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Music of the Dynasty/Samurai Warriors Games?


What do you think about the soundtracks of the DW/SW games? I liked how both games combine traditional asian music with 'contemporary genres' (rock and techno respectively), but I've rarely thought "THAT SONG WAS AMAZING."

Well, except Musou Orochi/Warriors Orochi. You know, everyone who I've shown that game to is all like "The techno music does not suit it", etc. but man, OPTIC LINE (the music that plays when you're choosing a character) is so addicting. I wonder if there's anyone else who agrees. Samurai Scanners is also cool.

Other songs I like include Lu Bu's theme and Tadakatsu's themes (as heard in MO). That song that plays during the post battle theme in DW4 is cool (The one that's all rockish, then has some indian sounding woman singing every few seconds), and the ending theme, Cross Colours. But that may be just nostalgia or something.

Your opinion of the Musou Music? I heard the DW6 OST was brilliant, by the way.
I really like certain songs from Dynasty Warriors 3, and the intro for DW2 is catchy as well.

It reminds me of Samurai Shodown. I recall a lot of SS OST's I purchased having mixed rock and AZN tunes.

Although I was a bit disappointed that DW games just had remixed themes as they progressed. So I'm looking forward to DW6 hopefully having a completely new OST and not just remixes.


My wife's a huge DW music fan (oddly enough, I had never know her to enjoy that flavor of 'rock' before she started playing the game back in the day). While we were in Japan in the spring she got all google-eyed and bought the Dynasty Warrior Ultimate Box -- 7 CDs with 191 tracks of rockin' goodness :lol . I should try listening to them some time to remember the good old days of when we first learned to 'mow the lawn'.

I totally dig the Warriors Orochi music right now. Optic Line is often being hummed by either my wife or me around the house so I have to agree that it's just got that catch to it.
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