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My fucking nutjob neighbor


Neighbours from Hell
OP didn't respond to my question, but I'll just say it again, I would check local anti-idling laws.
Sorry I looked them up and apparently they’re something like 20 minutes in the winter or something, I forget exactly. That said, I highly doubt the city police will enforce it, I spoke to a cop friend who said it’s basically like jaywalking or going 2 mph over the speed limit, they aren’t gonna ticket people it for it or even talk to someone about it in a big city. If this was the burbs maybe.

Lots of good advice in here. And btw he did it again this morning but only for about 30 minutes. Then he drove off. I’ll start with the landlord, if he can’t help, go from there.
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Neighbours from Hell

That’s from 10 minutes ago.

Heard him say to his baby mama “I’ve had it with this shit, I don’t know what’s wrong I’ve tried everything, put a fucking thousand dollar turbo into this shit and it’s cost me more money. Bout to call the tow truck and just pay them to take this shit”



That’s from 10 minutes ago.

Heard him say to his baby mama “I’ve had it with this shit, I don’t know what’s wrong I’ve tried everything, put a fucking thousand dollar turbo into this shit and it’s cost me more money. Bout to call the tow truck and just pay them to take this shit”

That's an empty threat. If he's dumb and wasted a ton of money, he wouldn't get rid of it if it was a flaming wreck, because to him that wreck represents a significant investment.

Your best bet is to make friends with a tuner/mechanic, and pay him to come help you fix this guy's mess.


°Temp. member
I feel for you OP. The past 3 months I’ve been having a rough time trying to sleep with apartment neighbors that make noise during the night. You try to call the cops and they don’t care. You just want to live your life and other people are ruining your peace of mind on a daily basis. If it brings you any comfort, know that you’re not the only one annoyed by their neighbors and I hope things work out for you soon!
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John Day

He’s chopping bodies while the car is on. Serial killer material there.

Or he’s fucking someone’s wife and she’s loud. Choose carefully.


1. Siphon all the fuel out of all his cars over night so he can't run them. He'd have to walk and bring back a jerry can or push his car for however many miles to the nearest gas station, giving you peace and quiet for a while anyway.
2. Put dog shit in his fuel tank.
3. The next time he leaves his car running, take it for a test drive into the nearest river.


Unconfirmed Member
1. Siphon all the fuel out of all his cars over night so he can't run them. He'd have to walk and bring back a jerry can or push his car for however many miles to the nearest gas station, giving you peace and quiet for a while anyway.
2. Put dog shit in his fuel tank.
3. The next time he leaves his car running, take it for a test drive into the nearest river.
Too hard. Just cut a hole in his fuel tank with a drill if you are already doing a crime. At the end of the day I think fucking with other people's cars is a dick move but w/e.


OP all you need:


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Neighbours from Hell
A little bit ago he came outside, started his car, moved it up 3 feet , got out, went inside, let it sit for 30 minutes, came back out, moved it back 3 feet to its original spot, turned it off, got out, walked circles around the car examining it, then went back inside.


The Tribe Has Spoken
A little bit ago he came outside, started his car, moved it up 3 feet , got out, went inside, let it sit for 30 minutes, came back out, moved it back 3 feet to its original spot, turned it off, got out, walked circles around the car examining it, then went back inside.
Maybe he’s OCD?

John Day

A little bit ago he came outside, started his car, moved it up 3 feet , got out, went inside, let it sit for 30 minutes, came back out, moved it back 3 feet to its original spot, turned it off, got out, walked circles around the car examining it, then went back inside.
Oh shit he reads GAF. You be next.


Follow up to this thread:

Dude has been back to his old tricks again only worse. He disappear for about a year, I don't know if he got arrested or whatever, I heard him this year talking to a neighbor about a restraining order, but this year he's been back to this shit but even worse.

To recap: he will let his car run for all hours of the day. His car is extremely loud. Not sure if it's a muffler or whatever. It doesn't matter the season or what temp it is outside, he lets it run a minimum of 15 minutes and that's rare. Anywhere from 15 minutes to over 2 hours he's let his car run idly. Sometimes with him in it, sometimes with him not in it at all.

Normal people(ie everyone I know) when they want to go somewhere they get in their car, start it, and drive off. Novel concept, I know. I've never seen him once, not a single time(no hyperbole) do that. Every single time he starts his car, the first thing he does is get out. Sometimes he comes back 15 minutes later, sometimes 2 hours later.

I confronted him about it several times. In the winter he gave me 2 reasons the first was "I need to let it run or the battery will die" this was after letting it run for over an hour. The next time, again in the winter, he said he needs to "let it run or the engine will crack."

Then he did it this summer and I confronted him and he said "sorry, I was going somewhere, but went inside and forgot" after leaving the car on for an hour.

But he's been out of control lately and has been revving his engine for hours at a time like crazy, yes hours at a time. He will sit in his car and just rev the engine over and over and over and then eventually get out and go inside. Called the cops, they won't do anything, it's a big city they got better shit to do. It wakes me up every fucking morning, and I confronted him and he just refuses to stop. I've avoided any physical confrontations or destruction of property, but I'm starting to get desperate and you know where that leads. Been a zombie lately because of this mother fucker. Sound insulation on my place sucks, and when I have an AC in the window, even the fucking car fumes manage to get in a little bit when he's doing it. I started recording a lot of it, and maybe document it and go to the cops with all the evidence. But not sure what else I can do, not sure he's breaking any serious big city laws that cops will make a stinks about.

From what I gather, and this is from hearing him talk to neighbors, and just doing my own deduction, my first impression without knowing anything about him was 100% right. I had to judge people, but I was right. He has no job, he lives on welfare, and can't afford a mechanic. His baby mama lives with him and she either is on welfare too or helps support him. And all he does is fiddle with these 2 piece of shit cars all day long. It's all he does. Dude seems healthy at least, so he's probably just mooching off the government and is too lazy to work, but who knows. All I know is there is not a day that goes by where he isn't out there fiddling under the hood of one of his cars, revving the engine, or letting it run. Utter insanity, I've never seen anything like this.

Those are 2 short clips of him today. He did that from 8 am this morning to 10 am, and has now been doing that since 4:30 pm to now which is almost 6.

Any advice is welcome. My friend said dude you've been dealing with this off and on for years now, just beat the shit out of him or torch his cars, but yeah kinda don't wanna go to jail.

Hahaha. To funny,
But seriously, re-evaluate your life situation. Do you want to spend the rest of your life in that suburb next to that guy or some other fuckwit?
Move somewhere nicer. You will not regret it.


Violence and sabotage is almost never a solution, the only point one would be justified in such behavior is if the neighbor is actively trying to kill you (which isn't happening here). We are supposed to act with honor and righteousness as men, setting examples for others.

OP doesn't seem to have exhausted all his options. I don't think he has communed with his neighbors and spoken with the landlord (though I could be wrong).

What do you mean by your last statement? I sense some malice.

You are mistaken sir.
Violence is a completely valid negotiation technique. It shows that you have both strength and determination to overcome any obstacle in the negotiations.
Violence can often solve problems that words can not.
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Neighbours from Hell

I found the property owner of the building and contacted him and he went off on me.

He said I'm harassing the neighbor(not the other way around) he has every right to do what he wants with his car, he said he provided the neighbor a list of lawyers to contact about racial discrimination and that I'm only complaining because he's black. He said he's allowed to rev his engines and let his cars run whenever he wants and for as long as he wants. He also said I've been littering trash on his property out of spite. No idea what he's even talking about there I don't put trash anywhere but trash cans. And basically told me to fuck off and hung up. So there's that.

This problem clearly isn't going away.
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lil puff

Not a lot you can do about rude neighbors, they don't know any better.

Around my way people like to just park their car and blast loud music while they just sit outside doing nothing.
Typically we have a city complaint line for this, but they won't do shit unless half the building complains.

The idea that people need to have their music so loud that you hear it 2 blocks away is some sad ass attention seeking, I got a small dick, daddy didn't want me mommy didn't hug me enough bullshit.


Neighbours from Hell
It's such an odd situation, because he's not doing anything awful, just being annoying. But I posted the video clips. You can see how fucking annoying that is. Imagine having to deal with that all the time constantly, and then him complaining that you're the one being unfair to him.

The whole situation is a joke. Wish I could move, but I can't right now.


It's such an odd situation, because he's not doing anything awful, just being annoying. But I posted the video clips. You can see how fucking annoying that is. Imagine having to deal with that all the time constantly, and then him complaining that you're the one being unfair to him.

The whole situation is a joke. Wish I could move, but I can't right now.
Do you have a sound level meter or a air quality monitor of some sort (CO2, PM2.5, etc).
Maybe it is possible to make a case based off these measurements?

Tell all the neighboor soccer moms that their kids might develop asthma or autism due to constant exposure to poisonous car exhaust, particulate matter and noise.
Say that their kids will drop IQ and perform worse in school due to this. Have the measurement device with you, even if the levels are within "safe zone" seeing the numbers will make them freak the fuck out. Collect signatures from them!

It sounds like the property owner is an ass, which makes things much harder.

You should probably move if possible, in the meanwhile you can buy one of those 3M Peltor Earmuffs, they take off 20-30 dBL depending on the frequency spectrum of the noise. But they are not a good long term solution as they heat up the ears and can lead to ear infections, etc.



I found the property owner of the building and contacted him and he went off on me.

He said I'm harassing the neighbor(not the other way around) he has every right to do what he wants with his car, he said he provided the neighbor a list of lawyers to contact about racial discrimination and that I'm only complaining because he's black. He said he's allowed to rev his engines and let his cars run whenever he wants and for as long as he wants. He also said I've been littering trash on his property out of spite. No idea what he's even talking about there I don't put trash anywhere but trash cans. And basically told me to fuck off and hung up. So there's that.

This problem clearly isn't going away.

So the property owner is a REEE poster?


Neighbours from Hell
Do you have a sound level meter or a air quality monitor of some sort (CO2, PM2.5, etc).
Maybe it is possible to make a case based off these measurements?

Tell all the neighboor soccer moms that their kids might develop asthma or autism due to constant exposure to poisonous car exhaust, particulate matter and noise.
Say that their kids will drop IQ and perform worse in school due to this. Have the measurement device with you, even if the levels are within "safe zone" seeing the numbers will make them freak the fuck out. Collect signatures from them!

It sounds like the property owner is an ass, which makes things much harder.

You should probably move if possible, in the meanwhile you can buy one of those 3M Peltor Earmuffs, they take off 20-30 dBL depending on the frequency spectrum of the noise. But they are not a good long term solution as they heat up the ears and can lead to ear infections, etc.

It's a major city, so no law enforcement would get involved, unfortunately. I called the cops a few times they didn't come and I stopped.

The property owner was definitely an ass. He had an attitude and started yelling at me from jump. He said the neighbor reported me to him for harassment. In 3 years, I've spoken to the neighbor twice. Twice, in 3 years and that's "harassment." He's like "the neighbor is a great man and you're harassing him because he's black, who cares about letting a car run and revving an engine of all things to complain about." I told him he has no idea how loud it is, the car is modified in some way it makes it sound like a really loud motorcycle all the time and imagine it being right next to your window and either running idly for an hour or revving the engine for an hour.

And I don't think the neighbor is a bad guy, I just think he's too dumb to realize.

Did you show your asshole property owner the video?
I would move out as soon as I could .

I spoke to him on the phone so, no.

He's doing it right now as we speak, will post a clip in min.
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It's a major city, so no law enforcement would get involved, unfortunately. I called the cops a few times they didn't come and I stopped.
Are there any woman with kids nearby?
They will flip out and make things happen if you make a case (with a measuring devices and all) how exposure to noise pollution and poisonous car exhaust will negatively impact their children (asthma, autism, IQ, etc).
Don't underestimate the power of the soccermom!

If you don't have neighboors which you can win over to your side, then it's tough with a shitty property owner.
Good luck.


I spoke to him on the phone so, no.

If possible see if you can send him the video and have him judge for himself how annoying it really is.
If possible call a lawyer and see if there’s anything you can do legally to make your neighbor stop this craziness.


Neighbours from Hell

Not sure if you can tell how loud it is from there, but it’s been running like that currently for half an hour.
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Not sure if you can tell how loud it is from there, but it’s been running like that currently for half an hour.

How many decibels dB(SPL) is this?
There are multiple apps on the phone that measure it.

Of course it would be better if you could get your hands on one of these:


And have the reading visible in the video.
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Neighbours from Hell
How many decibels dB(SPL) is this?
There are multiple apps on the phone that measure it.

Of course it would be better if you could get your hands on one of these:


And have the reading visible in the video.
I’ll try to measure it next time, but do I need to measure it from my home or next to the car?


I’ll try to measure it next time, but do I need to measure it from my home or next to the car?
Normally from inside your home, bedroom, etc.

But you can measure it next to the car too just out of curiosity (to compare and show how loud it is to regular cars at the same distance).
You can measure it next to where your other neighboors live too, to show how this issue doesn't affect just you alone.

The more data the better.
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Neighbours from Hell
Are there any woman with kids nearby?
They will flip out and make things happen if you make a case (with a measuring devices and all) how exposure to noise pollution and poisonous car exhaust will negatively impact their children (asthma, autism, IQ, etc).
Don't underestimate the power of the soccermom!

If you don't have neighboors which you can win over to your side, then it's tough with a shitty property owner.
Good luck.
One neighbor also had an issue with it but they have since moved out lol, so I no longer have them. No women or kids nearby. It’ll be tough, also I’m the one next door so the sound may be dampened the farther away someone is.


Many “Whelps”! Handle It!
I have a neighbor who bangs on shit in his back yard at around 1PM every Saturday and Sunday. Loud as hell. I've watched him do it, no idea why. It seems completely random - some days it's an old trashcan, some days it's two pots and pans together. I guess it's some kind of stress relief thing or something, but damn it's annoying.
I mean, I understand people who turn on their car and let it sit idle for 2 minutes. I get it, they let the engine warm up a little bit in wintertime, so that the oil starts actually flowing.
But more then 2 minutes is insane. And revving the engine is just bizzare, dude's probably on meth or something.
I hear if you put bleach or sand in someone's tank, it'll destroy the engine in matter of minutes. I'm just saying.


Neighbours from Hell
I mean, I understand people who turn on their car and let it sit idle for 2 minutes. I get it, they let the engine warm up a little bit in wintertime, so that the oil starts actually flowing.
But more then 2 minutes is insane. And revving the engine is just bizzare, dude's probably on meth or something.
I hear if you put bleach or sand in someone's tank, it'll destroy the engine in matter of minutes. I'm just saying.

I'm glad you said that, because I always try to put myself in the other person's shoes. And when I called the property owner, when he went off on a tirade on me, I stopped and asked myself if I'm the one overreacting, if I'm the one being a dick. Because I didn't expect the owner to even know what I was talking about and I was all ready to explain the situation and not only did he know, but he blamed me as the one being the harasser.

But yeah, I went through it all in my head, and I've spoken to the guy twice in 3 years. Left a very polite letter a month ago and wished him a great holiday because on Thanksgiving morning he let the car run for an hour and a half. That's it. Meanwhile, I have to put up with this crap every single day. And you're right more than a few minutes is unheard of. But he does it a MINIMUM of 20 minutes each time he starts the car. Which is several times a day. Many times over an hour he does it. Revs the engine all the time as well. Every single day I have to put up with it. Frankly, I think speaking to him in a very polite calm manner 2 times and leaving one letter in a 3 year span is a very restrained way of politely way of dealing with this in a civil way.

And I have a chronic illness and the medications I take make me very tired, as does the illness. Imagine a day where you're in a shit ton of pain and not being able to sleep, finally passing out after trying for hours and that damn car jolting you out of your sleep and you can't fall back to sleep until it drives off, which sometimes is an hour after he starts it. This happens all the time. Several times a week.

And many times he doesn't even drive somewhere. Even if he was a total idiot and thought his car was gonna implode if he didn't run the car for 30+ minutes each time he drove it(which is dumb enough) many times he will start it, go back inside, come out an hour and a half later and turn it off. Then go back inside. And it's fucking loud as hell. Imagine having a damn motorcycle running next to your window, and sometimes the fumes get in too when it's running for a long time.

I know there are the decibel laws people have touched on here, but I looked up and my state does have laws against running cars. I think you get 15 minutes in the winter if it's below freezing or something. Now, since I'm not a dick, I'm not gonna try to get him fined for running a fucking car, it's why I called the property owner and didn't run to the police station to file a report.

And as I type this I hear him ranting outside to a fellow neighbor about me, F this, F that he's popping off. I'm sure he's spinning it his way, he already did, accused me of being a racist, and throwing trash on his property. Which is rich because for the last few years I'm the one dealing with that, some rando has been putting food and trash in my mailbox.
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Neo Member
I would've recommended sending an anonymous tip to the police about potential drug use, but there's too many eyes on you right now. Sabotage isn't going to do it either, but maybe finding other things to report on may help. I've seen that you think that they're on benefits, do you have any suspicion as to what type? If so, look up the fraud for it and if you can observe anything that would be a violation then report it. You can also take a shot in the dark and see if it's SSI. You may not know which disability that he's claiming, but if it's one of being able bodied then you might be able to get some alarm bells ringing or at least a check.
I feel you man.
There are 2 possible solutions to this. That's how I'd handle it.
I'd go there and beat the shit out him, if I'm not stronger then him, then I'd hire 2 or 3 dudes to deliver my message.
Or the tank option. But I feel, putting stuff in his tank is just a temporary solution. I think beating him is way better and gets the message sent clearly.


Neighbours from Hell
I feel you man.
There are 2 possible solutions to this. That's how I'd handle it.
I'd go there and beat the shit out him, if I'm not stronger then him, then I'd hire 2 or 3 dudes to deliver my message.
Or the tank option. But I feel, putting stuff in his tank is just a temporary solution. I think beating him is way better and gets the message sent clearly.

He knows people from the bad part of town, I saw one of his boys packing. I'm not gonna go that route. Even if he didn't, if I attacked him, he'd have the case he needed against me to say I'm harassing him and racial discrimination. Right now he has no case because I've done nothing to him. I've politely spoken to him twice and left a polite letter months apart over a 3 year span.

If I did something to the car he'd definitely know it was me at this point, then we'd get into the whole retaliation game. I'm still pondering some ideas. I don't think he works I think he's on welfare, so if he started getting ticketed, maybe he'd stop because he couldn't afford to pay it.


It sounds like the building owner is his friend or just likes him. I don’t see a way to get a resolution to the situation since you said you already contacted the police and they did nothing.

Most counties in the US have local noise ordinances. If I were in your situation, I’d first look up the local rules and based on that possibly contact a lawyer to discuss your options. If the building owner is in violation of anything, you could at the very least create a pain in his ass that you can conveniently make go away if he gets the loud guy to stop his shit.
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The Tribe Has Spoken
- Open your window
- Place a speaker there
- Turn it up to 100
- Play Meatloaf’s Bat Outta Hell from 9am until 5pm everyday, 7 days a week
- Wait for a call from the property owner
- Tell him to stick it


Neighbours from Hell
The owner said “he’s a great man and you’re harassing the poor guy because he’s black.”

He also said, there’s a guy across the street who does the same thing but you targeted my tenant specifically because of the color of his skin. There isn’t a neighbor across the street who does the same thing it’s totally made up. No one else on the street does it except one guy who has a super silent car who lets it run for 2-5 minutes in the mornings in the winter, but he’s several doors down and not across the street. Not 30 minutes to over an hour, and doesn’t rev his engine.

Also this engine stuff is just the latest of his nonsense. He used to blast his sound system which was a full sound system in the back at full volume with full bass right next to my house all day. That was insane it was the loudest thing I ever heard it knocked everything off the walls it was so loud, I can’t even explain how loud it was. This only stopped because several neighbors called the cops, not just me. I had a neighbor come from down the street and talk to me about it once she was like I don’t know how you put up with that it’s so loud, it disturbs us and I live 5 doors down.

So he does have a history of being completely ignorant to his neighbors when doing shit.
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I think you're looking at it all wrong. From what I can tell, he sounds like a criminal ghetto dude that lives on welfare.
There's no point in any civil discussion with him. He's not breaking any major laws, ie he ain't dealing drugs or murdering someone, so the police won't actually do anything because you can't stand noise. It's just the way it is, he could maybe get fined but it isn't a felony so he ain't gonna go in jail. And he's gonna annoy you even more when he knows that this is annoying you.
You're possibly dealing with a psycho with low iq and is probably some sort of an alpha male. The only thing people with his personality type understand, is brute force and fear.
You need to show that you have a bigger dick then him. Either by intimidating him, beating him up, annoying him more then he annoys you or by having mafioso friends. That's just the way it is. It ain't gonna work any other way. Or you can move out.
Good luck man.


This is such a bizarre situation. OP, you told how you talked to his landlord. Did you speak to your own as well? Because your landlord will probably not be happy to hear how his property is being diminished in value because of such an annoying neighbour. Assuming that you have a landlord, of course.

Other than that... damn. I read the thread back in october, but I still cannot quite understand. For instance, what would happen if you walked over to your neighbour and straight out asked: "Could you please turn off the engine? It's annoying me." If he answered No, ask him to state his reasoning for why he thinks to have the right to be an annoying prick constantly.
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