This latest episode has the rapid-fire high stakes hustle that the season should have opened with.
If you're tempted to read this as some juvenile wish for instant gratification, understand that I wouldn't be calling for a more propulsive first episode if the Season 1 finale hadn't stranded us on a peak of fateful tension, with Elliot, Tyrell, fsociety, and Whiterose poised to leap into the currents of social disarray, post-5/9.
The show's bizarrely sedated return let all of that dramatic buildup just drain away. It's mystifying. Great episodes like tonight's only increase my disappointment with S2's opening direction.
If you're tempted to read this as some juvenile wish for instant gratification, understand that I wouldn't be calling for a more propulsive first episode if the Season 1 finale hadn't stranded us on a peak of fateful tension, with Elliot, Tyrell, fsociety, and Whiterose poised to leap into the currents of social disarray, post-5/9.
The show's bizarrely sedated return let all of that dramatic buildup just drain away. It's mystifying. Great episodes like tonight's only increase my disappointment with S2's opening direction.