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My fucking nutjob neighbor


5-7 days. He's been on fire lately though, in the last 2 weeks there has only been one day he hasn't done it, and he's done it every day this week so far.

You don’t need to rev the car daily to keep the battery alive, he’s lying. I used to do it 2 weeks.

Go mow your lawn at 3a.m. and see how he likes it.


I have a white noise maker. In the summer the air conditioner drowned some of it out, but I'm a light sleeper so it would still wake me up and annoy me even when I'm home and awake. It's just annoying after a long time and it isn't just loud but it gives you a headache with the vibrations it causes, it really penetrates your bones. Now that Fall weather is here I won't have it anymore. I'll use the white noise device, but it doesn't get that loud. I'll see if the ear plugs help though. Not sure when he sleeps. I'd say anywhere from midnight to 2 am probably.

5-7 days. He's been on fire lately though, in the last 2 weeks there has only been one day he hasn't done it, and he's done it every day this week so far.

Yeah. I understand the position your in. You dont wanna punch the guy and get shot by his boys, or get police called on you.

Those white noisemakers arent loud at all. Thats why i think maybe a floor box or circular fan might help. I live near an overpass where 18 wheelers jake brake all the time. If it wasnt for my fan the noise would get me.

Also like I said, ear plugs do work well but if you use an alarm for work theyll drown that out also.

I listened to those clips though. What an asshole.


If the cops aren't doing any thing then go full brap and slash his tires and break his windows. Metal bat. If he's got a problem break his fucking bones with the bat. I'd literally go insane if I had to listen to that fucking retards shitty little car all day and night. Also plead insanity. Say you were sleep deprived or something.


What you describe sounds a lot like an obsessive compulize disorder based on rituals around his car. I'd imagine this man is suffering from this behavior as well.

Perhaps talking it out would work, but I am skeptical based on your previous encounters. He might actually want to stop his rituals but cannot. It is also better to try to approach things civilly as well.

Of course, sabotage is wrong, not only from a legal perspective but from a moral one as well. Always try to be the better man and not lower oneself to petty revenge is what we should do as men.

I'd say speak to the neighbors who would likely be experiencing the same problems you are and build a report to send to the authorities, be it a landlord or the police.


Neighbours from Hell
What you describe sounds a lot like an obsessive compulize disorder based on rituals around his car. I'd imagine this man is suffering from this behavior as well.

Perhaps talking it out would work, but I am skeptical based on your previous encounters. He might actually want to stop his rituals but cannot. It is also better to try to approach things civilly as well.

Of course, sabotage is wrong, not only from a legal perspective but from a moral one as well. Always try to be the better man and not lower oneself to petty revenge is what we should do as men.

I'd say speak to the neighbors who would likely be experiencing the same problems you are and build a report to send to the authorities, be it a landlord or the police.

I thought about OCD as well, I had a girlfriend before who had it so I know the signs quite well, and I caught him several times walking circles around his car just admiring it while it’s running and turning it on to clean the outside of it with soap and water(which makes no logical sense even for the dumbest car person) made me think of potentially OCD.


Neighbours from Hell
If you have something you want to say about that topic, post it in there or PM me. Would appreciate if you don't derail this with a misguided and factually false agenda, thanks.


Neighbours from Hell
He’s not my best friend, he’s a dude I met on a message board who I hung out with a handful of times because we bonded over the same sports teams, and I consider him a friend, he’s not one of my closest friends or close to it, nor I for him. He introduced me to his wife, we bonded over the same chronic illness and grew super close because of it, she helped me when I almost died from a severe bacterial infection that exacerbated my already present condition, that she also suffered with before and knew how to deal with it and was there to support me when I dropped to under 120 pounds and had to get an operation because of the damage it did to me. Since then we’ve been super close and I don’t know if I’d be here if not for her support and advice and medical knowledge.

I never slept with her, never even kissed her, he’s the only person she ever had sex with

Every single friend of hers told her to get the fuck out of that marriage after shit spiraled out of control. I was the only one who suggested she stick it out for the sake of their kid until she got suicidal and cried to me several times telling me she needed to get a divorce or she was gonna kill herself.

Everything else is people projected falsities and untruths and/or misreading what I posted or me doing a poor job explaining it. She’s looking to go back to school and move in with another friend of hers and start the next chapter of her life. And I’ll be supporting her for anything she needs along the way, just like she supported me at the lowest point of my life.

This is the last I will say in this matter in this thread. Again, if you have something to say to me about that say it there or PM.

Xaero Gravity

He’s not my best friend, he’s a dude I met on a message board who I hung out with a handful of times because we bonded over the same sports teams, and I consider him a friend, he’s not one of my closest friends or close to it, nor I for him. He introduced me to his wife, we bonded over the same chronic illness and grew super close because of it, she helped me when I almost died from a severe bacterial infection that exacerbated my already present condition, that she also suffered with before and knew how to deal with it and was there to support me when I dropped to under 120 pounds and had to get an operation because of the damage it did to me. Since then we’ve been super close and I don’t know if I’d be here if not for her support and advice and medical knowledge.

I never slept with her, never even kissed her, he’s the only person she ever had sex with

Every single friend of hers told her to get the fuck out of that marriage after shit spiraled out of control. I was the only one who suggested she stick it out for the sake of their kid until she got suicidal and cried to me several times telling me she needed to get a divorce or she was gonna kill herself.

Everything else is people projected falsities and untruths and/or misreading what I posted or me doing a poor job explaining it. She’s looking to go back to school and move in with another friend of hers and start the next chapter of her life. And I’ll be supporting her for anything she needs along the way, just like she supported me at the lowest point of my life.

This is the last I will say in this matter in this thread. Again, if you have something to say to me about that say it there or PM.
MHK is just teasing you.

And he's secretly jealous. If you want to get him back though, just fuck his sister like I did


Neighbours from Hell
Couldn’t have been sure either way, but regardless didn’t want people unaware of that topic and come in here believing falsities.
Take two ping pong balls, poke a hole in both with a nail or knife. Submerge them in paint thinner or mineral spirits until they have filled as much as possible, use a piece of scotch tape to seal the hole. Drop them in his gas tanks, both the thinner and gas will dissolve the ping pong ball and the tape, it will take a week or two, but it will completely destroy every working component that isn’t electronic in the engine. It can’t be traced as it leaves no sign of tampering.

I’m not one for destroying property unless I’ve tried every other option, but if somebody is ruining my peace and quiet consistently then fuck dude. Be like Denzel in the Equalizer, give him a chance to do the right thing lol. You can’t fight people anymore, you might get away with it, but usually someone catches a charge.

The only problem I see with this is that the dude is obviously insane and obsessed with his cars. For all DragoonKain DragoonKain knows he sits around all day peaking out of the window facing these junkers with a loaded gun just waiting for someone to mess with them.

If only there was a long-range untraceable way to disable the car. The only thing I can think of is a directed microwave device.


The only thing I can suggest that might help is some kind of background noise to drown out his car. Like, ocean waves or rain or some shit on YouTube played through speakers in the room where you're looking for peace and quiet.

I had an asshole a couple years back, across the parking lot who would start his no-muffler-having-box-of-shit-car at 4am every morning, let it run for 20-30 minutes (longer in the winter, with an added bonus of a screeching fucking serpentine belt), waking me up two hours early, and leaving me unable to go back to sleep. Day after fucking day. Like you, I approached him, twice, but it didn't matter. Called the cops, didn't matter. Every day, the same shit . The guy was driving me mother. fucking. mad.

I tried different things but, finally, bought a cheap set of 2.1 speakers, set them up inside my bed headboard, connected them to my phone, and played various 10-hour white noise tracks from YouTube while I slept, loud enough to drown him out. It helped. I'd say 90% effective overall. He still woke me now and then, but the white noise at least got me sleeping through most nights.
Eventually, the cunt got a different car, but I still listen to the noise tracks to this day. I've found that I sleep better with them than without them.

I have a pretty good idea of what you're going through, and I sincerely sympathize. But unless you're prepared to go to war with this douchebag, I think the best you can do is drown him out.

Good luck, m8. 👍


The Tribe Has Spoken
If you don’t know any bikers. Go to a biker bar. Pay a couple of bikers to come over and sit at the front. When he starts revving his engine, get them to mosey over there and tell him that if he ever does that again, they will break his legs.

Works every time.


Unconfirmed Member
If the cops aren't doing any thing then go full brap and slash his tires and break his windows. Metal bat. If he's got a problem break his fucking bones with the bat. I'd literally go insane if I had to listen to that fucking retards shitty little car all day and night. Also plead insanity. Say you were sleep deprived or something.

Calm down killer


Had neighbor in similar vein but with music. Dude often blown up music like 3am. Said to him multiple times that he shouldn't do it because people want to fucking sleep. "ok, i will not do it", nope dude got back to it like 2 days later.

What i did. Bought myself used amp + concert speaker. After 3 days of non stop of this:

dude capitulated

Your job is even more easy. Dude doesn't work. Get those speakers turn them up and just go to work.


Report the care as stolen to the police if its on the street,what I mean is call the police and tell them a car has been parked outside for a long time without being driven? ( not really lying) It’s taking up space on the street.
Chances are it’s not insured or registered .
Try calling his landlord and tell him his car is leaking fluids everywhere maybe by chance he has a talk with them .
Desperate measure get a cheap ass car for a couple hundred bucks and smash into his POS and say it was a accident?


Unconfirmed Member
Alt to committing crimes
Buy a house far from people or in a nice neighborhood where people follow rules


What you describe sounds a lot like an obsessive compulize disorder based on rituals around his car. I'd imagine this man is suffering from this behavior as well.

Perhaps talking it out would work, but I am skeptical based on your previous encounters. He might actually want to stop his rituals but cannot. It is also better to try to approach things civilly as well.

Of course, sabotage is wrong, not only from a legal perspective but from a moral one as well. Always try to be the better man and not lower oneself to petty revenge is what we should do as men.

I'd say speak to the neighbors who would likely be experiencing the same problems you are and build a report to send to the authorities, be it a landlord or the police.

You must have had a nice life. Dude already tried everything you said. Sabotage, beating the fuck out of someone, of course it’s wrong. Clearly you’ve never experienced individuals that have no respect for their neighbors and view police as problem solvers of domestic disputes like this. If everyone were like you criminals would rule the world. At a certain point you can’t tuck your tail and avoid conflict. I’d have already told this guy, it’s over, full stop. You do this again you will have no cars to tinker with.
Call a Mechanic and tell him that your car keeps turning on and it won't shut off.

Show him the Neighbours Car and ask him if he can shut the engine off permenantly because you can't afford the money to keep it on all day and that you would rather walk to work.

He can then take out the parts that rev up the engine and leave.

Give him the money and bonus tip and watch your neighbour lose his shit when he realises the car won't run.

Problem solved!


Why do you care id he leaves his car idling? Maybe you antagonized him and now he is just fucking with you. People probably need to mind their own business.


Draw a penis on the hood of the car with paint thinner. Or like I said, glue the gas cap shut. Or the door to his house Everytime he leaves....

Xaero Gravity

Break into his house while he sleeps, and crazy glue his eyes, mouth, nostrils, and fingers shut.

Probably best you ignore me on this one
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You must have had a nice life. Dude already tried everything you said. Sabotage, beating the fuck out of someone, of course it’s wrong. Clearly you’ve never experienced individuals that have no respect for their neighbors and view police as problem solvers of domestic disputes like this. If everyone were like you criminals would rule the world. At a certain point you can’t tuck your tail and avoid conflict. I’d have already told this guy, it’s over, full stop. You do this again you will have no cars to tinker with.

Violence and sabotage is almost never a solution, the only point one would be justified in such behavior is if the neighbor is actively trying to kill you (which isn't happening here). We are supposed to act with honor and righteousness as men, setting examples for others.

OP doesn't seem to have exhausted all his options. I don't think he has communed with his neighbors and spoken with the landlord (though I could be wrong).

What do you mean by your last statement? I sense some malice.


Why do you care id he leaves his car idling? Maybe you antagonized him and now he is just fucking with you. People probably need to mind their own business.

He is gunning the motor at high rpm, it’s not just quietly idling. That shit is annoying af, every day for several hours a day. I’d be in my window with a suppressed sniper rifle after a week of that.


Violence and sabotage is almost never a solution, the only point one would be justified in such behavior is if the neighbor is actively trying to kill you (which isn't happening here). We are supposed to act with honor and righteousness as men, setting examples for others.

OP doesn't seem to have exhausted all his options. I don't think he has communed with his neighbors and spoken with the landlord (though I could be wrong).

What do you mean by your last statement? I sense some malice.

Again, I don’t think you’ve ever in your life dealt with conflict with someone who ignores reason and logic. You’re in for a treat.


Again, I don’t think you’ve ever in your life dealt with conflict with someone who ignores reason and logic. You’re in for a treat.
You don't know who I am nor what is happening in my life. Perhaps I have had an easy life, but whether or not I experience hardship has nothing to do with the conversation at hand. It is important to act with virtue and honor even in the face of difficulty, regardless of circumstances.


Again, I don’t think you’ve ever in your life dealt with conflict with someone who ignores reason and logic. You’re in for a treat.

Ive done it both ways. I have put up with some really annoying shit from neighbors like OP.

One night in August two years ago a neighbor began letting off M1000s which scared the shit out of my youngest. I called the police and they didnt bother showing up.

When my wife walked in the room holding the babies ears and I saw my child crying I walked outside and told them to quit. Dude told me to mind my business. So I went off and said "Im gonna shove one of those up your fucking ass". They looked at me funny.

One guy stood up and the other said "come on well go somewhere else" Thats the short version. I left a couple words out.

Never spoke again, good or bad.


You don't know who I am nor what is happening in my life. Perhaps I have had an easy life, but whether or not I experience hardship has nothing to do with the conversation at hand. It is important to act with virtue and honor even in the face of difficulty, regardless of circumstances.

I know that your viewpoint is informed by your life experience. Your viewpoint suggests inexperience to me. So it actually has a lot to do with the conversation, and more importantly, effective methods to resolve the problem.


Hire some dudes to steal his ride when it's running without him inside. ;)

In my country it's actually easy to get a ticket for leaving a car in idle, even if it's for the purpose of warming the engine during winter.
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I know that your viewpoint is informed by your life experience. Your viewpoint suggests inexperience to me. So it actually has a lot to do with the conversation, and more importantly, effective methods to resolve the problem.
Again, you don't know me. My viewpoint could exist regardless if I have gotten into squabbles with neighbors or people who behave irrationally. My point still stands on behaving with orderly and proper conduct. But this conversation has absolutely nothing to the subject at hand and I will stop derailing it now.


Thought about it, still debating it. Problem is there’s no doubt he’ll retaliate, and his boys come by every once in a while and there’s no doubt in my mind they’re packing. Heard him talking once about what part of town he’s from and it’s all gangs and drugs around there. Not 100% sure, but I’d put my money on him realizing it was me who did it, calling up his boys and my place being shot up within 24 hours.

Given all that, I’ll echo the others’ sentiments and say move the fuck out hah


See when he sleeps. Make noise. Do this endlessly.

Just get some speakers, put them in your garage, let engine sound 10hour loop run every single day. And turn it off when u come home. Do this every day. Even if he asks you to stop. Just keep doing it for months on end.

Just get him so annoyed that he either moves, or call cops on you. When cops come over just say oh yea i make sound music for youtube and sometimes it acts up and just starts to autoplay my bad.

If it doesn't work, change your sleep time a bit and start like the other guy say mow your yarn in the middle of the night every day. Then if he complains, u say oh u will stop and then just keep doing it. The same as this guy does for a few weeks behind eachother. See it as a train out.

Basically do the same to this guy.

Another good thing is, if he has dogs and you don't. Put a dog sound speaker outside and let it run for 8 hours long when u go to your work. It will freak the dogs out and he will go nuts because of it.

If nothing works move.
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You don't know who I am nor what is happening in my life. Perhaps I have had an easy life, but whether or not I experience hardship has nothing to do with the conversation at hand. It is important to act with virtue and honor even in the face of difficulty, regardless of circumstances.

Just a friendly piece of advice for you to take or leave as you wish: you are correct that is what humanity should aspire to, but in the real world void of rules and where virtue is only as relevant as the group as a whole give it credit for, you have to account that the opposition is willing to gain the upper hand by ignoring virtue and fairness and that will then be the height the proverbial bar is set to and you will be setting yourself up for failure by hanging onto your virtue . And in the end the victorious write history and no one cares 100 years from now if the winners won fairly or not. And as such when dealing with normal people in this present society we live in, violence is always an option wether you like it or not. Weather you prepair for the possibility of that outcome or not is up to you.


OP didn't respond to my question, but I'll just say it again, I would check local anti-idling laws.
1) buy a jerry can
2) go to the gas station, fill it up with a couple gallons of diesel
3) dump it in his car(s)

they wont be running any time soon


How much $$$ are you willing to spend?

Maybe tell him you know a good mechanic and offer to have them help him "fix" his car.

Tell him if you get him some professional help will he stop running his car all the time and see what he says. Might cost you a bit but it could be worth it for you.

Or have the mechanic sabatoge his car like the poster above said while they are "fixing" it.

Not sure if you might be able to get a boot on his car, see if he is breaking any ordinances, noise/pollution/parking and see what could be done.

I wouldn't suggest fucking with his shit unless you are willing to get into a fight with the guy and his boys.


Just a friendly piece of advice for you to take or leave as you wish: you are correct that is what humanity should aspire to, but in the real world void of rules and where virtue is only as relevant as the group as a whole give it credit for, you have to account that the opposition is willing to gain the upper hand by ignoring virtue and fairness and that will then be the height the proverbial bar is set to and you will be setting yourself up for failure by hanging onto your virtue . And in the end the victorious write history and no one cares 100 years from now if the winners won fairly or not. And as such when dealing with normal people in this present society we live in, violence is always an option wether you like it or not. Weather you prepair for the possibility of that outcome or not is up to you.
I try to become a saint in my conduct. It is in the best interest of every person to act with virtue and abhor violence. If I am slighted, I think either ignoring the insult or politely addressing it with the aggressor if they are receptive would likely be the best course of action. It doesn't matter if someone takes advantage of me in some way, I need to take the highroad. A good society cannot exist without people acting with good will.

I apologize, but I will not speak anymore on this specific matter as it has nothing to do with OP's problems.


I think you need to figure out why he leaves the car running. I mean that's gotta just be generating needless pollution. Maybe say, you know dude, whats's the issue with the car exactly? Why are you constantly just running it and revving the engine? What's the intent? because it's hugely distracting to everyone around here.
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