Can’t Git Gud
if I as a consumer have no access to MSRP pricing, it should not exist.
It used to be that official retailers/partners like Media Markt for example, always upheld MSRP pricing.
But no MSRP pricing does not exist. Not a single card released this year could be found even existing at MSRP here in Europe.
If consumer have no access to MSRP and not even a chance at access.... what's the point on advertising it?! Should be illegal.
Starting prices (so cheapest prices I personally saw available at for 1 nanosecond for cheapest, loudest ventus pos cards)
5080 - 4k$
5070ti - 950$
9070xt - 900$
I understand economy and demand/supply laws but this is clearly a controlled market.
Promote cards at MSRP. have a fictional model that is at msrp (never to be seen) and sell at crazy prices.
Then big uncle asks Lisa Sue at a dinner table to collaborate on AMD side too and do the same thing. It is all controlled.
Used to be, I was able to buy anything I wanted not only for msrp pricing but promotional pricing. Retailers had to fight over customers.
What happened now? Every single device/component/console released nowadays have to be hunted down for any price you can find it at.
The prices now not only are insane to begin with (msrp) but even that does not exist and everything is more expensive.
Not long ago, when 10XX cards were new, you were able to get them normally. No problem. Then crypto started in the middle of that generation and then covid few years later.
My point being - If customer is not able to EVER find advertised product for msrp pricing... there should be a legal body controlling that. Because they shouldn't get the privilege of advertising price X when in reality price X is not possible and even partners and biggest retailers sell for price X+50%....
It used to be that official retailers/partners like Media Markt for example, always upheld MSRP pricing.
But no MSRP pricing does not exist. Not a single card released this year could be found even existing at MSRP here in Europe.
If consumer have no access to MSRP and not even a chance at access.... what's the point on advertising it?! Should be illegal.
Starting prices (so cheapest prices I personally saw available at for 1 nanosecond for cheapest, loudest ventus pos cards)
5080 - 4k$
5070ti - 950$
9070xt - 900$
I understand economy and demand/supply laws but this is clearly a controlled market.
Promote cards at MSRP. have a fictional model that is at msrp (never to be seen) and sell at crazy prices.
Then big uncle asks Lisa Sue at a dinner table to collaborate on AMD side too and do the same thing. It is all controlled.
Used to be, I was able to buy anything I wanted not only for msrp pricing but promotional pricing. Retailers had to fight over customers.
What happened now? Every single device/component/console released nowadays have to be hunted down for any price you can find it at.
The prices now not only are insane to begin with (msrp) but even that does not exist and everything is more expensive.
Not long ago, when 10XX cards were new, you were able to get them normally. No problem. Then crypto started in the middle of that generation and then covid few years later.
My point being - If customer is not able to EVER find advertised product for msrp pricing... there should be a legal body controlling that. Because they shouldn't get the privilege of advertising price X when in reality price X is not possible and even partners and biggest retailers sell for price X+50%....
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