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Music of my generation (91-97) >>>>>> All

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In ten years time there will be another thread like this with someone giving equally good examples. I only disagree that your generation > all, you list some good music though.


Kano On The Phone said:
There isn't a person alive who doesn't feel like the music made when they were at their most impressionable is the most important ever made.
I don't. I was born in 87, and my favorite artists are Opeth, Between the Buried and Me, Radiohead, and Emancipator. I'm also a big fan of some Classic Rock, such as Rush and Pink Floyd, or even some unknowns like Gentle Giant.

Music should never be confined to a single generation.


There are songs playing on the radio today that I could honestly say could have been released in the 90's. There has been very slow musical progression compared to other decades. Try that with other decades.

Add, say, fifteen years to music in 1972. 1987? TOTALLY different.

1997 to today? Not quite as obvious.


Being 31, I can relate to the choices you listed although I am going to stay away from saying "my generation rules over the others" because it is just a waste of time. Tons of good music came out in that period of time whether it be rock, rap, R&B, and pop so I will just say that I really enjoyed that period of music because I grew up with it.


Forgotten in his cell
AlexMogil said:
There are songs playing on the radio today that I could honestly say could have been released in the 90's. There has been very slow musical progression compared to other decades. Try that with other decades.

Add, say, fifteen years to music in 1972. 1987? TOTALLY different.

1997 to today? Not quite as obvious.




Sound pretty different to me.

EDIT: Granted 85 to 97 is pretty different too: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eBShN8qT4lk


I've done nothing with my life except eat and fap
Marleyman said:
Being 31, I can relate to the choices you listed although I am going to stay away from saying "my generation rules over the others" because it is just a waste of time. Tons of good music came out in that period of time whether it be rock, rap, R&B, and pop so I will just say that I really enjoyed that period of music because I grew up with it.

same here, but I admit if I was grown up then, I'd be like "haha, this shit is soooo stupid, these young people are morons" or something like that. Or not. I think a lot of good rock music was made during nineties but almost none during 00-s. By good music I mean something new and fresh in the genre. On the other hand electronic music rocks these days. I like it.

Good rock music died. Sleigh Bells are good though, but I'm too old for this shit.
I had planned on coming in and (like others have) claiming that there's good and bad music from every era. And while said statement is true, damn, the op makes one hell of a compelling argument. And in fact, I'd even say that the shitty pop music of the 90's is better than the shitty pop music of most decades.

Especially when you look at what was on the radio immediately prior to this.

The same station that was playing Vanilla Ice's cover of "Satisfaction" and "Do the Bartman" was playing Jane's Addiction and Alice in Chains just two or three years later.

Other tragic moments from 89-90 or so that grunge mercifully supplanted include:

Kyper - Tic Tac Toe
Dino - Romeo
MC Hammer - Addams Family Groove
A ton of crap by UB40

Suddenly having bands like Faith No More on the radio felt like breathing oxygen for the first time.
Hakkuei said:
Kid A = 2000 so... no.

Music of the 00's is underrated anyway.

While Im admitting, good music has been made from 98-till now, all Im saying is if you look at my list of albums released in that time period then you can see EVERY year had quite a few groundbreaking releases, unlike how it is now where we might get 1-2 good albums per year.


Pkm said:
all Im saying is if you look at my list of albums released in that time period then you can see EVERY year had quite a few groundbreaking releases, unlike how it is now where we might get 1-2 good albums per year.

This generation would probably disagree; it is just how it works.
You forgot


Robot 492

Because I grew up with 90s music, I'd have to agree. Although, that's not to say that you couldn't do this with any decade. Just take a handful of great albums from the 60s from artists like The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Stones, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Velvet Underground, James Brown, The Who, etc -- the list could go on and on -- and it would still be legit. Point is, you could pick virtually any time frame and say that it was the best time for music -- because we've always had great music, even if most of it is shrouded by shit.

But since OK Computer came out in the 90s, I'll agree with you ;)


Pkm said:
While Im admitting, good music has been made from 98-till now, all Im saying is if you look at my list of albums released in that time period then you can see EVERY year had quite a few groundbreaking releases, unlike how it is now where we might get 1-2 good albums per year.
You consider shit like Pablo Honey and Mary J Blige groundbreaking?


nskinnear said:
Because I grew up with 90s music, I'd have to agree. Although, that's not to say that you couldn't do this with any decade. Just take a handful of great albums from the 60s from artists like The Beatles, The Beach Boys, The Stones, Bob Dylan, Jimi Hendrix, Velvet Underground, James Brown, The Who, etc -- the list could go on and on -- and it would still be legit. Point is, you could pick virtually any time frame and say that it was the best time for music -- because we've always had great music, even if most of it is shrouded by shit.

But since OK Computer came out in the 90s, I'll agree with you ;)

pretty much boils down to this.
Another thing Id like to add on why I think rock and rap were far better, maybe "more relatable"?

Rock/Metal during the 90's dropped the whole glam look, instead artist kinda just wore what you would find in your own closet. Todays rock artist are almost as bad as the glam rock of the 80's.
Its nearly impossible to find a rock band now adays who doesnt look liek they raided a Hot Topic or theyre a pack of hipsters.

Rap too, was more relatable. Unlike todays rap where an artist is talking about how they are muti-millionaires on theyre first album as well as having 50 dancers in the background while throwing a wad of $100s everywere rap of the 90's was more "Street"
Rap videos usually consisted of guys in triple phats standing behind a broken down building with a trash can on fire or some shit. Its seems like todays rap artist spend a million dollars on theyre first video before they themselves have even made a million.
Actually, I think a pretty convincing list could be made for the late (not early) 60's, the 70's, and the early (not late) 80's. The 50's would be a pretty hard sell, as would the 00's.

But I think as far as list wars go, the op makes a pretty reasonable statement. Although, as others have said, it could be expanded greatly. Which further proves his point.
It's just such an obviously flawed premise that there is a noticeable quality distinction based on time period. The majority of music from any time period (probably any genre too, for that matter) is garbage. Those rare cases of interesting music exist in any era, with roughly the same incidence.

To the limited extent that the OP has a point, it's more about the state of the record industry in that time rather than any increase in the total quantity of musical talent, or something similarly ridiculous. After the CD format had matured, the record companies were flush with cash and willing to take some chances on mass releases of stuff that might have been seen before as too risky. There were a decent number of bands who had refined their sound on reasonably managed indie labels that ended up as serving as sort of a "feeder".

Then, in support of what turns out to be a really tiny point about the status of giant entertainment conglomerates and mass releases, the OP references Silverchair? Limp Bizkit? Seriously? I knew a lot of my personal favorites were unlikely to be referenced, but Oasis? C'mon ....
anaron said:
S/he forgot a shitload more than that masterpiece. Seriously ew@OP's list.

Like I said..
but while I might list alot since the era of music was jam packed feel free to add things you saw as monumental

Also guys...I was a 12-18 year old boy then...how many 13 or 14 year old boys did you guys know who were listening to Bjork?

You consider shit like Pablo Honey and Mary J Blige groundbreaking?

Yep, I added them since they are debut albums. While some may say MJB is crap or what not, living in an urban environment she was the queen of R&B.

You cant hate on MJB of the 90's..


Even the Mad Lion version rocked lol


does Rock music even exist any more?

Can anyone point me to a noughties Rock band/singer songwriter worth a damn? Genuine question.

The only decent music, in my eyes, is coming from bands that came out decades before. Although there has been a lot of good folk/rock albums/songs in the past 10 years - a lot of really good bands making good music in that area, but I mean more classic/singer-songwriter rock, where's the next legendary band/artist?
I grew up in the early-mid 90s and thought it was god awful.

Every other band was grunge or g-funk rap. Only a small portion could actually do it well. I suppose I haven't checked out what was going on in the indie/underground scenes but my guess is that it wasn't a 180 from the utter shit that was on the radio at that time.

I thought the late 90s sounded much better overall. It was around the time when bands apparently realized that they didn't need to act like they were on the verge of suicide in order to put out an album.
Insane Metal said:
80's rock and metal >>>>>>>>>>>> anything in the universe.

Agreed. Even the hair bands which most consider were shit then, were more talented then the mainstream garbage of today.

But I'll make it simple. The 80s had Master of Puppets and Thriller. That automatically makes it better than the 90s, 00s, and this decade so far.


MrSunshine said:
It's just such an obviously flawed premise that there is a noticeable quality distinction based on time period. The majority of music from any time period (probably any genre too, for that matter) is garbage. Those rare cases of interesting music exist in any era, with roughly the same incidence.

To the limited extent that the OP has a point, it's more about the state of the record industry in that time rather than any increase in the total quantity of musical talent, or something similarly ridiculous. After the CD format had matured, the record companies were flush with cash and willing to take some chances on mass releases of stuff that might have been seen before as too risky. There were a decent number of bands who had refined their sound on reasonably managed indie labels that ended up as serving as sort of a "feeder".

Then, in support of what turns out to be a really tiny point about the status of giant entertainment conglomerates and mass releases, the OP references Silverchair? Limp Bizkit? Seriously? I knew a lot of my personal favorites were unlikely to be referenced, but Oasis? C'mon ....

Silverchair were a great post grunge band. Johns really was an underrated singer/songwriter and guitarist, and they had a good run for about 10 years. One of my favourite bands during my early teenage years, it's a matter of preference I suppose but they wrote the album the OP mentions when they were like 14/15.
EliCash said:
does Rock music even exist any more?

Can anyone point me to a noughties Rock band/singer songwriter worth a damn? Genuine question.
Really? Sit down and dig during a weekend. Use modern tools to help you find modern music. Christ, there is such a diverse and quality selection of music today, but you have to put in effort to go find stuff.

People that think the 00s suck: What do you rely on to find music? Local radio? Television? MTV? I don't get it.


Corporate Apologist
I am going to predict you were born in 1979. People will alway tend to say the media from when they were 12 till about 18 was the best ever.


Well I'd put the 90's close to the 80's personally, probably tied actually for different styles of music going in new-exciting directions. And yes, this was "my gen" as well.

But the OP missed so much great music it's not even funny... Gin Blossoms, Wallflowers, especially the early 90's Goo Goo Dolls. So much missed music there.


Pkm said:
I think it can officially be said...if your between the ages of 30-35ish your pre-teen and teen years were perhaps the best years in music 10 years before and 10 years after.

Agree with you 100% on this. We were lucky fuckers. I'm going to be 34 tomorrow and I still listen mainly to music from those years. It doesn't get any better.
Kano On The Phone said:
There isn't a person alive who doesn't feel like the music made when they were at their most impressionable is the most important ever made.

I don't think this can be quoted enough. wonder how old is the OP?

Jedeye Sniv

Goddamn you people. There is awesome music being released almost every day. If you think good music stopped being made after X-year then you just stopped looking hard enough. This thread makes me sad for all of you.


We all see our generation with rose tinted goggles, it's just the way it works...Every decade has some great music and a ton of shit.

Easy analogy, for every Nirvana, there are 10 or more Nickelbacks


Foxtastical said:
Really? Sit down and dig during a weekend. Use modern tools to help you find modern music. Christ, there is such a diverse and quality selection of music today, but you have to put in effort to go find stuff.

People that think the 00s suck: What do you rely on to find music? Local radio? Television? MTV? I don't get it.

Yet you didn't name anything, I was actually asking for recommendations. Here I am using a modern tool. And don't get me wrong, I listen to plenty of modern music as I implied with the last part of my post that you didn't quote. But Rock as a genre is dying if it isn't already dead, or at least what I hold rock to be.

I'm of the opinion that 90% of music is shit, no matter what the decade is - but I have a feeling in this decade the percentage might be more around 99%.

And no I don't listen to the radio or watch television, haven't done so in a few years. No decent radio stations were I stay and good music television no longer exists.


Misterinenja said:
There's good music made in every period and always will be.
At least someone gets it.

On that note lots of the 90s Grunge stuff was just plain boring music. Not necessarily bad, but extremely uninspired. I'll also blame it for paving the way for Nickelback.
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