So glad he owned and disowned that rant completely. People citing it as a "complete pwnage" of religion was mind numbing. Way to miss the point and just see the surface folks. Not anyone here necessarily. Just people I've seen online in reaction to the show. It's been, trying.Via reddit, Esmail's thoughts on that religion speech from the last episode
Seems like Mr. Robot has another parallel to Fight Club in that a lot of the scenes people claim are insightful / smart were not actually intended to be taken that way by the writer.
This season is shedding viewers like crazy. Good thing USA's in love with the show.
So far, the season is good. Still slow going, obviously, but the atmosphere and visual language on display are to die for.
The only thing missing is the interaction between the characters. Season one had fsociety, Elliot/Angela, Elliot/Tyrell, Tyrell/Joanna, and just a boatload of really satisfying character moments between the cast. Now, each character is sort of stuck in a prison of their own making, totally isolated from each other and sapping the proceedings of that frenzied, kinetic energy of the first season.
I'm sure it'll pass once things get moving, but at this point, I can't blame your average viewer for tuning out. The show's narrative, by design, has become almost oppressively insular.
This season is shedding viewers like crazy. Good thing USA's in love with the show.
So far, the season is good. Still slow going, obviously, but the atmosphere and visual language on display are to die for.
The only thing missing is the interaction between the characters. Season one had fsociety, Elliot/Angela, Elliot/Tyrell, Tyrell/Joanna, and just a boatload of really satisfying character moments between the cast. Now, each character is sort of stuck in a prison of their own making, totally isolated from each other and sapping the proceedings of that frenzied, kinetic energy of the first season.
I'm sure it'll pass once things get moving, but at this point, I can't blame your average viewer for tuning out. The show's narrative, by design, has become almost oppressively insular.
I think that's why I'm really not feeling this season so far. I don't mind the lack of story, but there just isn't much of anything going on to replace that and I don't really care about any of the new characters or even Angela, having Eliot stuck in a rut with little to no breakthrough isn't that interesting either.This season is shedding viewers like crazy. Good thing USA's in love with the show.
So far, the season is good. Still slow going, obviously, but the atmosphere and visual language on display are to die for.
The only thing missing is the interaction between the characters. Season one had fsociety, Elliot/Angela, Elliot/Tyrell, Tyrell/Joanna, and just a boatload of really satisfying character moments between the cast. Now, each character is sort of stuck in a prison of their own making, totally isolated from each other and sapping the proceedings of that frenzied, kinetic energy of the first season.
I'm sure it'll pass once things get moving, but at this point, I can't blame your average viewer for tuning out. The show's narrative, by design, has become almost oppressively insular.
I think the directing part is fine. It's the writing that's being compromised by Esmail potentially overextending himself. No other show is like this, and for good reason: it's an insane amount of work to write and direct an entire season.Starting to think it was a bad idea to have the show creator also by the director of every episode.
What a load of nonsense. Hannibal Season 3 takes the earlier seasons to their logical conclusion in the first half when it immerses the audience inI've enjoyed the season so far but I do worry that it's going to go the Hannibal route where any semblance of meaningful plot or character interaction gets tossed aside in favour of gratuitous amount of imagery and self indulgence.
Season 3 of Hannibal was just awful for that. So far I'm at a loss for where this season is going which wasn't really a problem in the first season. There was a core narrative which drove forward that is so far lacking here.
Caught up with the 3 episodes. Ep 2 was such a let down but Ep 1 and 3 were great. Loved the first season to death so I'll be sticking with this season until it finishes. Strange how the religion rant has taken centre stage but nobody seemed to mind that corny corny "You can't have a con without CONfidence" line. Hahaha, I unintentionally laughed out loud at that.
What a load of nonsense. Hannibal Season 3 takes the earlier seasons to their logical conclusion in the first half when it immerses the audience inmental state, and the latter half, when it successfully adapts Red Dragon in a way that also ramps up and gives closure to several major character arcs, with dozens of connections and subtle echoes that stretch all the way back to Season 1some even to the very first episode.Will Graham's
I've never seen someone both slam Hannibal S3 for being too indulgent and display a reasonable grasp of the underpinning motives and themes at the same time. Watch TV better. You're doing a great series and season a big disservice.
I think the directing part is fine. It's the writing that's being compromised by Esmail potentially overextending himself. No other show is like this, and for good reason: it's an insane amount of work to write and direct an entire season.
Matt Weiner wrote over 80% of each Mad Men episode (even the ones he's not credited for as a writer) and even he knew when to let someone else step in behind the camera.
Are all the episodes running over time this season? The premiere was technically two episodes, but this latest episode ran for 90 minutes, and the channel guide is showing this week's episode will air 10-11:30 as well. Adjust your DVR accordingly.
Shades of Sons of Anarchy.May they share nothing else in common, God willing.
This show is doing a lot of things many TV shows dare never do. Unreliable narrator that actively breaks the fourth wall AND has a split personality that will do things outside of both the narrator & audiences' perspective? Yeah, this is gonna leave some people in the dust until a clear direction for where everything is going is set.
We now live in an age where entire seasons of a mystery drama are dumped in an audience at once - building up & delivering a mystery on a weekly basis, especially after said audience just had to wait a year, is not something a western audience will understandably have patience for.
You definitely have a point, Elliot and Angela for example seem like they might never even interact again, despite them being attached at the hip in the first season.
The show is turning tropes and clichés on their head left and right with its completely original set of characters and plots, and confronted with the slower pace in S2 it's just too much for the ADD western mind to handle. That's honestly the only legitimate reason some here are disappointed with S2. What can you do, it takes time to develop an understanding of the subtle complexities of the characterization they have taken such efforts to develop in S1. Gah, consumer taste these days. It's too mainstream.
I'm sorry but I just didn't find it compelling to watch at all. There's a good balance that can be achieved that S3 of Hannibal totally overshot. I loved the first 2 seasons and with the finale of S2 it was easily riding high on my list of favourite shows, but I just found S3 to be way too much.
Feel free to disagree, to each their own. Telling me to "Watch TV better" is just pure condescension in the face of criticism. I know plenty of people who dropped off the show during S3 because of it.
When is the next episode on amazon prime video?
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Note that the episode tonight is again scheduled for a 90 minute time slot.
- Verge: Watch tonight's Mr. Robot Digital After Show with guest Kor Adana
- Rolling Stone: How TV's Hit Hacker Drama Keeps Getting Better
- Hidden Remote interview: Rami Malek: Elliots Got Blood On His Hands Now
- Sydney Morning Herald profile: The breakout thriller Mr Robot has transformed the life of Rami Malek
I hope the characters begin to cross paths again soon. They're all too disconnected at the moment.
Wonder if Dom and Elliot are gonna hook up.
Sam Esmail on Twitter said:Ahead of tonight's #MrRobot I want to apologize for the extra long ep (again). Next week will be shorter. Again, sorry for being so long-win Really strong new @whoismrrobot episode tonight. Let me know what you think. #MrRobot #Composer
I just binged Season 1 and the first two episodes of Season 2. Got halfway into Season 2 episode 3 before I couldn't pay attention anymore and stopped it.
Can't take someone with a Dragonball Z avatar seriously when complaining about pacing.
Okay. That scene where we see Elliot's dream. Everything about it came together and hit me right in the feels. I want to see Elliot come out of this. It brings me back to season 1, seeing Elliot curled up in the fetal position and crying over how lonely he is, and to see him come full circle and admit to himself what he wants more than anything, even the fall of ECorp, is that companionship.
Fantastic fucking scene.
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