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My 4 year old is playing her first video game tonight. What was the first game you remember playing?

i remember playing Super Mario Bros on the NES so that i guess? but this wasn't when it came out. played it in the early 90's. i think i must've been about 4 at the time.


Enduro, Atari 2600, 1984, I was 4. Still remember my dad coming home from work around 8pm and setting it all up for me to have a go before I had to go to bed. I was hooked, it blew me away. Since then him and me collected most computers, games and consoles since then. He passed away two years ago but i've still got everything, between his old house and mine now with the wife both houses are practically gaming museums

The wife loves it :messenger_tears_of_joy:




The Wii U is still going strong in my household. It was my 14 year old daughters first introduction to gaming too. Now she’s put in over 200 hours into Tears of the Kingdom.

My 4 year old is going to play Super Mario 3D World. She’s super excited to play as Peach.

The first game that comes to mind for me is Super Mario Bros. Son the NES.
Good question, it was a game on the original Nintendo. Dont know the name but it was some fantasy kinda game. But I got a Nintendo 64 later for myself (birthday present), so yeah I played loads of Goldeneye, Ocarina of Time and Mario 64 then.
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1992 - Street Fighter 2 - SNES.

I was such a stupid kid that I traded in my copy once I also bought SF2 Turbo. I did end up buying the rare 8Bit 30th Anniversary Edition, but I still regret trading the first game I ever owned.
Pac-Man on 2600 in my family's living room when I was three. It was getting dark outside and the only light was coming from the TV. I kept playing so I wouldn't get scared.


My kids grew up on Nintendo consoles/handhelds. You can’t beat Nintendo as the introduction to gaming.

I can’t remember what my first game was. It was definitely something in an arcade room. Likely Pac-Man, Donkey Kong, or something from that era.


Super Mario Bros/Duck Hunt on the NES.
Same. So glad I got to enjoy the original NES. Fondest memories of:

Super Mario Bros 2 and 3
Duck Tales
TMNT2: The Arcade Game

Alternates include
Mega Man 2, Castlevania 3, Jackal, Double Dragon 2
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Gold Member
Missile Command on Atari and Smurfs on my uncle's Coleco when I was a wee tot visiting. Pacman and Donkey Kong in Pizza parlors and arcades.

My first ever "game system" was my uncle's C64 when be upgraded to the 128. I didn't get the NES until around 1988 or 1989.


Space Invader on computers in my school, the teacher made us playing it, I was like 6 or something. Then I played Adventure Island on NES at the same age. But the first console I owned was a GB with used copy of Choplifter II.
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Gold Member
Get ready. My daughter’s first video game was also at four. Now she is six and we finished It Takes Two a few months ago.

Anyway, my first game was some Soviet version of Pong at my cousin’s place. I also clearly remember that my first PC game was Dune II
Yeah, not my first rodeo. My 14 year old started with Mario. She then moved on to Minecraft, Pokémon, Roblox, and now is addicted to Zelda.
First video game from a console/PC I played was Mario Brothers on a neighbors NES. If you want to count the little Kanomi/Tiger LCD handheld games it would be one of those.


Technically Im pretty sure I had this weird Richard Scary/Mickey Mouse Video game machine that had these weird minigames on them youd play through the tv but in terms of real video games Mario Kart 64 was my first real one I played followed by Super Mario 64.
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4-Time GIF/Meme God
Enduro, and I was probably 4 too. Atari was my life until I owned a Genesis, in like 1998 - as a normal brazilian, I was poor


Got an nes for Christmas.
Played Mario bros, duck hunt, and top gun on Christmas Day. I was just about to turn 5. 89


Same as you OP, my first was Super Mario Bros on the NES, sometime around 88 or 89. My daughter's first game was Sonic The Hedgehog 1 at the age of 2, I've got great pics of her in a diaper standing entirely too close to the TV playing the game lol. She's still a Sonic head today, so I guess the first game can have a big impact on what you really get into with games. Is there a way for me to tell how many hours she's put into Minecraft on Xbox? I'm legit curious to see now, now that I'm going to admonish it in any way, just curious.


It probably wasn't actually my first, but my earliest that I can remember was Sonic The Hedgehog on a Sega Nomad.

I think I was instantly hooked.


Gold Member
My dad bought two used NES for us to play on in the 90s before the PS1 came out. So several titles from that. Mario Bros, Duck Hunt, and a few sidescrollers I can't remember the names of.
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Evil Calvin

Afraid of Boobs
THE first mass produced videogame Pong. It was on one of the various home consoles that had 'hockey' 'volleyball' 'pong' and another one which I don't remember. Basically variations of Pong. Must have been around 1977 or so


Pokémon Parentage Conspiracy Theorist
Frog & Flies on Atari 2600 when I was too young to remember, maybe even 2? The frog jumps back and forth between the left and right lillypads and you push the button to lick up the flies. Just about the most basic game you can make, haha.
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