Dom's scene with Alexa was wonderful. Worth the price of admission, imho.
One of the show's best for sure.Dom's scene with Alexa was wonderful. Worth the price of admission, imho.
I've definitely had that moment with Siri.Dom's scene with Alexa was wonderful. Worth the price of admission, imho.
Just throwing it out there to cover all my bases.
Because he used to send her gifts just like that. Plus who sends those kinds of gifts just to screw with people?
I think this show is a little over your head.
SO?! Have you been watching this show at all?
Why would Elliot align himself with Tyrell only to kill him? It makes zero sense. Explain why he would kill him? Please enlighten us. Also tell me why they keep listing his name in the credits if he's dead. He's not even starring in the episodes.
But no you're right. They decided to off one of the most interesting characters/antagonists of the show in the first season without resolving what him and his wife's plan was all along. And you're also right. His body is in his SUV. lol wtf?
All this coming from the guy who thought the phone calls were coming from inside Elliot's house.
Before you question someone else's opinion you should probably pay more attention to the show.
It appears he, u mad?
The last episode really feels like the last season of Lost where you start realizing maybe the showrunner/writers don't really have a good plan and you can see stuff going off the rails.
I had no problems with almost everything this season but the commodore 64 scene was just ludicrous. For a show that it is SO meticulous about all its computer details, for a little girl and Whiterose to use a C64 as some sort of weird Voight-Kampff test was pretty cringy.
I really, really hope I am proved wrong and Esmail can bring it back next week. Bringing it back would have to include a reasonable explanation of why the C64 scene went down that way, and why someone was talking to Angela on a red rotary phone with a speak n spell voice.
Pretty sure they used a Commodore 64 as it appeared to be all things from her childhood.
The old phone, the book Darlene's alias comes from, the old tv, and of course the child version of Angela.
She's like 28 though. Her childhood computer was probably a Windows 95 powered Micron.
Wasn't there something about Darlene/Elliot first learning to code on that or am I just imagining that?
Can't remember. It's not like it would have any personal significance to her though.
Not really, the FBI only found the shell after Dom found fsociety's house and not much more, no blood, no nothing.Is there a good theory on the shell in the arcade?
Haha no way
I think a lot of you wanted the show to be just - Elliot not lost and confused 98% of the time. - the show.
Yeah, but the poster itself didn't appear until the latest episode as far as I remember.That's been known for a month now due to the subreddit.
Yeah, but the poster itself didn't appear until the latest episode as far as I remember.
That's been known for a month now due to the subreddit.
Pretty sure they used a Commodore 64 as it appeared to be all things from her childhood.
The old phone, the book Darlene's alias comes from, the old tv, and of course the child version of Angela.
Just saw the last episode. Was fantastic. GAF full of a bunch of impatient bitches. Seriously this shit is legit. Interesting and beautiful, unlike most everything out there on TV, yet if it doesnt answer all the questions its boring shit in typical GAF fashion. There is a difference between boring filler and what this show does.
.Just saw the last episode. Was fantastic. GAF full of a bunch of impatient bitches. Seriously this shit is legit. Interesting and beautiful, unlike most everything out there on TV, yet if it doesnt answer all the questions its boring shit in typical GAF fashion. There is a difference between boring filler and what this show does.
I noticed Angela's whispering just like Joanna 🤔Did anyone else notice (and apologies if it was discussed) when Angela went to visit her lawyer, and there was a brown out, when the electricity came back on, the TV news was 40 seconds in the past...
Plus all the BTTF music playing... If this show has some sort of time rip, or paradox, or parallel universe, I am not sure I would be able to handle that.
I've heard bad things about this season. Is it that bland?
(I'm maybe half-way, and it's okay so far. But it makes me pine for Season 1. I last watched the 90s episode.)
Not bland at all. Just poorly paced. It was a 10 episode season that expanded to 12, but probably should have stayed 10.I've heard bad things about this season. Is it that bland?
Phase 2 doesn't involve Philip, right?
I've heard bad things about this season. Is it that bland?
(I'm maybe half-way, and it's okay so far. But it makes me pine for Season 1. I last watched the 90s episode.)
I actually like S2 because of the drastic shift from S1 (the next few episodes after a certain one stands out as fucking amazing). I knew it was never going to remain solely focusing on hacking. S2 I think is more polarizing because of how dramatic the shift is, and people generally expected a Hacking: The Show thing that we saw in S1.
Though, you'll find the occasional weird complaint. For instance, someone here complained that this show doesn't show the ramifications of the 5/9 hack only to miss scenes that actually show how 5/9 fucked shit up for people, both from an infrastructure and economic POV.
Not bland at all. Just poorly paced. It was a 10 episode season that expanded to 12, but probably should have stayed 10.
I say wait till the last episode is out and binge it.
The pacing is off sometimes and waiting a week to find out what happens after a cliffhanger is a bit annoying (because there were a lot of cliffhangers).