anyway, the finale kind of underwhelmed me. I suppose they were trying to subvert expectations by jumping ahead to the after effects, but honestly what I really wanted to see was if he was going to execute the hack and how he would get away from that Tyrell dude. They never even used that gun in the popcorn machine.

Well, what probably happened was
that Mr. Robot took over in that moment, found the gun in the popcorn machine (ever notice how Mr. Robot is depicted eating pop corn from that machine several times in early episodes?) and killed Tyrell to make sure the hack happened. He probably used the car to move Tyrell's body, and then Elliot came to/resumed control after that.

I'm sure we're going to learn what happened in that moment in S2.


Junior Member
I haven't been able to check this out while I was catching up, but I figured out in like episode 2 or 3 that (end-season spoilers)
Mr Robot was Elliot, and was himself. With the schizophrenia plot-point, I never took anything for real. I didn't understand why Darleen and Angelina knew each other well enough to ballet together, so the sister thing was a nice twist.
But to the first part, was it commonplace to see that?


Please do not let me serve on a jury. I am actually a crazy person.
I haven't been able to check this out while I was catching up, but I figured out in like episode 2 or 3 that (end-season spoilers)
Mr Robot was Elliot, and was himself. With the schizophrenia plot-point, I never took anything for real. I didn't understand why Darleen and Angelina knew each other well enough to ballet together, so the sister thing was a nice twist.
But to the first part, was it commonplace to see that?

There was some denying all around, but most of us considered it so obvious we'd be bummed out of it was the main 'twist'.


Just caught up with this show.

The episode 9 ending with 'where is my mind'. I wanted to stand up and clap. helluva way to end an episode.

I think one of my favorites moments in the series so far is in the most recent episode. In the flashback to his childhood, Elliott and his dad exit the store and the camera pulls back for the title sequence, but this time the "Mr. Robot" title card is on the store awning and it's the same typeface/logo-and then the other credit appears. That's confidence-brilliant, brilliant stuff.

Also this.


Amazon's problem with Hannibal was they didn't want to wait over a year for the next season.

I think he's talking about the fact that Hannibal was only streaming on Amazon Prime, and missed out on the potential audience it could have gained by being on other streaming services like Netflix.


Didn't the creator say he wanted no more than 5 more seasons?

Yeah that's what he's thrown around. Since it started as a feature film, and he talked about how season 1 fit into that, the breakdown would roughly be:

Act 1 = Season 1
Act 2 = Season 2,3
Act 3 = Season 4,5


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Didn't the creator say he wanted no more than 5 more seasons?

Woops thought it was 7. Still have Hannibal on the brain. anyways he should have all the seasons he needs. Amazon unfortunately isn't the "known" streaming service. no one says "lets amazon prime it tonight babe" there's no "amazon prime and chill" meme. its unfortunate.


Woops thought it was 7. Still have Hannibal on the brain. anyways he should have all the seasons he needs. Amazon unfortunately isn't the "known" streaming service. no one says "lets amazon prime it tonight babe" there's no "amazon prime and chill" meme. its unfortunate.

I will say that Mr. Robot already has more buzz and popularity than Hannibal ever did. Amazon is probably hoping the exclusivity actually brings people to their service in this case, rather than that hurting the show's chances for longterm survival. It was already pulling enough numbers just being on USA to warrant keeping it around.
I don't think it would've mattered if Hannibal was pre-installed on everyone's tablets, it still was never going to be a big hit.

Agreed. I don't know how anyone could watch it and think "Hey, this has the potential to be a massive hit." It was always a great show that only a niche audience would love.

Didn't the creator say he wanted no more than 5 more seasons?

Well sure, but he also said he's marrying Emmy Rossum and LALALALALALA THAT CANT" BE HAPPENING, so can we really trust him?


While Mr. Robot has its moments of shock, it pales in comparison to the over the top gore, pretentious arty cinematography and f'd up plot lines of Hannibal. I think Hannibal may actually have had better numbers on USA or FX but truly belonged somewhere like Showtime or HBO.

The normal NBC watching crowd just wasn't going to stomach it.

Hannibal still is ahead of Mr. Robot on my all time favorite shows, but this could jump ahead seeing how the upcoming seasons turn out.
I can't believe I only found out about this show a week ago. Just finished marathoning the season (which I barely ever do with shows), and it really is something fucking special.


Finally watched the last two episodes last night. Holy shit, what a show!

My mind is still thrown through a loop about the Tyrell stuff at the end. The only theory I've had so far, is when we see Tyrell in the apartment, putting the gloves on, it's actually the last time we've seen the real living Tyrell, and the Tyrell we see at arcade isn't real. It's just because the transition was so jarring between those two scenes, and if I remember correctly, Tyrell looked right where the gun in the popcorn was, making me think he's part of Elliot's mind.

However, I don't think my theory above clicks with some other stuff, the conversation with Joanna being one, so it's probably not quite right.


Damn, what an underrated show, I just finish the whole season and damn it was brilliant, this show really need more coverage, hope the season 2 will deliver as much as the first one.


300chf ain't shit to me
The pilot episode of Mr. Robot is being screened tonight here at the Zürich Film Festival in Switzerland, and Rami Malek, Christian Slater, and Sam Esmail all showed up -- I was waiting for them with a group of fans and managed to snag a selfie with Rami!


He really took his time to make sure everyone got a selfie who wanted one, and seems like a really nice, easygoing person, cracking jokes with fans and smiling a lot. Unfortunately when he got to me, I was a little star struck and barely managed to get out an "I'm a big fan" which I don't think he even heard, haha.


I can see this argument made for the first half of season 3, but the rest was it really that esoteric?

To be a legitimate hit in the way that some people thought it would be if it were on Netflix? Absolutely. The shows that have done well on Netflix have been very pulpy, Breaking Bad included. Hannibal is not something that would've then be found and loved by the masses. I loved it! But Amazon was not its downfall, at least not in terms of finding an audience on NBC.

Amazon is on the up and up. I do think this will be a big get for them that'll help. Unlike Hannibal, this is a show with the potential to break out.
I can't believe I only found out about this show a week ago. Just finished marathoning the season (which I barely ever do with shows), and it really is something fucking special.
I did the same. They wife wanted to binge something new on vod. So i remember some gaf members bring it up before. So i was able to watch all of them yesterday and was amazed at how well it was written.
The pilot episode of Mr. Robot is being screened tonight here at the Zürich Film Festival in Switzerland, and Rami Malek, Christian Slater, and Sam Esmail all showed up -- I was waiting for them with a group of fans and managed to snag a selfie with Rami!


He really took his time to make sure everyone got a selfie who wanted one, and seems like a really nice, easygoing person, cracking jokes with fans and smiling a lot. Unfortunately when he got to me, I was a little star struck and barely managed to get out an "I'm a big fan" which I don't think he even heard, haha.

That's pretty cool!


The pilot episode of Mr. Robot is being screened tonight here at the Zürich Film Festival in Switzerland, and Rami Malek, Christian Slater, and Sam Esmail all showed up -- I was waiting for them with a group of fans and managed to snag a selfie with Rami!


He really took his time to make sure everyone got a selfie who wanted one, and seems like a really nice, easygoing person, cracking jokes with fans and smiling a lot. Unfortunately when he got to me, I was a little star struck and barely managed to get out an "I'm a big fan" which I don't think he even heard, haha.

Wow. That is really cool!


I'm sure there has to be some PS4 gamers here. I just killed Rami Malek's character in Until Dawn. Fun little take on the slasher genre.
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