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Music of my generation (91-97) >>>>>> All

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Pkm said:
Rap too, was more relatable. Unlike todays rap where an artist is talking about how they are muti-millionaires on theyre first album as well as having 50 dancers in the background while throwing a wad of $100s everywere rap of the 90's was more "Street"
Rap videos usually consisted of guys in triple phats standing behind a broken down building with a trash can on fire or some shit. Its seems like todays rap artist spend a million dollars on theyre first video before they themselves have even made a million.

I have had this same thought. Least substance possible and jump right to a radio hit. Back in the 90s this was not the goal cause it almost never happened. In the early 90s most rap did meh in the top 200, The Chronic was a breakout but got blocked and stopped at #3. Browsing the charts recently I see Teflon Don got to #2. Some of the dumbest fucking shit I have ever seen. I had only seen 1 of the videos but there are more now that I look into it, just as bad. OMFG. And this shit is largely favorably reviewed. JESUS FUCKME CHRIST.

Soooooooooooooo depressing as a R&B fan.
The 90s started the awful trend of country crossover artists like Garth Brooks, Shania Twain, etc. Not to mention Yanni and other New Age crap. I can't forgive that shit.

Angry Fork

Misterinenja said:
There's good music made in every period and always will be.
The amount of good in 2000s generation is bare bones thin though, by far. From the last century 2000s is the 2nd worst decade imo besides the 30s (depression obviously), for everything. Sports, music, movies, politics, whatever.

2000s was atrocious especially when it comes to music. All the great bands/artists from the past were in their retirement/quiet period here, all the popular artists were trash, and the only good/decent stuff was underground but a lot of them still couldn't match the 70s/80s/90s stuff.

I really do wish I didn't have to live through the 2000s as my "main" teens decade, the 80s/90s would've been so much more fun to grow up in.


Corporate Apologist
I would say part of the problem is looking to western music to much. There is a whole world out there, though you do need to actually like certain genres.


Yeef said:
At least someone gets it.

On that note lots of the 90s Grunge stuff was just plain boring music. Not necessarily bad, but extremely uninspired. I'll also blame it for paving the way for Nickelback.

A lot of grunge was extremely inspired though? The same can be said for any genre. Grunge was an extremely angst-driven and raw movement that made for a lot of great music and killed a lot of what was wrong with music at the time. Unfortunately there were too many boring imitators. And you can't blame Grunge for Nickelback, blame Nickelback for Nickelback.
Oh look, it's this thread again.

I was a teen in the '90s, so you'd think I'd be biased in favour of the music of that decade. Nope. They made great music then, they make great music now. They made shit music then, they make shit music now.


So wait OP. You're telling me that you love the music of your youth more than newer music?

How unique.

Zozz said:
You guys have obviously not heard any Dubstep.
They should count themselves lucky.


notworksafe said:
So wait OP. You're telling me that you love the music of your youth more than newer music?

How unique.

They should count themselves lucky.
Yea, you don't want the drop to destroy old hearing. They're too old to handle it.


EliCash said:
A lot of grunge was extremely inspired though? The same can be said for any genre. Grunge was an extremely angst-driven and raw movement that made for a lot of great music and killed a lot of what was wrong with music at the time. Unfortunately there were too many boring imitators. And you can't blame Grunge for Nickelback, blame Nickelback for Nickelback.
Well, I'm mainly talking about the big grunge acts. Niravana, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, etc. Even though I like some of their music, most of it was incredibly bland from a musical standpoint. Like eating plain toast.

As for Nickelback, I guess I'll compromise and blame Creed.


Zozz said:
Yea, you don't want the drop to destroy old hearing. They're too old to handle it.
My old roommate listened to nothing but dubstep. :\

I consider myself pretty open when it comes to music, but that stuff was just beyond putrid. Granted, I already am not a big fan of electronic music but I found dubstep to easily be the worst of the worst.


will learn eventually
Kano On The Phone said:
There isn't a person alive who doesn't feel like the music made when they were at their most impressionable is the most important ever made.

I was born 90 and I feel the 90s sucked.

The 80s is where all the good music is.


Jedeye Sniv said:
Goddamn you people. There is awesome music being released almost every day. If you think good music stopped being made after X-year then you just stopped looking hard enough. This thread makes me sad for all of you.

To be honest, I can find music I like from nearly anytime. Today's music though, just flat out blows. Maybe I'm not looking under the rocks which are under rocks to find it, but fact is I don't have to do that to find something good for nearly any other time. These days though, forget it.


notworksafe said:
My old roommate listened to nothing but dubstep. :\

I consider myself pretty open when it comes to music, but that stuff was just beyond putrid. Granted, I already am not a big fan of electronic music but I found dubstep to easily be the worst of the worst.
No doubt about, the new Dubstep stuff can be super generic and can turn people off. Still, I fucking love it when I see those asses go down on the drop. Bitches love Dubstep.


J-Rzez said:
To be honest, I can find music I like from nearly anytime. Today's music though, just flat out blows. Maybe I'm not looking under the rocks which are under rocks to find it, but fact is I don't have to do that to find something good for nearly any other time. These days though, forget it.
Arcade Fire
Kanye's newest
Strokes newest (just got leaked)
Mountain Goats
Big Boi's newest
Sleigh Bells

etc etc etc

There's still good music being made, it's just not on the radio or TV.

Zozz said:
Bitches love Dubstep.
This I can vouch for, if nothing else.


Yeef said:
Well, I'm mainly talking about the big grunge acts. Niravana, Pearl Jam, Foo Fighters, etc. Even though I like some of their music, most of it was incredibly bland from a musical standpoint. Like eating plain toast.

As for Nickelback, I guess I'll compromise and blame Creed.

Ah then we're going to have to agree to disagree because there's nothing bland about Nirvana and Pearl Jam for me. Two of the greats.
Two facts:

It's impossible to discuss this kind of thing without making broad generalizations and list wars.

During any given time period there are examples of good, original, inspired music and examples of complete garbage. And the latter will dwarf the former. Everybody knows this.

Those two facts stated, I think it would be pretty difficult to take, say, 1993 and 2003, compare the two years in music and come up with any metric where 2003 wins. You could be talking about stuff on the radio, underground stuff, hip hop... I just can't see an argument where 2003 is superior.


Good music is always there, but you need to look for it instead of waiting someone to tell you about this totally awesome band they just found out about. Listen to heavy metal and you'll never run out of good stuff to listen to.

Zozz said:
Bitches love Dubstep.
Must be a 33hz thing ;D


Duane Cunningham said:
Two facts:

It's impossible to discuss this kind of thing without making broad generalizations and list wars.

During any given time period there are examples of good, original, inspired music and examples of complete garbage. And the latter will dwarf the former. Everybody knows this.

Those two facts stated, I think it would be pretty difficult to take, say, 1993 and 2003, compare the two years in music and come up with any metric where 2003 wins. You could be talking about stuff on the radio, underground stuff, hip hop... I just can't see an argument where 2003 is superior.


Kano On The Phone said:
There isn't a person alive who doesn't feel like the music made when they were at their most impressionable is the most important ever made.

Hell no.

My formative years were from around 96-02, and the popular music of that time sucked, especially after 99 or so. Backstreet Boys, N'Sync and Britney Spears were constantly on the pop stations, mainstream hip hop was really starting to SUCK, and nu-metal was the big thing in rock. I could barely listen to the radio.

Mainstream rock didn't start getting listenable again until around 2004. Mainstream hip hop hasn't been listenable since around 98 except in club settings.


Genreless is a good term, a lot of people are complaining about a lack of 'rock' music when the use of guitars seems to have moved on in lots of different directions today.
Duane Cunningham said:
Those two facts stated, I think it would be pretty difficult to take, say, 1993 and 2003, compare the two years in music and come up with any metric where 2003 wins. You could be talking about stuff on the radio, underground stuff, hip hop... I just can't see an argument where 2003 is superior.
I'm sure some bastard could come along and say that in a battle between 1983 and 1993, there's no possible way for 1993 to win.


I think most people don't realize the true and amazing power of the internet when it comes to music. Most people will notice what is big and being presented at them, the top 40 shit, still every now and then a gem comes by and everyone across all sides really appreciates it.

Music diversity is so huge now these arguments are really invalid. It's pretty simple, people like to have perception of exclusivity. I don't like the new stuff, i'll go back and listen to stuff that's older then me or listen to what was popular in the day, "the good stuff"

There have been amazing artists that have cropped up in the the 00's and we're now entering the 10's. Saying otherwise is your lack of awareness in those artists. You can either bitch and moan and listen to the "good stuff" that is easily accessible due to their popularity from being around for over a decade or make an effort in listening to new things and discovering new music which takes a bit more effort, which is what people don't like to do. There is good music all the time.


Good god I hate these threads.

Stop. Stop perpetuating this shit. It was old in the 80s when they told me that I missed the 70's and it was old in the 90's when they told me I missed the 80s.

For any kid out there reading this please listen to me:

Make your own way. Don't listen to shitheads telling you that you missed something. You only miss things if you give up. There is music and art and movies and literature out there RIGHT NOW that will change your life.
gohepcat said:
Good god I hate these threads.

Stop. Stop perpetuating this shit. It was old in the 80s when they told me that I missed the 70's and it was old in the 90's when they told me I missed the 80s.

For any kid out there reading this please listen to me:

Make your own way. Don't listen to shitheads telling you that you missed something. You only miss things if you give up. There is music and art and movies and literature out there RIGHT NOW that will change your life.
Exactly. I have music spanning seven decades on my iPod.

There's all kinds of music being released today that if I brought it back in time to the '90s and played it for my teenage self I'd say "That's awesome!"


Forgotten in his cell
f0rk said:
Genreless is a good term, a lot of people are complaining about a lack of 'rock' music when the use of guitars seems to have moved on in lots of different directions today.

Exactly. I wouldn't call what The xx and Cut Copy "guitar music,", but they sure use them alot.

Jedeye Sniv

OK, I'm just going to post a long list of my personal favourite stuff that has come out in the 2000s. There is probably way way more great music that I've never even heard. Briefly in answer to the thesis put across in the OP, the bands you've listed were the biggest bands of their time. This doesn't happen so much any more, mostly because of the way music is marketed to children. However, saying that there is no good music any more is simply idiotic. I'll go alphabetically through my collection and I'll choose just one album by each band:

Adem - Love and Other Planets
Aereogramme - Sleep and Release
Amen (ok, it's 1999 but it's great)
...and you Will Know Us By the Trail of Dead - Source Tags and Codes
Animal Collective - Strawberry Jam
Arcade Fire - Funeral
Arctic Monkeys - Whatever People Say I am That's What I'm Not
Asobi Seksu - Citrus
At the Drive-In - Relationship of Command
The Avalanches - Since I left You
Bat For Lashes - Two Suns
Battles - Mirrored
Beck - Sea Change
Belle & Sebastian - Dear Catastrophe Waitress
Ben Folds - Rockin the Suburbs
Ben Kweller - Sha Sha
Beth Gibbons - Out of Season
Biffy Clyro - Blackened Sky (or Puzzles if you're a populist)
Bjork - Vespertine
Black Keys - Brothers
Blackalicious - Blazing Arrows
Bloc Party - Silent Alarm
Blood Brothers - Burn Piano Island Burn
Bon Iver- For Emma, Forever Ago
Bright Eyes - Lifted
British Sea Power - The Decline of British Sea Power
Broken Social Scene - You Forgot it in People
The Bronx
Cat Power - You Are Free
Cave-In - Jupiter
City and Colour - Sometimes
Clutch - Pure Rock Fury
CocoRosie - Noah's Ark
Conor Oberst
Converge - Jane Doe
Cansei De Ser Sexy
Danger Doom - The Mouse and the Mask
Death Cab for Cutie - Plans
Death From Above 1979 - You're a Woman, I'm a machine
Deerhunter - Halcyon Digest
Deftones - White Pony
Desaparecidos - Read Music Speak Spanish
Desert Sessions 9&10
Devendra Banheart - Rejoicing in the Hands
Dillinger Escape Plan - Ire Works
Dimmu Borgir - Death Cult Armageddon
Dirty Projectors - Bitte Orca
Dizzee Rascal - Maths and English
Dntel - Dumb Luck
Doves - The Last Broadcast
Dwarves - Come Clean
Eels - Blinking Lights / Souljacker
80s Matchbox B-Line Disaster - Horse of the Dog
Emmy the Great - First Love
Everclear - Songs from an American Movie vol 1 and 2
Explosions in the Sky - How Strange, Innocence
Fall of Troy - Doppelganger
Fang Island
Fiest - the Reminder
Finch - Say Hello to Sunshine
Flaming Lips - Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots
Fleet Foxes
Flight of the Conchords
Four Tet - Rounds
Frank Turner - Love Ire and Song
Freelance Whales - Weathervanes
Friendly Fires
Fugazi - The Arguement
Fujiya & Miyagi - Transparent Things
Future of the Left - Curses
Glassjaw - Worship and Tribute
Go! Team
Godspeed you Black Emperor - Raise your Skinny Fists...
Goldfrapp - Black Cherry
The Gossip - Standing in the Way of Control
Green Day - American Idiot
Groop Dogdrill - Every Six Seconds
Gutter Twins - Saturnalia
Head Automatica - Decadence
Health - Get Colour
Hell Is For Heroes - Neon Handshake
Hope of the States - Lost Riots
Hot Chip - Warning
Hundred Reasons - Ideas above Our Station
I'm From Barcelona - Let Me Introduce My Friends
I Come to Shanghai
Icarus Line - Mono
Interpol - Turn on the Bright Lights
Janelle Monae - Archandroid
Jenny Lewis - Rabbit Fur Coat
Jenny Owen Youngs - Batten the Hatches
Jetplane Landing - Zero for Conduct
Jimmy Eat Word - Futures
Joanna Newsom - Ys
Jonah Matranga - You're all these Things and Then You're none Vol 2
Jose Gonzalez - Veneer
Juliet and the Licks - ...Like a Bolt of Lightning
Justice - Cross
Kanye West - MBDTF
Klaxons - Myths of the Near Future
The Knife - Silent Shout
Kong - Snake Magnet
Kutiman - Thru You
Lamb of God - New American Gospel
LCD Soundsystem - Sound of Silver
Lightning Bolt - Hypermagic Mountain
Lightspeed Champion - Falling off the Lavender Bridge
Long Blondes - Someone to Drive You Home
Los Campesinos! - Hold on Now Youngster
M Ward - Post War
M83 - Dead Cities, Red Seas
Maps and Atlases - Perch Patchwork
Mark Lanegan - Bubblegum
Mars Volta - Deloused in the Comatorium
Martin Grech - Open Heart Zoo
Masters of Reality - Deep in the Hole
McClusky Do Dallas
Metric - Fantasies
Million Dead - Song to Ruin
Minus the Bear - Minos el Oso
Mogwai - Hardcore will Never Die but You Will
Mondo Generator - A Drug Problem that Never Existed
Monsters of Folk
Mum - Go Go Smear the Poison Ivy
Muse - Origin of Symmetry
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
NERD - In Search Of...
Naked and Famous - Passive Me Aggressive You
Nebula - Charged
New End Orignal - Thriller
Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero
Oceansize - Everyone into Position
Onelinedrawing - the Volunteers
Peaches - Fatherfucker
Pearl Jam
Peter Bjorn and John - Writer's Block
PJ Harvey - Stories from the City...
Poison the Well - You Came Before You
Polyphonic Spree - The Beginning Stages of
Postal Service - Give Up
The Prodigy - Invaders Must Die
Queen Adreena - Drink Me
Queens of the Stone Age - Songs for the Deaf
Radiohead - In Rainbows
Rage Against the Machine - Renegades
Regina Spektor - Begin to Hope
Reuben - In Nothing We Trust
Rival Schools - United By Fate
Russian Circles - Geneva
Saul Williams
Seasick Steve - I started out with nothing...
Shad - TSOL
She and Him - Volume Two
Shellac - 1000 Hurts
Sigur Ros - Takk
Sleigh Bells - Treats
Slow Club - Yeah So
Smashing Pumpkins - Machina II
Sparta - Wiretap Scars
Stars - Set Yourself on Fire
Strapping Young Lad
Sufjan Stevens - Illinoise
System of A Down - Toxicity
Tallest Man on Earth - The Wild Hunt
Temper Trap - Conditions
Test Icicles - For Screening Purposes Only
Them Crooked Vultures
These Arms Are Snakes - Tail Swallower and Dove
Thom Yorke - The Eraser
Thursday - Full Collapse
Titus Andronicus - The Monitor
Tool - Lateralus
TV On the Radio - Dear Science
Twilight Singers - She Loves You
Two Door Cinema Club - Tourist History
UNKLE - Never, Never Land
Walter Schreifels - An Open Letter to the Scene
White Stripes - White Blood Cells
William Shatner - Has Been
Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Fever To Tell
Yourcodenames:milo - Ignoto
65daysofstatic - We Were Exploding Anyway


So there :p

Jedeye Sniv

Zozz said:
I think most people don't realize the true and amazing power of the internet when it comes to music. Most people will notice what is big and being presented at them, the top 40 shit, still every now and then a gem comes by and everyone across all sides really appreciates it.

Music diversity is so huge now these arguments are really invalid. It's pretty simple, people like to have perception of exclusivity. I don't like the new stuff, i'll go back and listen to stuff that's older then me or listen to what was popular in the day, "the good stuff"

There have been amazing artists that have cropped up in the the 00's and we're now entering the 10's. Saying otherwise is your lack of awareness in those artists. You can either bitch and moan and listen to the "good stuff" that is easily accessible due to their popularity from being around for over a decade or make an effort in listening to new things and discovering new music which takes a bit more effort, which is what people don't like to do. There is good music all the time.

This man knows the deal. When the revolution comes you will be spared good sir.

Jedeye Sniv

teruterubozu said:
Strapping Young Lad but no Devin Townsend? You're missing out man.

lmao, it's a far from exhaustive list (apart from my fingers). No matter how much you hear there is always something else to try!
Meanwhile, in reality!


Best Selling Album: Ropin' The Wind by Garth Brooks

Top Five Singles:

01. Bryan Adams - (Everything I Do) I Do it For You
02. Michael Jackson - Black Or White
03. Roxette - Joyride
04. Scorpions - Winds of Change
05. R.E.M. - Losing My Religion


Best Selling Album: Some Gave All by Billy Ray Cyrus

Top Five Singles:

01. Whitney Houson - I Will Always Love You
02. Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit
03. Boyz II Men - End of the Road
04. Snap! - Rhythm is a Dancer
05. Mr Big - To Be With You


Best Selling Album: The Bodyguard Soundtrack

Top Five Singles:

01. Meatloaf - I'd Do Anything For Love (But I Won't Do That)
02. UB40 - I Can't Help Falling in Love With You
03. Four Non Blondes - What's Up?
04. Snow - Informer
05. Haddaway - What is Love?


Best Selling Album: The Lion King Soundtrack

Top Five Singles:

01. Bruce Springsteen - Streets of Philadelphia
02. Bryan Adams, Rod Stewart and Sting - All For Love
03. Rednex - Cotton Eye Joe
04. All-4-One - I Swear
05. Mariah Carey - Without You


Best Selling Album: Cracked Rear View by Hootie and the Blowfish

Top Five Singles:

01. Coolio - Gangsta's Paradise
02. Shaggy - Bombastic
03. Take That - Back for Good
04. Michael Jackson - You Are Not Alone
05. U2 - Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me


Best Selling Album: Jagged Little Pill by Alanis Morissette

Top Five Singles:

01. Spice Girls - Wannabe
02. The Fugees - Killing Me Softly
03. Los Del Rio - Macarena
04. Oasis - Wonderwall
05. Robert Miles - Children


Best Selling Album: Spice by Spice Girls

Top Five Singles:

01. Puff Daddy and Faith Evans - I'll Be Missing You
02. Elton John - Candle in the Wind '97
03. Aqua - Barbie Girl
04. No Doubt - Don't Speak
05. Hanson - Mmmbop

at least the OP is talking about music he likes instead of using an example of a crappy youtube song that came out last week or billboard charts


Kind of related :

Another argument i really hate is " This generation has ADD. Everyone listens to crap. Back in my day, everyone listened to creative and groundbreaking things "


Is that why 'Back in your day" most great and influential bands barely sold any records, barely got any media attention? Don't try and make it look like your generation was so sophisticated.



Even though I was born in the 80's and therefore spent my teen years at a later date than you, I agree. But only because music has gotten progressively worse as time goes on. Don't think you're anything special.
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