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Mr. Robot season_2.0 |OT| We Would Care, Bill - Wednesdays on USA


There's five minutes to go before whatever this vr thing is. Hopefully it's decent even with shitty Cardboard vr.

I didn't even use cardboard vr lol. Just fucking looked around the room spinning like a madman lol.

The whole experience was worth it though.


It was pretty cool and made sense in the context of him being really high. Really dug the silhouetted dance scene/music.


This show has gone off the deep end, just like Elliot. What am I even watching anymore. What is this show even about. Feels like they had no plan for further seasons when they created this show.

I gave them a pass with their season opener, but this is frankly plain awful.


This show has gone off the deep end, just like Elliot. What am I even watching anymore. What is this show even about. Feels like they had no plan for further seasons when they created this show.

I gave them a pass with their season opener, but this is frankly plain awful.
A bit early to tell don't you think ? The show runner did say he planned for multiple seasons , I have no reason to think he lied about that. I'd let it play out before acting like its completely jumped the shark. I didn't feel the first season came into its own until the second half of it. Personally I loved this episode though, thought it was better then the 2 in the premiere.


This show has gone off the deep end, just like Elliot. What am I even watching anymore. What is this show even about. Feels like they had no plan for further seasons when they created this show.

I gave them a pass with their season opener, but this is frankly plain awful.

Almost as embarrassing as your drive by in the GoT thread.

Successful, popular shows really seem to get your goat.
Alright, can someone explain to me what's going on. I'm so lost on this show. I am sure I get it, but Im just very confused.

Elliot is continuously trying to block out his dad with drugs. And he doesnt want to sleep, because then he will become Mr Robot. But what does he do as Mr Robot?

my memories of season one aren't 100% so someone correct me if i'm wrong, but

that's kind of the big question and the source of Elliot's intense anxiety over the thought of all of the stuff he has potentially done without being aware of it. he has no memory of the three days following the 5/9 hack, no idea what he did during that time, whether he murdered Wellick or not, etc

What does he do with Daryl from the Office? Who is Daryl? I dont understand how he finds Elliot or knows him or what he does with him. Did Mr Robot befriend Daryl?

the implication is that between their first and second conversations at the basketball court, Elliot did speak to him again as Mr Robot. Daryl is mostly a mystery at this point but if the mental institution theory turns out to be true, it feels like he's someone who works there or is another patient or something, also there's the subplot with him trying to get a "website" fixed, which he needs Elliot for

I get that Romero is dead and they think it's the Chinese hacker group, but they backed out of helping because of Gideon's spyware or whatever.

So that's a new mystery.

the dark army just needed Elliot to take care of the honeypot, once that was done they were back in


More importantly, what on earth happened at the end of last season with all those civilians wearing those masks? Didnt they crash the economy or something? How are things in society still functioning like normal for the most part? Why isnt there total chaos?

pretty sure Elliot just hallucinated that crowd, and there kind of is chaos to some extent - the lady in the premiere at the bank arguing about her mortgage payments and debts she shouldn't have, Darlene being concerned over whether they've just made everything worse for average citizens rather than better, and the shot of a giant crowd of protestors in front of a federal building (?)

Why did the FBI answer Romero's death? Did they have a lead on F Society?

they found a leaked list of FBI agents at his place and sent word out, but DiPierro was the only one who actually came to check it out. she claims not to be concerned by it since it was an old leak and every hacker already has it, but later on she does go back to Romero's place and find a bunch of old documents that end up leading her to the arcade
Wow! Much better outing than the first two eps of the season. Really dug that scene when Eliot begun losing it and shit started glitching out. The sound and effects really made it so captivating along with the ominous music. Personally, I would definitely like to see more of Craig Robinson as he has really impressed me. Really find the FBI chick quite intriguing and also quite attractive.


I guess I was one of the unlucky ones as the VR Stream kept buffering on me, I let it sit there, eventually it would play again, but it crashed completely when she gave him a wet willy, gave me something about a video error, and would not let me start it again.

To those that did watch it how much more was left?

FYI was using my Rift on my PC.


A bit early to tell don't you think ? The show runner did say he planned for multiple seasons , I have no reason to think he lied about that. I'd let it play out before acting like its completely jumped the shark. I didn't feel the first season came into its own until the second half of it. Personally I loved this episode though, thought it was better then the 2 in the premiere.

Well I didn't like the premiere, and I didn't like this either. So that's three-plus hours now of stuff that's not doing for me.

Almost as embarrassing as your drive by in the GoT thread.

Successful, popular shows really seem to get your goat.

If you say so bro.

Apparently the premiere got lower ratings than any S1 episode though.
I liked the premiere but I didn't like this episode very much. I know they have to lead Elliot to some kind of turning point but that's pretty much all it felt like to me.
Really? I felt like last nights episode blew the premiere out of the water, hell it might have been the best episode of the series. The Kernel Panic scene was incredible.

Yeah, I wasn't that engaged in watching Elliot's collapse, maybe because I felt like it was already so inevitable that I didn't even need to see it happen anymore, except as a kind of formality. But watching that CTO burn the pile of money, Darlene going all sergeant general, and Angela going corporate cutthroat was weirdly effective for me.

I mean there was definitely some cool stuff there, but on the whole I found it kind of hard to maintain my focus. We know Elliot is always on the verge of some kind of mental collapse. I think dramatic payoffs work better with a kind of rising/falling intensity to make you question where you really are with things, but this came after almost two hours of seeing where Elliot was, so it kind of felt gratuitous to me. I can accept the show being a bit heavy-handed sometimes, though. I mean I think season one was like that and I still liked it.


The VR thing worked for me without issue but it failed almost immediately for a friend that was also trying to watch on a different device.

I didn't really know what to expect going in but I was pleasantly surprised at how well done it was. I'm excited to watch it again and see if there are any easter eggs I might have missed by mostly staring at the two actors and not looking around as much as I could have.

I guess I was one of the unlucky ones as the VR Stream kept buffering on me, I let it sit there, eventually it would play again, but it crashed completely when she gave him a wet willy, gave me something about a video error, and would not let me start it again.

To those that did watch it how much more was left?

FYI was using my Rift on my PC.

Maybe four or five more minutes?
The VR thing didn't work for me either, once it finished downloading I removed my phone from it's case and by the time I was inserting it into my GearVR the thing must have auto deleted itself....bummer
Too bad people aren't really feeling this season so far. I just rewatched the entire first season with my girlfriend, who hadn't seen it, and so far I feel this season has surpassed it in almost every way.

I think part of the problem is the show is a known quantity now and people aren't really letting themselves enjoy the ride. Everyone just wants to know what's really going on right away.

The first season did a better job of offering up a surface plot to distract us from the real story which was about what's really going on in Elliot's head. So people were content to enjoy that and be surprised when the twists came.

This season, on the other hand, is plunging us head first into his psychosis and we're sort of being left without a clue not unlike Elliot. So far that's what I'm really enjoying about it though. Everything feels so fragmented and anxiety driven but it's clear that's Sam Esmail's intent. I second that the Adderall scene was amazing.

So far I'm finding everything about this season better than the first but I don't think some viewers are going to come around until some more answers are put out there and there's a little more hand holding. Which is a shame cause what they're doing with this show is fucking incredible


I feel like this show is confident enough, and probably more importantly self aware enough, in its own bullshit that it can self indulge like last night's episode and still be incredibly watchable.
I feel like this show is confident enough, and probably more importantly self aware enough, in its own bullshit that it can self indulge like last night's episode and still be incredibly watchable.

Pretty spot on. I love how deep the lore of the show is, and small snippets of things and hints is really making this enjoyable. I don't care what they feed me, as long as it's all tied well and the imagery is awesome, I'm down.

The cinematography is superb, and definitely adds a layer.
Alright, can someone explain to me what's going on. I'm so lost on this show. I am sure I get it, but Im just very confused.

I gotcha covered dude.

Elliot is continuously trying to block out his dad with drugs. And he doesnt want to sleep, because then he will become Mr Robot. But what does he do as Mr Robot?
Being Mr. Robot is about being a hacker that has no respect for society. He hacks everyone, invades their privacy, got his dealer/girlfriend killed, turned a successful executive into FBI's most wanted, thinks he killed him, caused one of the worst terrorist attack in US history, and is overall unhinged.

What does he do with Daryl from the Office? Who is Daryl? I dont understand how he finds Elliot or knows him or what he does with him. Did Mr Robot befriend Daryl?
We don't know. That's a mystery. Supposedly it's to "help him with computers", but we found out this episode that he's involved in organized crime. Maybe. Mr. Robot did conctact Daryl at night.

I get that Romero is dead and they think it's the Chinese hacker group, but they backed out of helping because of Gideon's spyware or whatever.
Someone already addressed this, but yes, we have no idea who it is. The Dark Army is maybe a red herring.

More importantly, what on earth happened at the end of last season with all those civilians wearing those masks? Didnt they crash the economy or something? How are things in society still functioning like normal for the most part? Why isnt there total chaos?
There isn't chaos but there's a huge scare. This is a serious economic crisis (they had at least 4 press conferences with Obama to nail this point in the first episode). Those civilians wearing masks were just protestors. During the Great Recession, was there chaos? No, but it was still widespread panic. Jobs were hemorrhaging and people kept trying to withdraw from banks. Same thing is happening here. The gov just pumped trillions of dollars into the bank.

Why did the FBI answer Romero's death? Did they have a lead on F Society?
also already answered, but to clarify, he had a list of fbi agents that turned out to be pretty common, and they called the FBI just to give them a heads up.
I feel like this show is confident enough, and probably more importantly self aware enough, in its own bullshit that it can self indulge like last night's episode and still be incredibly watchable.

It's definitely been more self indulgent this season. In a lot of ways it's reminding me of the last season of Hannibal because of that. I think they have a much stronger idea where they're going though so I'm happily enjoying every second.

The key to the whole thing working in the end will be whether or not Esmail has everything truly planned out or if he's just making it up as he goes along. I truly believe it's the former and not the latter
Really strange episode, but I really enjoyed it. Visually, probably the best episode yet.

Edit: Also, I may be in love with the FBI woman.

The key to the whole thing working in the end will be whether or not Esmail has everything truly planned out or if he's just making it up as he goes along. I truly believe it's the former and not the latter

Pretty sure he knows where it's going. I remember reading that Mr Robot was originally a movie, and the first season was basically act 1 of it.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Pretty sure he knows where it's going. I remember reading that Mr Robot was originally a movie, and the first season was basically act 1 of it.

Sam Esmail had originally intended Mr. Robot to be a feature film, with the end of the first act being someone finding out that he had a mental disorder while enacting a greater scheme.However, midway through writing the first act, he found that script had expanded considerably, and that became a script more suited for a television show. He removed 20 pages of around 89 pages of the script then written, and used it as the pilot for the series, and what was to have been the end of the first act became the finale of the first season.

Forbes Interview from last year:

When you say you’re working towards that ending, does that mean you have the ending of the series planned out or is that just like the ending of Season 1? When you say ending, what does that mean?
I have the ending of the series planned out and am definitely going towards that. it’s a strange feeling because every show runner I’ve talked to, and everybody in television is like ,”That’s the worst idea. You gotta keep it open.” But I was just too very specific with this story. I think the ending is still cool. I don’t see why it can’t be done as a television series. We’re marching forward. I think it’s cool.

In fact, the ending of Season 1 is really what would have been the ending of Act 1 of my feature, which it’s going to be interesting to see how people react to the end of Season 1. It was just my setup. It was just my initial setup. So we’ll see how that experience translates into the television world when it’s after 10 hours as opposed to 30 minutes. But I think it’s kinda cool and exciting.


Love the artistic musical segments of this show. Some very good editing. Rami Malek is acting perfection for the role.
Mobley is a fucking dumbass. He should combed through the place to see if Romero had anything that might lead law enforcement back to them. I'm assuming he's next to get got.

This show has me
Can you talk to Amazon Echo (Alexa) like that? Like ask it strange questions like when the world will end and it'll respond like that? If so, I kind of want one!


I really hope that Craig Robinson's character actually turns out to be some twisted evil bad guy instead of the comedic relief we all assumed he would be when we found out about his casting.
That would be so typical of Esmail, even fucking with the viewers with his castings :)


Another intriguing episode. It was cool to see some of the other hackers. Was wondering if they'd pop up after last week. Robinson has been great in his role too I think. The scenes with Angela were excellent. A lot more separated storylines this season, but I'm looking forward to seeing how it comes together.
So this episode brought a lot to the forefront. Don't read if you haven't seen the episode.

Romero is dead. Holy FUCK. WHAT. The last scene we saw was Mr. Robot meeting Romero, and he threatened to shoot back then. It looks like the gun was a red herring after all. He never intended to kill Tyrell, but kill off any fsociety member that would have been a liability after the 5/9 hack. Of course the irony is that because of his death, the FBI are edging closer to fsociety's operations. LOL @ FBI Woman saying "You've got to be fucking kidding me" when she saw F___Society at Coney Island.

Mr. Robot is a proven manipulator. He elicits imagery of FBI/Watchmen to threaten Elliot into actions. Effectively, this means the whole reason behind Elliot's paranoia in S1 was due to Mr. Robot's interference in some way, shape, or form (the Watchmen in the subway before Mr. Robot says "Exciting time in the world kid, Exciting time!"). I have to wonder if Mr. Robot has been a recurring issue for Elliot. Especially with Elliot's speech about stumbling and overcoming problems until you hit the next one.

Price is shaping up to be a very creepy character. He has to be attracted to Angela. He's been sweet-talking her ever since her hiring. There's a bit of potential with this storyline, assuming they're working towards a relationship. Is she going to sleep with the man who might have been responsible for the death of her parents? Thus signalling her decaying morality? Or is she going to try and break him in a way that the US Government were unable to? Thus trying to change E Corp from within.


You don't have to Spoiler text about the episode that just aired. Only spoiler text about theories and previews from the next episode.

Also, I think Price is attracted to Angela but more as a pupil/protégé and less physically. He's almost molding her by making her have dinner with two people that were responsible for the covering up about the leak that killed her mother.


Registered for GAF on September 11, 2001.
Season 2 off to an amazing start. Don't really understand why some people are down on it.

It's not just here, but the internet at large is trying to "solve" this show which I find kinda annoying at times. I get wanting to be apart of something bigger than yourself or seeing the show (or television in general) as this big collective event that you're deducing clues and tricks, but it's really tiring to read the bulk of discussion being "what was that little sigil in the top right corner of the screen at 00:01:03:15". So when these expectations of the "puzzle" opening up more with each episode doesn't happen it deflates the quality of the show when they don't get what they want/need. I'm not saying that this is the majority of people, but it's already starting to fall down to the dregs of LOST Truthers that are still out there. I'd rather not see this show sink that low and just become the puzzle of the week. That kinda starts with USA and it's marketing team and whoever had the genius idea this show needed a recap show :eyeroll:

Alright, can someone explain to me what's going on. I'm so lost on this show. I am sure I get it, but Im just very confused.

Elliot is continuously trying to block out his dad with drugs. And he doesnt want to sleep, because then he will become Mr Robot. But what does he do as Mr Robot?

Elliot is implied to have DID. When Mr. Robot acts, it's really Elliot acting out in a more confident, and possibly psychopathic manner.
Can you talk to Amazon Echo (Alexa) like that? Like ask it strange questions like when the world will end and it'll respond like that? If so, I kind of want one!

According to a one year old reddit post which is where Mr Robot probably got this bit from, yeah it will answer if you ask When is the end of the world and dozens of other scifi easter eggs.

Amazing episode, I don't mind at all that more questions keep popping up than answers as long as its done in such a challenging (to the viewers) and beautifully constructed way. The tiny, tiny, tiny little touches are also amazing, like the two women picking stuff out of the trash while the FBI agent visits Romero's mom. Its nearing post apocalyptic, but we still have a long ways to go.

Season 2 so far reminds me a lot of Dune, in that the writers are layering stuff in a way to make the viewers feel stuff is going on that is almost within grasp of understanding but not quite. I don't really understand whats going on with Angela's character or the FBI agent but I love watching it. I have absolutely NO CLUE whatseover with what is going on with Craig Robinson, Darlene, Mr. Robot, or Elliot.

Love the Willie Nelson and Johnny Cash song halfway through too


You don't have to Spoiler text about the episode that just aired. Only spoiler text about theories and previews from the next episode.

Theories are fine as long as you don't draw on spoilerish sources.


As someone who started watching the show 4 episodes in to it being on the air and immediately became hooked, I am not sure how people can say they dislike this season so far. The show has not skipped a beat.
Hell, Elliott's dialogue scene in the meeting group about religion last night is one of the better statement speeches in the series, and there have been quite a few of them.
I just do not think the tone or approach has changed at all. And I was very concerned it would as I thought how could they top the brilliance of Season 01.
Thus far they appear to be doing just that.
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