The associate producer of this show is a classmate of mine. She almost spoiled to me the fate of Tyrell. I was super curious....but I can wait....smh.
Just finished the final episode.....WOW what a show. Angela is the fucking worst. But perhaps it was the writing in that her character did a complete 180.
because in real life, money > morals for most people
I loved that
Just finished the final episode.....WOW what a show. Angela is the fucking worst. But perhaps it was the writing in that her character did a complete 180.
Gideon interacts with both characters in an individually distinct manner. From Gideon's point of view, elliot is mutually exclusive with Tyrell.
The show making them the same person fundamentally subverts the nature of the writing and unreliable narrator plot device with a petty contrivance that adds little to nothing to the overarching story.
What does "taking them down from the inside" even mean, when talking about a corporation that big? She isn't even an hacker that could actually do something, she's PR.Why do people seem to be ignoring the possibility that Angela is more than likely taking Colby's advice and trying to take down E Corp from the inside and at the same time making some much needed money?
She's probably going to be privy to all kinds of fucked up shit E-Corp has done and is doing and if she can obtain proof of it she becomes a whistle blower.
Whether the masses or anyone will care or not is up for speculation.
What does "taking them down from the inside" even mean, when talking about a corporation that big? She isn't even an hacker that could actually do something, she's PR.
What, she's gonna climb the ranks to CEO or something?
I just marathoned the entire season. I feel stupid because I still have no idea why Elliot did all of this. I have no idea why Elliot's sister was in on this.
Guys, guys, wha if...
What if this series is the prequel...
To Dark Angel?![]()
I think I mentioned something like that with Orphan Black once. Nah, it takes place "today", at this point the "pulse" happened six years ago on Dark Angel.
By the way, Carly Chaikin (who plays Darlene) is amazing.
Here she is on Suburgatory with amazing burns.
I just marathoned the entire season. I feel stupid because I still have no idea why Elliot did all of this. I have no idea where Tyrell went and what happened to him. I have no idea why Elliot's sister was in on this. I have no idea why the CEO was so close to Angela.
It could be, her expression then may mean she just was mad at herself for losing her cool. I still want to believe there's more to it than that.
Joanna Wellick will simultaneously haunt and enchant my dreams from now on . Christ Jesus at that scene with Elliot.
The best Joanna moment of the season was when she drinks the glass of wine when no one's looking at the dinner party.
The best Joanna moment of the season was when she drinks the glass of wine when no one's looking at the dinner party.
I'm two episodes in and it's better than I expected. That guy with his dvd book is giving me Dexter vibes.
It's not going to turn into like a hack of the week type show, is it? Where every episode they perform some new elaborate hack?
A glass of wine here or there won't hurt the baby at all.I thought she was fake pregnant until you mentioned that and knowing she had a kid now. WTF.
It's not going to turn into like a hack of the week type show, is it? Where every episode they perform some new elaborate hack?
In the best way possible. Rowr.holy shit i missed that. She is so offputting to me.
The best Joanna moment of the season was when she drinks the glass of wine when no one's looking at the dinner party.
This, paired with the music, was one of the best scenes of the season. Joanna going full mustache twirling villain is gonna be a sight to see.I just love this scene so much
The whole playlist is available on Spotify I think. Director himself curated it.This, paired with the music, was one of the best scenes of the season. Joanna going full mustache twirling villain is gonna be a sight to see.
Every time this thread updates I'm hoping it's a soundtrack release![]()
The whole playlist is available on Spotify I think. Director himself curated it.
So, finally caught up on the rest of the season...
The portrayal of Elliott's illness isn't perfect, but it's close. Like a lot about this show. Some things in the last episode,hit really close to the harsh noises when his delusion tore, the frame-jumping, and the desperate wondering of "What did I do?!"
I'm usually just irritated by schizophrenic characters in media, but watching Mr. Robot just made me so, so glad thatmy delusions never appeared to be human. I never had to wonder if they were real.
This isn't how I planned to out myself. Wasn't even sure if I wanted to. But I really feel a need to point out what they did right here.
Thought it was a cool show, will keep watching it, but it's a shame they stayed true to. My wife predicted the plot twist somewhere in the second or third episode, and it was pretty clear from then on.Fight Club
Tyrell and Joanna were amazing though.
They shouldn't have even let angela anywhere near e corp. her taking that job is such a bizarre and rushed 180. That should have definitely been a second season plot
I'm pretty worried about season 2 as well tbh, I loved the first season. Came out as a huge surprise to me, but going the secret conspiring group route? That's not very interesting. We'll see
It's not necessarily Schizophrenia. I've heard the creator and Rami refer to what Elliot has as Dissassociative Identity Disorder many times. They've done a really great job in showing the effects of the disorder without getting too "Hollywood" with it. I've seen it first hand. I lived with an SO with DID for a few years and it's eerie and re-assuring to see it being handled with care and not just as a crutch.
Yeah, I've been told I have DID, I've also been told DID is a 'hollywood' name for schizophrenia. I've also been told that I was faking because I was presenting with DID symptoms.
I just use the name everyone knows, now.
Out of curiosity, did your SO see people, or something else?
The naming for the disorder has always been very wonky. For a long time it was presented as Schizophrenia even tho none of the symptoms are really about the voices in your head (even tho those are present too), then there was multiple personalities which was definitely on the cusp of being the correct verbiage but often used to dismiss someone for being overly emotional, but Dissassociative Identity Disorder is a recent development for those people with it and I think the term got popularized by that Showtime show (The United States of Tara? I think it was called) and now the disorder seems to be getting the attention and care it deserves.
And no she didn't. Not while we were together, it was a pretty unhealthy relationship and she relied on me to provide all the emotional support for her to get through her episodes and make sense of her alters and what they were trying to accomplish for her while she was asleep. She took some big personal steps while we were together (confronting her abusive father after 15 years of not seeing him, making her mother and step father finally acknowledge what she had and her coming to terms with the disorder herself), but at the end of the day I was more of a tool than a boyfriend so that ended pretty horribly.
I haven't talked to her since then, but from what I've gleaned through friends of friends she's got a therapist, a supportive fiancé and doing well now. That shit just takes time.