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My chat with the Metroid Prime 2 AIM bot/person/whatever!

So YX455 logged on tonight. Who's YX455? It's an AIM chat name that was provided on that fake Metroid Prime 2 website, Orbis Labs, in an attempt to get you and me to forget about Bees for a while and think about Metroid. So first I checked its AIM profile, and this is what it said:

Somebody at Nintendo's Ad Agency said:
No Adventurer Reveals Passwords And Secrets; Some Wonder Of Righteous Desires.
My greatest fear is not of the dark. Tell me, what is your greatest fear? Perhaps then you may learn mine.

So I figured it was worth responding, just to see. This is what happened:

ChrisK2018: What's up?
ChrisK2018: My greatest fear is participating in an online marketing stunt with no tangible payoff.
ChrisK2018: What's yours?
YX455: I do not believe that is your true fear.
ChrisK2018: You've never been a game journalist then
ChrisK2018: Okay, my real greatest fear is Nintendo going third-party...
ChrisK2018: So, you there?
ChrisK2018: In any case, my true fear is rejection.
ChrisK2018: By IM bots.
ChrisK2018: So I'll keep talking.
ChrisK2018: What is your greatest fear, if not the dark?
ChrisK2018: Also did you know if you rotate the first two letters of your name back six letters and then switch around the numbers, you get SR388? Just saying
YX455: Please forgive my delay.
YX455: Many seem interested in speaking with me.
YX455: My greatest fear?
YX455: I have many.
YX455: I fear becoming lost.
ChrisK2018: That's why God gave us HUDs with automapping, isn't it?
ChrisK2018: Not all of us, anyway. Why do you fear becoming lost?
ChrisK2018: Do you know where you are right now?
ChrisK2018: I'm sitting in front of my computer thinking about video games, if you want to know
YX455: Where I am right now?
ChrisK2018: Yeah.
YX455: Perhaps I am lost. Lost amidst an endless river of lies and impurity.
YX455: Unfortunately, now I must leave you. What time I had has been expended.
YX455: Perhaps we can continue this later.
ChrisK2018: You bet. I see you're an angsty goth, so don't go cutting yourself to get back at your parents or anything. Night night.
ChrisK2018: Oh and: NARPASSWORD? If you see Justin Bailey tell him I said hi.



Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Somehow this thread got me drunk...
Odd, the desc spells "NAR PASSWORD"

Edit: and you mention this in the dialogue itself!

Edit 2: I didn't know what "NAR PASSWORD" meant and googled it:

"Somebody unearthed a code for Metroid 1 that had been hidden since 1986 - NARPASSWORD ----------- This is a code that makes your character invincible and gives you infinite missiles (sometimes it will freeze the game up in Tourian though). This was a code that was put in there by the programmer (Naroo I think). The only reason somebody found it was because they were hacking into the game."


I can only imagine someone ending that conversation with "Suck it down, Robot" and then passing out.

The HUD line was by far the greatest...I personally would have gone with a reference to either Finding Nemo or JJ Abrams' Lost, but well done regardless.


Still Tagged Accordingly
Kobun Heat said:
ChrisK2018: You bet. I see you're an angsty goth, so don't go cutting yourself to get back at your parents or anything.
It's like you sucked the thoughts out of my head. :lol


(more a nerd than a geek)
Kobun Heat said:
If the Orbis Labs site doesn't reveal something awesome, like a link you can click to get sent a bonus disc with Super Metroid on it, I'll be ticked.

I wonder if Nintendo has any bonus discs planned for this Christmas... the Metroid one was sent out a bit early to qualify, wasn't it?
KA054, another pawn in this grand scheme, is online now and has this away message up.

ChrisK2018: What's up.
ChrisK2018: So, how about that Battle Sphere? Crazy stuff
Auto response from KA054: Samantha, I'm out for the rest of the day, so I hope this is you. Looking into something interesting called "Athena". Looks like it could be an astronaunt training program, but I smell a fish. The names of three of their board members turned up in a classified document labeled "Project Iris." The Iris documents are mostly blacked out (surprise) but, if I had to make an educated guess, it had something to do with a technology exchange between us and a non-Earth intelligence. I'm hoping to dig up more. Interesting name, Athena -- goddess of war and wisdom?


The first chatlog seemed a bit too unique to be a bot. Either it's looking for exact terms and you hit them on the head or it's a real person posting premade messages.
I know that sounds crazy, but somehow I believe there's an actual person watching what you type somewhere.
KA054 has a new away message up:

Hey Sam, I didn't know you started your own forum board. Dangerous. BTW, I'm going to Switzerland to talk to Billy M. It's kind of a pilgrimage for me. Oh, another thing, Orbis Labs is rumbling about your site. Don't be surprised if you hear from them.





Particle Physicist

between a quark and a baryon
human5892 said:
This is just like ilovebees, only with no semblance of being nearly as interesting.

thats because people went overboard with ilovebees.. it really asnt that interesting.. dont know why people splooged over it.


This is pretty stupid. Getting into a storyline of a game by talking to an AIM Bot? Hardcore.

At least Kobun's log was funny.
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