Who is making the decision to green light these films?
I’m baffled. I’ve never seen something that so obviously doesn’t work at a fundamental level, and that should’ve been shot down at the pitch LONG before it ever got to pre-production. This realistic approach is simply incompatible with the necessary conveyance of emotion that is the underpinning of the entire experience. How can they not see this when it’s staring them straight in the face, do these people not watch their own films? Sure, the first film did well financially, which I’d argue was driven not by the film’s creative merits or the realistic angle, but instead by the nostalgia of an audience who adores the original and knew no better. I went and saw it for those reasons. Now that I’ve seen how it landed, I’ve absolutely no interest to see this one, and won’t, and predict this will do much worse at the box office. People love the original Lion King for a good reason, and Disney seems intent on doubling down in completely removing that aspect. It‘s beyond belief at what they’re doing here.
I’ve honestly never seen such cluelessness before. I don’t mind the CGI approach, but use a suitable art style that’s conducive to what the film needs to sell it. This isn’t it, and the last Lion King had no emotional gravitas or impact whatsoever.
What a waste.