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My 4 year old is playing her first video game tonight. What was the first game you remember playing?

My first game is often debated by my parents. My dad claims it's Doom. My mother claims it's Sonic the Hedgehog for the Mega Drive/Genesis. I don't even know myself but I do have early memories of playing them both.


Combat for Atari 2600, but Super Mario Bros was the thing that made me go "I think I'm going to love this for the rest of my life."
That was a little rough, but we were able to beat the first world. She’s wants to play first thing tomorrow morning now.

I created a monster!
I can't remember what my daughter's first actual game was, but she was also around 3-4. I probably let her play Super Mario Bros on the NES but have in the intervening years let her play a lot of different things. One of her early favorites was Plants vs Zombies on PC (the tower defense style game). Now she's into all kinds of games a few years later. She watched me beat Final Fantasy X and by the end of it she wanted to do her own playthrough which aside from a few bosses she mostly did it herself even though she must have only been 5 or 6. It's a pretty easy game.

She has since broadened into all kinds of games. She likes to play Age of Empires/II, Ultima Online, Asheron's Call, all kinds of stuff with me. She likes Zelda, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest Builders, Katamari Damacy, Morrowind/Skyrim, Fire Emblem, Mario Maker, Odyssey, Big Brain Academy, blah blah.. she loves a lot of good stuff, but some of the multiplayer PC games we play together are some of my favorite times. A



The game I most remembered vividly from my childhood.


Gold Member
Cherish these years, man. They go by quick! I wish I could go back to playing Minecraft, Terraria, and Castle Crashers with my daughters when they were 4-10 years old. Now they are 15 and 18 and we never co-op anymore. :(

I remember playing Pitfall and an Atari boxing game. I'm almost 42.
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Mario/duck hunt
Ninja gaiden
Blades of steal
Ice hockey

Those are my oldest memories. It feels like the NES gen lasted forever now that I think of it.
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Parody of actual AJUMP23
I have no idea what the first game I played was. Probably pong at a friends house. There use to be home machines just dedicated to pong.

It could be donkey Kong arcade.

Md Ray

The first ever game I remember playing was this beauty: MS-DOS version of Prince of Persia around late 90s, early 2000s and I was hooked to gaming since then.


Hunter 99

For me it was Sonic on mega drive, loved it but was so hard not having a save function so I used to get so far then die and see the dreaded "SEGA" screen reboot and eyes begin flooding with tears.
Also streets of rage 2 was the ultimate game I spent hundreds of hours with cousins,friends.
Still listen to the soundtrack today,it is literally so hype.love the way it makes you feel when your smacking punks in the face and fly kicking another haha.
The docks level with jet as the boss is my favourite track.its so awesome!!


I remember I wanted a Nintendo 64 with Diddy Kong Racing for Xmas. Fam couldn’t get it so I actually got it with Star Fox 64 instead. Remember being wowed when I discovered the alt route behind the waterfall on Corneria. No regrets.

Funny enough, never played GoldenEye, OOT, MM or Mario 64 until years later.


Playing myself super Mario bros, but I remember watching my sister play some commodore 64 games, one was an he-man one.

Patrick S.

My cousin had consoles and computers from a young age, and every summer we'd coincide in staying at my grandparent's, and he'd always bring his games.

The first I remember is "Web Wars", on the Vectrex console.


The next summer or so he already had a Commodore 64, and the first game I remember playing on it was The Last Ninja.


I loved that game!
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I played some Game & Watch stuff made by CASIO, I think it was called "Air Force Fighter". My first ever console game(s) was a packed-in 4-in-1 NES games cartridge containing: 1942, Twin Bee, Xevious and Super Mario Bros. My first PC game was Chess.
It would have been either Fishing Derby or Air-Sea Battle on the 2600. I remember playing those both at my uncle’s house when I was 2-3 years old. He actually allowed my family to borrow the console, but our TV didn’t have the proper connection according to my parents. I was sad.
Not 100% sure it was the first game I played, but the first I remember is Jungle Hunt on the Atari 5200. My first console was the Colecovision though.


I love reading this kind of threads. :)
Don't remember if it was my first game but i have vivid memories of playing Beetlejuice game on PC when i was a child.. It was like a checkers board and you played as Beetlejuice and jumped or something like that


My Dad bought my older brother an Intellevision, we did not play it that much but my first game was one of these games when I was probably 3 or 4:
1. Frogger
2. Missile Command
3. The Empire Strikes Back
4. Tron

Those definitely got played the most, owned a few other games for it. It wasn't until I saw a NES being played with Super Mario Bros and Castlevania that I realized games were awesome.


If it wasn't Super Mario Bros. than it was probably Frogger. My house didn't really have video games until my mom bought an NES to fix my motor skills but I have an early memory of Frogger since it's the one game my mom likes.


Gold Member
My Dad came home one day when I was 5 with a Commodore 16 and declared that “computers are the future of the planet” and I needed to learn how to use it. So I did, but the real hook for me was the starter pack which came with this little gem…

Such a terrible game but from the moment I loaded it was I hooked on gaming! Used to sneak into the front room in the middle of the night to load that shit up lol.

The C16 didn’t last long (I think it died a death), ended up getting a 2600 from a family friend and a C64 soon after than and have never looked back 💪


Very first? Some old DOS shit I can’t really remember the name of.

But otherwise a Number Munchers / Math Blaster type thing on Windows 3.1
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I recall when i got sick by the night, and took day off in the morning, and in near afternoon,
i was invited by my neighbor to play this game in their new Nintendo console back then.
we pass the joystick each time we lose 1 live.

few months later, i got my nes but with mario game rather than Rockman, bit disappointed back then.


Neo Member
Super Mario Bros on the NES. I think I was about 3-4 years old and it was in the very early 90s.

I was amazed that I could control the character on the screen.


is on perm warning for being a low level troll
It was either Fighter Pilot

or Elektraglide

both on my first home computer, an Atari 130XE.

I did play some games in arcades before that though. I especially remember Moon Patrol and a game with vector graphics and a race car in a maze.


It was Jungle Hunt on one of those Atari 2600 clones, but the first game I played in a true console was the first Sonic the Hedgehog for the Mega Drive, a year later.
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The first that I can personally remember was Ape Escape on the PS1

But my actual first game was Jersey Devil on PS1
I played it with my late brother
Sadly my memories of him are such a blur, I lost him even before I reached your daughters age
My parents bought my brother and I a PS1. when I was around 6 years old or so and my brother was 4 years old. My earliest memories are of (most likely) the first Ace Combat and not being able to understand what to do. The memory is fuzzy but I for sure remember just flying through an empty sky. My parents eventually returned that game I'm pretty sure because I don't have it anymore. And at some point I started playing Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone instead.
Something on Atari, not terribly memorable for me. The first real memory is when my Dad rented an NES and we also rented SMB and Top Gun. I’ll never forget my Dad used to hold the NES controller upside down playing Top Gun. OG inverted controls 🤣

My personal first memorable experience was with Final Fantasy 1 though.


Strawhat Pizza in the 1970s had a “light gun” game, where you would use an electronic gun to shoot clay pigeons. That’s the first I remember.

The first I had was probably the Sears version of 4-player Pong.
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