Neighbours from Hell
Follow up to this thread:
Dude has been back to his old tricks again only worse. He disappear for about a year, I don't know if he got arrested or whatever, I heard him this year talking to a neighbor about a restraining order, but this year he's been back to this shit but even worse.
To recap: he will let his car run for all hours of the day. His car is extremely loud. Not sure if it's a muffler or whatever. It doesn't matter the season or what temp it is outside, he lets it run a minimum of 15 minutes and that's rare. Anywhere from 15 minutes to over 2 hours he's let his car run idly. Sometimes with him in it, sometimes with him not in it at all.
Normal people(ie everyone I know) when they want to go somewhere they get in their car, start it, and drive off. Novel concept, I know. I've never seen him once, not a single time(no hyperbole) do that. Every single time he starts his car, the first thing he does is get out. Sometimes he comes back 15 minutes later, sometimes 2 hours later.
I confronted him about it several times. In the winter he gave me 2 reasons the first was "I need to let it run or the battery will die" this was after letting it run for over an hour. The next time, again in the winter, he said he needs to "let it run or the engine will crack."
Then he did it this summer and I confronted him and he said "sorry, I was going somewhere, but went inside and forgot" after leaving the car on for an hour.
But he's been out of control lately and has been revving his engine for hours at a time like crazy, yes hours at a time. He will sit in his car and just rev the engine over and over and over and then eventually get out and go inside. Called the cops, they won't do anything, it's a big city they got better shit to do. It wakes me up every fucking morning, and I confronted him and he just refuses to stop. I've avoided any physical confrontations or destruction of property, but I'm starting to get desperate and you know where that leads. Been a zombie lately because of this mother fucker. Sound insulation on my place sucks, and when I have an AC in the window, even the fucking car fumes manage to get in a little bit when he's doing it. I started recording a lot of it, and maybe document it and go to the cops with all the evidence. But not sure what else I can do, not sure he's breaking any serious big city laws that cops will make a stinks about.
From what I gather, and this is from hearing him talk to neighbors, and just doing my own deduction, my first impression without knowing anything about him was 100% right. I had to judge people, but I was right. He has no job, he lives on welfare, and can't afford a mechanic. His baby mama lives with him and she either is on welfare too or helps support him. And all he does is fiddle with these 2 piece of shit cars all day long. It's all he does. Dude seems healthy at least, so he's probably just mooching off the government and is too lazy to work, but who knows. All I know is there is not a day that goes by where he isn't out there fiddling under the hood of one of his cars, revving the engine, or letting it run. Utter insanity, I've never seen anything like this.
Those are 2 short clips of him today. He did that from 8 am this morning to 10 am, and has now been doing that since 4:30 pm to now which is almost 6.
Any advice is welcome. My friend said dude you've been dealing with this off and on for years now, just beat the shit out of him or torch his cars, but yeah kinda don't wanna go to jail.

Does anyone here know a lot about cars? If so, a question.
I have a neighbor, who every single day starts his car, and then lets it run and goes back inside his house and lets it run for several hours with no one in the car. Then he'll go back in his car rev the engine a bunch of times, inch up, reverse, inch up, reverse, then turn it off and go back...
Dude has been back to his old tricks again only worse. He disappear for about a year, I don't know if he got arrested or whatever, I heard him this year talking to a neighbor about a restraining order, but this year he's been back to this shit but even worse.
To recap: he will let his car run for all hours of the day. His car is extremely loud. Not sure if it's a muffler or whatever. It doesn't matter the season or what temp it is outside, he lets it run a minimum of 15 minutes and that's rare. Anywhere from 15 minutes to over 2 hours he's let his car run idly. Sometimes with him in it, sometimes with him not in it at all.
Normal people(ie everyone I know) when they want to go somewhere they get in their car, start it, and drive off. Novel concept, I know. I've never seen him once, not a single time(no hyperbole) do that. Every single time he starts his car, the first thing he does is get out. Sometimes he comes back 15 minutes later, sometimes 2 hours later.
I confronted him about it several times. In the winter he gave me 2 reasons the first was "I need to let it run or the battery will die" this was after letting it run for over an hour. The next time, again in the winter, he said he needs to "let it run or the engine will crack."
Then he did it this summer and I confronted him and he said "sorry, I was going somewhere, but went inside and forgot" after leaving the car on for an hour.
But he's been out of control lately and has been revving his engine for hours at a time like crazy, yes hours at a time. He will sit in his car and just rev the engine over and over and over and then eventually get out and go inside. Called the cops, they won't do anything, it's a big city they got better shit to do. It wakes me up every fucking morning, and I confronted him and he just refuses to stop. I've avoided any physical confrontations or destruction of property, but I'm starting to get desperate and you know where that leads. Been a zombie lately because of this mother fucker. Sound insulation on my place sucks, and when I have an AC in the window, even the fucking car fumes manage to get in a little bit when he's doing it. I started recording a lot of it, and maybe document it and go to the cops with all the evidence. But not sure what else I can do, not sure he's breaking any serious big city laws that cops will make a stinks about.
From what I gather, and this is from hearing him talk to neighbors, and just doing my own deduction, my first impression without knowing anything about him was 100% right. I had to judge people, but I was right. He has no job, he lives on welfare, and can't afford a mechanic. His baby mama lives with him and she either is on welfare too or helps support him. And all he does is fiddle with these 2 piece of shit cars all day long. It's all he does. Dude seems healthy at least, so he's probably just mooching off the government and is too lazy to work, but who knows. All I know is there is not a day that goes by where he isn't out there fiddling under the hood of one of his cars, revving the engine, or letting it run. Utter insanity, I've never seen anything like this.
Those are 2 short clips of him today. He did that from 8 am this morning to 10 am, and has now been doing that since 4:30 pm to now which is almost 6.
Any advice is welcome. My friend said dude you've been dealing with this off and on for years now, just beat the shit out of him or torch his cars, but yeah kinda don't wanna go to jail.
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