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Music of my generation (91-97) >>>>>> All

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shagg_187 said:
True music lovers know that 60s-70s is the golden age is music.
True coffee lovers know that Starbucks is the best coffee. True car lovers know the Chevy is the best car. True computer lovers know that Windows is the best OS. True bullshit lovers know that saying true lovers of anything prefer something is the best bullshit.
winter said:
Umm, the 80s was the birth of indie rock and a lot of vastly important music came out of that era with a lot of it being more culturally relevant than ever. I think this "which decade was the best" is fucking stupid, especially considering music is a constant evolution of what came before it. But if people are seriously going to debate about this, the 80s competes just as well as any other decade:

The US
Sonic Youth
Husker Du
The Replacements
Galaxie 500
Mission of Burma
Big Black
Dinosaur Jr

The Smiths
The Cure
Joy Division/New Order
The Jesus and Mary Chain
Echo and the Bunnymen
My Bloody Valentine
Spacemen 3
Gang of Four
Cocteau Twins
The Pogues
The Fall

Grazi. Though MBV's probably more known for Loveless, which was a 90's album.


shagg_187 said:
To everyone, their own generation is the best in music. True music lovers know that 60s-70s is the golden age is music.

80s is also remarkable and my favorite artists emerged in 80s but if you ignore the major artists, everyone else was just recycling synth rock and hair metal.
That's a pretty smug thing to say. It's not like the decade is a secret, probably the most exhaustively praised and exposed music decade. I dare say that most people are well aware of the greats from the 60s and 70s so to assume any other preference is due to ignorance is pretty lame :I
G-Fex said:
Gaga is a gift to us all, we should all be thanking her.

(not sarcasm)

To you

Not to normal people.
All the major genres/styles were basically established by the 80s. Everything after that is rehashed/recycled material. Yeah, there's still some cool stuff to listen to today, but pure originality is essentially dead.


Unconfirmed Member
Persona7 said:
i came into this thread expecting sleater kinney

i am dissapointed
Yeah, me too. But The Hot Rock is my favorite album by them, and that didn't come out till 1999, I think. Call the Doctor is my second fave, though.

Also: Fiona Apple - Criminal


This shit is getting pretty crazy. There was crappy music in EVERY SINGLE generation, you just make a decision of what you like and stick with that. As time goes by the bands you used to like become even more appreciated and the crap gets forgotten.


Lets pretend this thread is only discussing the modern era of music from around 1950 on with the establishment of the relatively standard album format, which we might loosely call "popular music." While this is a gross disservice to the massive variety of absolutely amazing music that came before it, lets try it for the sake of discussion. With that constraint, you still have:

50s:Jazz, (Electric) Blues, Rock and Roll
60s:Rock (Pop, Blues, and other variants), Avant Garde/Experimental Rock, Psych, Free Jazz
70s:prog, Funk, Hard Rock, Psych, Reggae
80s:Metal, Punk, Electronic, Pop
90s:Extreme Metal, Mainstream Rap, Post-Rock, Indie, Electronica
00s:Underground Rap, Experimental Pop,

To say any of those decades is lacking in quality music is to be incredibly closed minded and grossly ignorant, and this is about the most horribly boiled down and insulting breakdown I could come up with. Every one of these genres only peaks where I placed it, but they usually started a decade or more before, and none of them actually ever stopped being produced. The only thing I can possibly hold against the 00s is that less genres found their way in the decade, but that is easily overlooked because of the volume of genres that quality music is being produced in.

In short: If you don't actually like music, stop talking about it, and if you do like it, then try expanding your horizons.

(drkirby stop acting like you listen to music.)
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