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My fucking nutjob neighbor


Neighbours from Hell
Follow up to this thread:

Dude has been back to his old tricks again only worse. He disappear for about a year, I don't know if he got arrested or whatever, I heard him this year talking to a neighbor about a restraining order, but this year he's been back to this shit but even worse.

To recap: he will let his car run for all hours of the day. His car is extremely loud. Not sure if it's a muffler or whatever. It doesn't matter the season or what temp it is outside, he lets it run a minimum of 15 minutes and that's rare. Anywhere from 15 minutes to over 2 hours he's let his car run idly. Sometimes with him in it, sometimes with him not in it at all.

Normal people(ie everyone I know) when they want to go somewhere they get in their car, start it, and drive off. Novel concept, I know. I've never seen him once, not a single time(no hyperbole) do that. Every single time he starts his car, the first thing he does is get out. Sometimes he comes back 15 minutes later, sometimes 2 hours later.

I confronted him about it several times. In the winter he gave me 2 reasons the first was "I need to let it run or the battery will die" this was after letting it run for over an hour. The next time, again in the winter, he said he needs to "let it run or the engine will crack."

Then he did it this summer and I confronted him and he said "sorry, I was going somewhere, but went inside and forgot" after leaving the car on for an hour.

But he's been out of control lately and has been revving his engine for hours at a time like crazy, yes hours at a time. He will sit in his car and just rev the engine over and over and over and then eventually get out and go inside. Called the cops, they won't do anything, it's a big city they got better shit to do. It wakes me up every fucking morning, and I confronted him and he just refuses to stop. I've avoided any physical confrontations or destruction of property, but I'm starting to get desperate and you know where that leads. Been a zombie lately because of this mother fucker. Sound insulation on my place sucks, and when I have an AC in the window, even the fucking car fumes manage to get in a little bit when he's doing it. I started recording a lot of it, and maybe document it and go to the cops with all the evidence. But not sure what else I can do, not sure he's breaking any serious big city laws that cops will make a stinks about.

From what I gather, and this is from hearing him talk to neighbors, and just doing my own deduction, my first impression without knowing anything about him was 100% right. I had to judge people, but I was right. He has no job, he lives on welfare, and can't afford a mechanic. His baby mama lives with him and she either is on welfare too or helps support him. And all he does is fiddle with these 2 piece of shit cars all day long. It's all he does. Dude seems healthy at least, so he's probably just mooching off the government and is too lazy to work, but who knows. All I know is there is not a day that goes by where he isn't out there fiddling under the hood of one of his cars, revving the engine, or letting it run. Utter insanity, I've never seen anything like this.

Those are 2 short clips of him today. He did that from 8 am this morning to 10 am, and has now been doing that since 4:30 pm to now which is almost 6.

Any advice is welcome. My friend said dude you've been dealing with this off and on for years now, just beat the shit out of him or torch his cars, but yeah kinda don't wanna go to jail.
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that is an impossible situation

these are the kind of people that end up on the news, if only you or another neighbor had a shorter fuse

what do your other neighbors think?

yeah i feel like sticking a potato in this scumbag's muffler

and worse, he might be a low key pity seeker, the worst type of human there is

i'll make all this noise they'll feel sorry for me and maybe they'll help me financially to get a new car

anyway, fuck this guy to his core


Neighbours from Hell
Just a friendly reminder that OP is fucking his best friend's wife.

lol GTFO my thread with this garbage, weirdo

that is an impossible situation

these are the kind of people that end up on the news, if only you or another neighbor had a shorter fuse

what do your other neighbors think?

yeah i feel like sticking a potato in this scumbag's muffler

and worse, he might be a low key pity seeker, the worst type of human there is

i'll make all this noise they'll feel sorry for me and maybe they'll help me financially to get a new car

anyway, fuck this guy to his core

Other neighbors complained too. Cops came the very first time years ago, but haven't come back since. I asked a couple cops and they said all you can do is keep hounding 911, I said that feels like a waste of resources for emergencies, they said well that's your only option. So I've called about 10 times since I made that initial thread years back and they haven't come back since.

I have no idea what the fuck he's doing. My gut tells me since he can't afford a mechanic, he knows nothing about cars, so thinks he's being some Fast and Furious type out there revving his engine. But his cars are pieces of shit. One is a 98 Eclipse and the other is like a 97 Lancer I think.
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lol GTFO my thread with this garbage, weirdo

Other neighbors complained too. Cops came the very first time years ago, but haven't come back since. I asked a couple cops and they said all you can do is keep hounding 911, I said that feels like a waste of resources for emergencies, they said well that's your only option. So I've called about 10 times since I made that initial thread years back and they haven't come back since.

I have no idea what the fuck he's doing. My gut tells me since he can't afford a mechanic, he knows nothing about cars, so thinks he's being some Fast and Furious type out there revving his engine. But his cars are pieces of shit. One is a 98 Eclipse and the other is like a 97 Lancer I think.
yeah i think the cops are right

be consistent with putting cops attention on him

this motherfucker disturbing the peace

get your neighbors involved too if they care as much


Yeah, hearing that for hours would irritate me too.
Perhaps he is trying to impress the women in the local area?


When I was small my mother had to call the cops over the neighbor’s dogs. She literally called every night for a month until they went over and saw the dogs weren’t being treated properly. After they got taken away. So yeah, it’s either that, or messing with him in your own way


Neighbours from Hell
yeah i think the cops are right

be consistent with putting cops attention on him

this motherfucker disturbing the peace

get your neighbors involved too if they care as much

Gonna try to find the number for the landlord.

Yeah, hearing that for hours would irritate me too.
Perhaps he is trying to impress the women in the local area?

No, he's not. The guy is a run down bum who wears the same clothes literally everyday. And that isn't hyperbole, he only has one shirt and one pair of jeans and he's worn them every single time I've seen him this year which is almost everyday. I just think he's dirt poor and is trying to tinker with his cars himself since he has nothing else to do or is a Fast and Furious wannabe. He has all these lame decals on his cars and one of them is spray painted. He just spray painted it black, it's such ghetto trash.

I ordered newer earplugs from Amazon, I'll see if they help, but I doubt it, you hear how loud that is, the windows are closed.
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I hate to say it but is moving an option?
Also, may want to tell landlord that you are moving and this is why. He may have some ideas since you are a paying tenant moving out and he may have the same problem with the next tenant.
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Neighbours from Hell
I hate to say it but is moving an option?
Also, may want to tell landlord that you are moving and this is why. He may have some ideas since you are a paying tenant moving out and he may have the same problem with the next tenant.

Not at all. Not logistically, financially, at all. Plus letting this loser drive me out of my home even if I could, which I can't right now.

This is gonna sound awful, but every time he drives off I hope for a fatal car accident.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
This is gonna sound awful, but every time he drives off I hope for a fatal car accident.


just kidding
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Neighbours from Hell
Yeah I’d sabotage his car. It’s one thing if he’s one of those idiots who thinks the car has to warm up for 45 minutes before driving but the revving? Fuck off, put some shit in his fuel tank, not like he’s gonna miss getting to work

Thought about it, still debating it. Problem is there’s no doubt he’ll retaliate, and his boys come by every once in a while and there’s no doubt in my mind they’re packing. Heard him talking once about what part of town he’s from and it’s all gangs and drugs around there. Not 100% sure, but I’d put my money on him realizing it was me who did it, calling up his boys and my place being shot up within 24 hours.


Honestly. For that level of noise he needs a dildo superglued to his bonnet.

We will wait patiently for the picture (y)
My suggestion would be noise-canceling headphones maybe wireless ones so that you could go around the house and do things with them on.



Neighbours from Hell
He’s still out there doing it right now. Only he drove around the block a bunch of times at like 50 mph and someone took his parking spot so he moved to another spot but he’s still out there doing it. We’re almost 2 hours from me posting this thread and at this point he’d already been doing it for over an hour.
He’s still out there doing it right now. Only he drove around the block a bunch of times at like 50 mph and someone took his parking spot so he moved to another spot but he’s still out there doing it. We’re almost 2 hours from me posting this thread and at this point he’d already been doing it for over an hour.

I wouldn't confront him he sounds out of it either from drugs or mentally like others have said here it sounds right and they might be right about him trying to get girls attention too. Have you ever tried noise canceling headphones? They can even block gunshot sounds pretty good, kinda pricey though.
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Got to read up and see what your county noise ordinances are. If he’s doing it at certain hours, he may be violating them, and the police will have to come and check. You could’ve had bad luck when you called the police and may just need to persist more.


Neighbours from Hell
I wouldn't confront him he sounds out of it either from drugs or mentally like others have said here it sounds right and they might be right about him trying to get girls attention too. Have you ever tried noise canceling headphones? They can even block gunshot sounds pretty good, kinda pricey though.
I’ll look into them if the earplugs don’t work.


Two-part epoxy in the door locks. They make it in a nice twin-barrel syringe. Or glue the gas cap on.

The spray-foam insulation in a can from Home Depot/Lowe's. Into the muffler. Or in front of the radiator. It might make it into the gas tank....

Cut/slice the valve stems on a tire or two or four.

Buy some catfish bait, dump it in the vents in front of the windshield (cars pull in air for the A/C and heater from those vents)

The boy scouts taught me so many things...
Maybe take an interest in what he's doing some day when you have the time. Visit him in a friendly non-confrontational manner and try to get to know him better - maybe try to get to know what drives this behavior.

Nothing good will come from escalating things - for either of you most likely.


Do you live in a place that has anti-idling laws? A quick google search shows me that many states seem to have them, where I live in Canada it's illegal after a certain amount of time, I forget what.


Neighbours from Hell
Maybe take an interest in what he's doing some day when you have the time. Visit him in a friendly non-confrontational manner and try to get to know him better - maybe try to get to know what drives this behavior.

Nothing good will come from escalating things - for either of you most likely.

I overheard him tonight talking with one of his boys and I heard him say "I can't get it to sound the way that I want, I'm about to toss this shit out" and his friend said "I think it's the oil bro I'm telling you"

I don't think he has a mental illness. I've talked with him briefly before when I confronted him, I've heard him talking to friends, neighbors. I just think he's a total fucking moron who knows nothing about cars, can't afford a mechanic, so just fiddles with his car everyday and is either too rude or too dumb to realize he's annoying the neighbors. Because when I confronted him he never threatened me, or got combative, but he did sound annoyed and kinda sarcastic, so who knows. I've heard him talk he just sounds really dumb.

But I mean, regardless of the reason, if you literally and I do mean literally have to fiddle under the hood with your car every single day for a year, it's time to take the fucking L and let it go or get a fucking job to afford a mechanic.


Ok..... so here's the only solution I can think of. Offer him to have his cars fixed if it'll shut him up.

Ideally you just want it to stop. I'm not saying it would work but if you can throw money at a problem to solve it, worth a try right?

Opposite all the legal actions you want to take which have done zero good, go the route of helping yourself by helping him.

Not say it'll work, in fact he'd probably sell the vehicles for a broken one he can work on all over again but that in itself would be an even better story, so......ROLL THE DICE!

Scotty W

Befriend him. Find out what kind of jobs he has had or can do. Find him a job. But be subtle about it. I know it is asking a lot to befriend a neighbor, but it would less of a hassle than the fallout from putting a banana in his tailpipe.


What the actual fuck.

Homestly OP get a noisemaker, a fan or something. Also a set of good earplugs should help.

Whats his sleep schedule? Find a way to make noise when he is sleeping without being obvious.


Take two ping pong balls, poke a hole in both with a nail or knife. Submerge them in paint thinner or mineral spirits until they have filled as much as possible, use a piece of scotch tape to seal the hole. Drop them in his gas tanks, both the thinner and gas will dissolve the ping pong ball and the tape, it will take a week or two, but it will completely destroy every working component that isn’t electronic in the engine. It can’t be traced as it leaves no sign of tampering.

I’m not one for destroying property unless I’ve tried every other option, but if somebody is ruining my peace and quiet consistently then fuck dude. Be like Denzel in the Equalizer, give him a chance to do the right thing lol. You can’t fight people anymore, you might get away with it, but usually someone catches a charge.


Neighbours from Hell
What the actual fuck.

Homestly OP get a noisemaker, a fan or something. Also a set of good earplugs should help.

Whats his sleep schedule? Find a way to make noise when he is sleeping without being obvious.
I have a white noise maker. In the summer the air conditioner drowned some of it out, but I'm a light sleeper so it would still wake me up and annoy me even when I'm home and awake. It's just annoying after a long time and it isn't just loud but it gives you a headache with the vibrations it causes, it really penetrates your bones. Now that Fall weather is here I won't have it anymore. I'll use the white noise device, but it doesn't get that loud. I'll see if the ear plugs help though. Not sure when he sleeps. I'd say anywhere from midnight to 2 am probably.
How many days of the week does he do this?
5-7 days. He's been on fire lately though, in the last 2 weeks there has only been one day he hasn't done it, and he's done it every day this week so far.
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