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My Burner is dead. I think.

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Steroid Distributor
I have a plextor CD burner and i've been trying to burn some stuff this morning to clean up my HD and transfer stuff to my new pc. Well I have had no luck actually completing anything as of yet. I keep getting an error message that says "no seek error". Does anyone know what that means? It doesnt seem to be able to get past the buffer test cycle. Sucks too cause the burner hasn't even been used that much. It is older though. But still it's not like it's been abused or that the buffer is anywhere near being completely used up yet either.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Buffers get used up?

My burner gets dust in it or something. I blow into it NES style and it starts working again. No more Sony or Samsung optical drives for me anymore.


Steroid Distributor
I've got some real cheap CD-Rs. I'm gonna pick up some better quality ones this afternoon and see if that makes a difference.


Nope, I'm just here for comedy relief. But uninstall it (software wise), and uninstall all of your burned apps (some of em may clash), reinstall, doesn't work? Boned.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
First time I saw the title I thought it said "Mr. Burns is dead".



Might as well post this in here too. My DVD burner doesn't seem to be working either. It'll still eject discs and such, but it it won't read any discs. Yesterday, it read all discs as blank, but now its gone back to not recognizing anything. Anyone ever have this problem before?
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